Alluvial Plots

Download a copy of the vignette to follow along here: alluvial_plots.Rmd

Alluvial plots can be generated to visualize how changing the number of clusters influences the distribution of observations according to one (or a few) features of interest.

First, some data setup just as was done in the previous vignettes.


# Generate data_list
my_dl <- data_list(
        data = expression_df,
        name = "genes_1_and_2_exp",
        domain = "gene_expression",
        type = "continuous"
        data = methylation_df,
        name = "genes_1_and_2_meth",
        domain = "gene_methylation",
        type = "continuous"
        data = gender_df,
        name = "gender",
        domain = "demographics",
        type = "categorical"
        data = diagnosis_df,
        name = "diagnosis",
        domain = "clinical",
        type = "categorical"
    uid = "patient_id"

my_sc <- snf_config(
    n_solutions = 1,
    max_k = 40
## ℹ No distance functions specified. Using defaults.
## ℹ No clustering functions specified. Using defaults.
sol_df <- batch_snf(
    dl = my_dl,
    sc = my_sc,
    return_sim_mats = TRUE

sim_mats <- sim_mats_list(sol_df)

similarity_matrix <- sim_mats[[1]]

Next, assemble a list clustering algorithm functions that cover the range of the number of clusters you’d like to visualize. The example below uses spectral_two to spectral_six, which are spectral clustering functions covering 2 clusters to 6 clusters respectively.

# Spectral clustering functions ranging from 2 to 6 clusters
cluster_sequence <- list(

Then, we can either generate an alluvial plot covering our similarity matrix over these clustering algorithms for data in a data_list:

    cluster_sequence = cluster_sequence,
    similarity_matrix = similarity_matrix,
    dl = my_dl,
    key_outcome = "gender", # the name of the feature of interest
    key_label = "Gender", # how the feature of interest should be displayed
    extra_outcomes = "diagnosis", # more features to plot but not colour by
    title = "Gender Across Cluster Counts"

Or in an external data frame:

extra_data <- dplyr::inner_join(
    by = "patient_id"
) |>
    dplyr::mutate(uid = paste0("uid_", patient_id))

##   patient_id gender       diagnosis     uid
## 1        660 female definite asthma uid_660
## 2        420 female possible asthma uid_420
## 3        252 female definite asthma uid_252
## 4        173 female       no asthma uid_173
## 5        327 female definite asthma uid_327
## 6        245 female definite asthma uid_245
    cluster_sequence = cluster_sequence,
    similarity_matrix = similarity_matrix,
    data = extra_data,
    key_outcome = "gender",
    key_label = "Gender",
    extra_outcomes = "diagnosis",
    title = "Gender Across Cluster Counts"

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