mlr3shiny: Machine Learning in Shiny with mlr3

Build Status

This application provides the basic steps of a machine learning workflow from a graphical user interface built with Shiny. It uses the functionalities of the R-package mlr3.

Current functionalities of mlr3shiny are: * Data import * Creation of a task for supervised learning (regression, classification) * Use of a set of algorithms as learners * Training and evaluation of the generated models * Benchmarking to compare several learners on a task simultaneously * Prediction on new data using the trained learner * Explain trained learner


Tetzlaff, L. and Szepannek G. (2022): mlr3shiny—State-of-the-art machine learning made easy, SoftwareX 20, DOI: 10.1016/j.softx.2022.101246.


Install the package in R via CRAN:


Install the development version of the package in R from GitHub.



Launch the application via:


Usage Description

Navigate over the different steps of the workflow using the menu bar. The tabs are chronologically ordered. The question mark in the top-right corner provides more information on the functionalities and purpose of each section. Start by importing a dataset. Then define a task (the problem to be solved) in the ‘task’ tab. Example tasks are already provided. Select different learners (algorithms) in the ‘learner’ tab and train and evaluate a model in ‘train & evaluate’. Resampling strategies can be applied in a sub-section of ‘train & evaluate’. Alternatively, different learners can be compared in a benchmark. Use the final model to make a prediction on new data in the ‘predict’ tab. An explanation of the final model from the predict tab can be made in the ‘explain’ tab.

References to Algorithms

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