morrowplots morrowplots website

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Use morrowplots to load, explore, and analyze nearly 150 years of agricultural data from the historic Morrow Plots at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Data collection and formats have evolved over time, and this dataset was created to aggregate decades of tabular data (previously in various physical and digital forms) into a format compatible with the R programming language. Vignettes provide mini lessons on the history of the Morrow Plots and example code for exploration of the data.


You can install the stable version from CRAN.


You can install the development version Github:

# install.packages("devtools")


Data is structured as a dataframe in the Tidy Data format so that each variable has its own column, each observation has its own row, and each value has its own cell.

## preview first 12 rows of data
kable(morrowplots[1:12, ])
phase year plot plot_num plot_dir rotation corn crop variety all_corn yield_bush yield_ton treated treatment manure lime nit p205 k20 stover population plant_date plant_day soil_sample damage notes
1 1888 3NA 3 NW 1 TRUE CC Burr’s White FALSE 54.3 NA FALSE none NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1888-05-04 125 FALSE NA NA
1 1888 3NB 3 NW 1 TRUE CC Burr’s White FALSE 54.3 NA FALSE none NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1888-05-04 125 FALSE NA NA
1 1888 3NC 3 NE 1 TRUE CC Burr’s White FALSE 54.3 NA FALSE none NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1888-05-04 125 FALSE NA NA
1 1888 3ND 3 NE 1 TRUE CC Burr’s White FALSE 54.3 NA FALSE none NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1888-05-04 125 FALSE NA NA
1 1888 3SA 3 SW 1 TRUE CC Burr’s White FALSE 54.3 NA FALSE none NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1888-05-04 125 FALSE NA NA
1 1888 3SB 3 SW 1 TRUE CC Burr’s White FALSE 54.3 NA FALSE none NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1888-05-04 125 FALSE NA NA
1 1888 3SC 3 SE 1 TRUE CC Burr’s White FALSE 54.3 NA FALSE none NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1888-05-04 125 FALSE NA NA
1 1888 3SD 3 SE 1 TRUE CC Burr’s White FALSE 54.3 NA FALSE none NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1888-05-04 125 FALSE NA NA
1 1888 4NA 4 NW 2 TRUE C Burr’s White FALSE 49.5 NA FALSE none NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1888-05-04 125 FALSE NA NA
1 1888 4NB 4 NW 2 TRUE C Burr’s White FALSE 49.5 NA FALSE none NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1888-05-04 125 FALSE NA NA
1 1888 4NC 4 NE 2 TRUE C Burr’s White FALSE 49.5 NA FALSE none NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1888-05-04 125 FALSE NA NA
1 1888 4ND 4 NE 2 TRUE C Burr’s White FALSE 49.5 NA FALSE none NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1888-05-04 125 FALSE NA NA


The codebook that describes all variables is available in the help documentation.




An integer between 1-5 that describes the important stages of the experiment when plot size, crop rotation or treatments changed.


Date in YYYY format for year crops were planted and harvested.


Character string that indicates the plot number, North/South location, and A/B/C/D subplot (see Data Sources section above for an important note about plot names); values are 3NA; 3NB; 3NC; 3ND; 3SA; 3SB; 3SC; 3SD; 4NA; 4NB; 4NC; 4ND; 4SA; 4SB; 4SC; 4SD; 5NA; 5NB; 5NC; 5ND; 5SA; 5SB; 5SC; 5SD


Integer of 3, 4, or 5 for the plot number without subplot indicators.


Character string that indicates the north/south and east/west direction; values are NE, NW, SE, or SW.


An integer of 1, 2, or 3 that describes the year in the crop rotation schedule.


A true or false variable to make it easy to group corn in rotation and continuous corn.


Character string that for the crop planted with separate values for corn in rotation and continuous corn; values are A (alfalfa), C (corn), CC (continuous corn), H (hay), O (oats), or S (soybean).


Character string with free text of the crop variety name.


A true or false variable indicating whether this was a year when corn was planted in all plots.


Integer value of yeilds for all crops except hay in bushels/acre.


Integer value of yeild of hay in tons/acre.


A true or false variable indicating whether or not this plot was treated that year.


Character string that describes the treatment plan for this plot; values are none, MLrP, MLbP, 0LNsPK, MLrPNsPK, LNPK, LHNPK, or MLP.


An integer for the specific amount of manure applied to this plot this year in lbs/plot.


An integer for the specific amount of lime applied to this plot this year in tons/acre


An integer for the specific amount of nitrogen applied to this plot this year in lbs/acre.


An integer for the specific amount of phosphorus (on an oxide basis) applied to this plot this year in lbs/acre.


An integer for the specific amount of potassium (on an oxide basis) applied to this plot this year in lbs/acre.


An integer for the amount of stover or straw removed in tons/acre.


An integer for the number of plants based on counts from hand harvesting in plants/acre.


Date the crop was planted in MM/DD/YYYY format.


An integer that indicates the nth day in the year that the crop was planted.


A true or false variable that indicates whether there is at least one soil sample for this plot and year.


Character string with free text describing known sources of significant damage to crops that year.


Character string with free text for any notes that do not fit in other fields.


Dataset published in the Illinois Data Bank at

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