Lifecycle: stable Project Status: Active - The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. CRAN status CRAN: Release Date Code size Last Commit at Main R-CMD-check

modelbpp: Model BIC Posterior Probability

(Version 0.1.5 updated on 2024-09-16, release history)

This package is for assessing model uncertainty in structural equation modeling (SEM) by the BIC posterior probabilities of the fitted model and its neighboring models, based on the method presented in Wu, Cheung, and Leung (2020). The package name, modelbpp, stands for model bayesian posterior probability.


For more information on this package, please visit its GitHub page:


The stable CRAN version can be installed by install.packages():


The latest developmental-but-stable version of this package can be installed by remotes::install_github:



If you have any suggestions or found any bugs, please feel feel to open a GitHub issue. Thanks.

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