ngramr 1.10.0
- NOTE: this is a major release and removes some functionality
- Update for new corpuses
- Remove the add_count option (no data provided by Google)
- Remove drop_corpus (Google no longer supports the :corpus operator
for the current corpus)
ngramr 1.9.1-1.9.3
- Fix package after more changes to the Google Ngram Viewer
ngramr 1.9.0
- Fix package after latest changes to the Google Ngram Viewer
ngramr 1.8.3
ngramr 1.8.2
- Suppress testing of all examples that make internet calls (fail
ngramr 1.8.1
- Handle offline state
- Skip testing if offline
ngramr 1.8.0
- Incremented version to reflect that 1.7.7 was a major release
- Rolled back use of |> for compatibility with earlier versions of
ngramr 1.7.7
- Update for changes in ngram viewer website
- New corpus names (e.g. eng_2019 changed to en_2019)
ngramr 1.7.6
- Drop use of lifecycle badges
- Add markdown format NEWS file
ngramr 1.7.5
- Tidied fromJSON call
- Started to use lifecycle in documentation (ngrami)
ngramr 1.7.4
- Imposed version dependency for dplyr to ensure relocate
ngramr 1.7.3
- Updated documentation to provide details of return values
ngramr 1.7.2
- Change download code to use ‘url’ to ensure code works behind a
proxy server
- Addressed CRAN submission requirements
ngramr 1.7.1
- Change year_start default to 1800 in documentation
ngramr 1.7.0
- Comprehensive refactor of underlying code
- More robust error/warning handling
- Dropped the “tag” argument from ngram functions
ngramr 1.6.5
- Fix case_sensitive attribute
ngramr 1.6.4
- Fix error in corpus count dataset
ngramr 1.6.0
- Update to address issue (#26) resulting from change in the format of
Google Ngram Viewer webpage
ngramr 1.5.0
- Incorporated pull changes #22, @seancarmody
- Make wildcard searches expand to all terms
- Error out on server answer “Please try again later.” 1a655f3
- Fix setting default corpus. 0b22dc4
- scale functions: do not explicitly set name, allow overwrite.
- Allow passing through additional parameters to ngram_single.
- For wildcard searches, drop the cumulated (All) column
- Added travis-ci testing
ngramr 1.4.5
- Fixed problems with (some) advanced operators
ngramr 1.4.4
- Removed debugging from ngrami
ngramr 1.4.3
ngramr 1.4.2
- Fix accented character encoding problem on Windows
ngramr 1.4.1
- Improve ssl handling (refer Hadley’s comment here:
ngramr 1.4.0
Google has switched to SSL for the N-gram viewer and the format of
the web-pages has changed. This means that earlier versions of the
package are completely broken. This release fixes this major
ngramr 1.3.2
- Add to .Rbuildignore to remove from CRAN
ngramr 1.3.1
- Fix count for n-grams with n>1, including a “fudge” for 2012
ngramr 1.3.0
- Add option to display long-form corpus name
- Warn about smoothing >0 for geoms other than “line”
- Tidy documentation for print.ngram
- ngram and ngrami return S3 class “ngram”
- Format print for ngram objects
- ggram can take either a list of phrases or an ngram object
ngramr 1.2.4
- Add option to relabel y-axis
- Add word counts option to ngram
- Change ggplot2 and scales from Requires to Suggests
ngramr 1.2.3
- Prevent use of complex operators in case insensitive searches
- Warn about character substitution
ngramr 1.2.2
- CRAN release version
- More efficient handling of escaped Unicode (thanks Hadley
- Fix package checking problems associated with plyr
ngramr 1.2.1
ngramr 1.2.0
- First semi-official release. All future development moved to the
‘develop’ branch.
- Allow case insensitive plotting with ggram
- Avoid reshape/reshape2 conflicts (thanks to Francois Briatte)
- Pass arbitrary geoms to
- New function
to return results in “wide”
- Removed
option from ggram
- Better handling of legends when
ignore_case = TRUE
- Error trapping long phrase lists
- Google theme option
ngramr 1.1
- Added plot wrapper ggram
- Detect invalid corpus names
ngramr 1.0
- Initial release of the ngramr package
mirror server hosted at Truenetwork, Russian Federation.