Parallel Processing

Download a copy of the vignette to follow along here: parallel_processing.Rmd

metasnf can use future apply to run the rows of a settings data frame in parallel.

Parallel processing has some overhead cost, so it’s possible that your particular situation won’t greatly benefit (or may even run slower) with parallel processing enabled.

However, if you have access to multiple cores and each integration you are running is quite intensive, the parallel processing will likely help speed things up quite a lot.

Basic usage

# Load the package

# Setting up the data
dl <- data_list(
    list(cort_t, "cortical_thickness", "neuroimaging", "continuous"),
    list(cort_sa, "cortical_surface_area", "neuroimaging", "continuous"),
    list(subc_v, "subcortical_volume", "neuroimaging", "continuous"),
    list(income, "household_income", "demographics", "continuous"),
    list(pubertal, "pubertal_status", "demographics", "continuous"),
    uid = "unique_id"

# Specifying 10 different sets of settings for SNF
sc <- snf_config(
    dl = dl,
    n_solutions = 10,
    max_k = 40

sol_df <- batch_snf(
    processes = "max" # Can also be a specific integer

Including a progress bar

Use the progressr package to visualize the progress of parallel batch_snf.

    sol_df <- batch_snf(
        processes = "max"

Number of processes

Setting processes to “max” will make use of as many cores as R can find.

If you want to dial things back a little, you can specify more precisely the number of processes you want:

sol_df <- batch_snf(
    processes = 4

To find out how many processes you have access to (or at least, how many metasnf will think you have access to), use the availableCores() function from the future package:


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