miWQS 0.4.4

miWQS 0.4.3

The names of quantile()’s result no longer depend on the global getOption(“digits”), but quantile() gets a new optional argument digits = 7 instead.

miWQS 0.4.2

miWQS 0.4.1

miWQS 0.4.0 – TO CRAN

Breaking Changes

New Functions

Minor Updates

miWQS 0.2.0

New Features

Minor Improvements and Changes

miWQS 0.1.0

Breaking changes

New Features

Minor improvements and fixes

miWQS 0.0.9

miWQS 0.0.8

miWQS 0.0.7

miWQS 0.0.0

mirror server hosted at Truenetwork, Russian Federation.