Introduction to occumb

This section briefly describes the steps involved in the series of model-based analyses of eDNA metabarcoding data using the occumb R package.

Prepare dataset

We will use the package’s built-in data fish (see ?fish for documentation) to analyze the sequence count data using the occumb package. The summary() function can be used to provide an overview of the dataset.

#> Sequence read counts: 
#>  Number of species, I = 50 
#>  Number of sites, J = 50 
#>  Maximum number of replicates per site, K = 3 
#>  Number of missing observations = 6 
#>  Number of replicates per site: 2.88 (average), 0.33 (sd)
#>  Sequencing depth: 77910 (average), 98034.7 (sd)
#> Species covariates: 
#>  mismatch (continuous) 
#> Site covariates: 
#>  riverbank (categorical) 
#> Replicate covariates: 
#>  (None) 
#> Labels for species: 
#>  Abbottina rivularis, Acanthogobius lactipes, Acheilognathus macropterus, Acheilognathus rhombeus, Anguilla japonica, Biwia zezera, Carassius cuvieri, Carassius spp., Channa argus, Ctenopharyngodon idella, Cyprinus carpio, Gambusia affinis, Gnathopogon spp., Gymnogobius castaneus, Gymnogobius petschiliensis, Gymnogobius urotaenia, Hemibarbus spp., Hypomesus nipponensis, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Hyporhamphus intermedius, Ictalurus punctatus, Ischikauia steenackeri, Lepomis macrochirus macrochirus, Leucopsarion petersii, Megalobrama amblycephala, Micropterus dolomieu dolomieu, Micropterus salmoides, Misgurnus spp., Monopterus albus, Mugil cephalus cephalus, Mylopharyngodon piceus, Nipponocypris sieboldii, Nipponocypris temminckii, Opsariichthys platypus, Opsariichthys uncirostris uncirostris, Oryzias latipes, Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis, Pseudogobio spp., Pseudorasbora parva, Rhinogobius spp., Rhodeus ocellatus ocellatus, Salangichthys microdon, Sarcocheilichthys variegatus microoculus, Silurus asotus, Squalidus chankaensis biwae, Tachysurus tokiensis, Tanakia lanceolata, Tribolodon brandtii maruta, Tribolodon hakonensis, Tridentiger spp. 
#> Labels for sites: 
#>  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 
#> Labels for replicates: 
#>  L, C, R 

A summary of the sequence read count data can be found in the first block of the output. Data were obtained from samples taken from 50 sites \(\times\) (up to) three replicates, with 50 fish species recorded. A summary of the missing samples, number of replicates per site, and sequencing depth (i.e., the total number of sequence reads per sample) is also presented. The second block of the output indicates that the fish data also have two covariates: one continuous species covariate, mismatch, and one discrete site covariate, riverbank, which can be used in the following analysis. The third block of the output shows the labels assigned to the 50 species, 50 sites, and three replicates.

As such, the fish data brought together a set of data relevant to the analysis using the occumb package. When analyzing one’s own dataset, you can use occumbData() to set up a data object.

If you want to display the entire data, just type fish.

fish # Result not shown

Fit models

Using the fish dataset (or the dataset constructed with occumbData()), one can fit a multispecies site occupancy model for eDNA metabarcoding using the occumb() function which fits the model in a fully Bayesian approach via the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method implemented in JAGS.

occumb() has several arguments that accept model formulas to fit different model variants using the usual R formula syntax. See vignette("model_specification") for an overview of the models that occumb() can fit and details on how to specify models.

Fitting a null model (i.e., an intercept-only model, although the value of the intercept is species-specific) is very simple, as follows:

fit0 <- occumb(data = fish, parallel = TRUE)

This model fitting can take approximately one hour. Given that occumb() fits a class of complex hierarchical models with many parameters and unknown variables, it may require, depending on the dataset size, a long time and/or a lot of memory for model fitting. Setting parallel = TRUE is recommended for faster model fitting through parallel computations.

A model incorporating species and site covariates from the fish dataset can be fitted as follows:

fit1 <- occumb(formula_psi = ~ riverbank,
               formula_phi_shared = ~ mismatch,
               data = fish,
               parallel = TRUE)

Here, the riverbank is specified as the covariate for site occupancy probability (psi) in the formula_psi argument, and mismatch as the covariate for the relative dominance of sequence (phi) in the formula_phi_shared argument. In the latter, since mismatch is a species covariate, the formula_phi_shared argument is used instead of formula_phi so that the effect of mismatch is constant across species; see vignette("model_specification") for more details.

Thus, as in the generalized linear models (GLMs), model parameters can be expressed as functions of covariates, and occumb() allows straightforward covariate specification using the formula syntax. We will see later how to examine the estimated parameter values and covariate effects.

occumb() also has several arguments for controlling the MCMC computation to fit the model. For example, to obtain more precise posterior estimates than in the above example, one can explicitly set n.iter and n.thin arguments to obtain longer and less autocorrelated MCMC samples. In the following, n.iter and n.thin are set to twice the default.

fit1x <- occumb(formula_psi = ~ riverbank,
                formula_phi_shared = ~ mismatch,
                data = fish,
                n.thin = 20,
                n.iter = 40000,
                parallel = TRUE)

Note that when fitting a model using occumb(), a warning message "At least one Rhat value could not be calculated." may appear. Usually, this warning can be ignored safely. In models fit by occumb(), the values of some latent variables may not change across MCMC iterations, making it impossible to compute Rhat values for them. This is the correct behavior of the model, but it can cause the above warning to be displayed even when the MCMC method is working properly.

Check posterior samples

With the fit1 object, we will examine how to access and diagnose the posterior sample obtained using occumb().

Enter the object name fit1 to display a summary of the MCMC results, including a table of posterior estimates for each saved parameter.

fit1 # Result not shown

The plot() function draws a trace plot and density plot for each parameter.

plot(fit1) # Outputs many figures; enter "Esc" or "Ctrl + C" to quit

Users of the {jagsUI} package should be familiar with the outputs of these operations. Model fitting in occumb() relies on functions provided by the {jagsUI} package, and the above operations apply print and plot methods to {jagsUI} objects.

The summary() function provides a high-level summary of the results. This is based on a previous version of the summary method for {jagsUI} objects (implemented until {jagsUI} package version 1.5.2) and is modified for the occumb() output, which displays a data summary, model equations, MCMC settings, and a quick overview of the convergence of the relevant model parameters.

#> Summary for an occumbFit object 
#> Summary of data:
#>  Number of species, I = 50 
#>  Number of sites, J = 50 
#>  Maximum number of replicates per site, K = 3 
#>  Number of missing observations = 6 
#>  Number of replicates per site: 2.88 (average), 0.33 (sd) 
#>  Sequencing depth: 77910 (average), 98034.7 (sd) 
#> Model specification:
#>  formula_phi:          ~ 1 
#>  formula_theta:        ~ 1 
#>  formula_psi:          ~ riverbank 
#>  formula_phi_shared:   ~ mismatch 
#>  formula_theta_shared: ~ 1 
#>  formula_psi_shared:   ~ 1 
#>  prior_prec:           1e-04 
#>  prior_ulim:           10000 
#> Saved parameters:
#>  Mu sigma rho alpha beta gamma alpha_shared phi theta psi z pi deviance 
#> MCMC ran in parallel for 43.593 minutes at time 2023-09-11 20:16:31.787026:
#>  For each of 4 chains:
#>   Adaptation:            100 iterations (sufficient)
#>   Burn-in:               10000 iterations
#>   Thin rate:             10 iterations
#>   Total chain length:    20100 iterations
#>   Posterior sample size: 1000 draws
#> Summary of posterior samples: 
#>  Mu: 
#>   Number of parameters: 4 
#>   Rhat:  1.009 (min), 1.027 (median), 1.043 (mean), 1.109 (max) 
#>   n.eff: 30 (min), 117.5 (median), 154.2 (mean), 352 (max) 
#>  sigma: 
#>   Number of parameters: 4 
#>   Rhat:  1.004 (min), 1.04 (median), 1.074 (mean), 1.213 (max) 
#>   n.eff: 17 (min), 67.5 (median), 217 (mean), 716 (max) 
#>  rho: 
#>   Number of parameters: 6 
#>   Rhat:  1.042 (min), 1.107 (median), 1.106 (mean), 1.187 (max) 
#>   n.eff: 19 (min), 33.5 (median), 40.7 (mean), 79 (max) 
#>  alpha: 
#>   Number of parameters: 50 
#>   Rhat:  1.027 (min), 1.093 (median), 1.157 (mean), 1.77 (max) 
#>   n.eff: 7 (min), 34 (median), 40.6 (mean), 104 (max) 
#>  beta: 
#>   Number of parameters: 50 
#>   Rhat:  1.002 (min), 1.018 (median), 1.028 (mean), 1.237 (max) 
#>   n.eff: 16 (min), 183.5 (median), 349.9 (mean), 4000 (max) 
#>  gamma: 
#>   Number of parameters: 100 
#>   Rhat:  1.001 (min), 1.019 (median), 1.029 (mean), 1.136 (max) 
#>   n.eff: 24 (min), 173.5 (median), 363.5 (mean), 2756 (max) 
#>  alpha_shared: 
#>   Number of parameters: 1 
#>   Rhat:  1.1 
#>   n.eff: 31 
#>  phi: 
#>   Number of parameters: 50 
#>   Rhat:  1.001 (min), 1.07 (median), 1.127 (mean), 1.664 (max) 
#>   n.eff: 8 (min), 42.5 (median), 202.7 (mean), 3161 (max) 
#>  theta: 
#>   Number of parameters: 50 
#>   Rhat:  1.002 (min), 1.016 (median), 1.024 (mean), 1.219 (max) 
#>   n.eff: 16 (min), 196 (median), 358.1 (mean), 4000 (max) 
#>  psi: 
#>   Number of parameters: 2500 
#>   Rhat:  1 (min), 1.008 (median), 1.013 (mean), 1.101 (max) 
#>   n.eff: 36 (min), 396 (median), 679.3 (mean), 4000 (max) 
#>  z: 
#>   Number of parameters: 2500 
#>   Rhat:  1 (min), 1.006 (median), 1.009 (mean), 1.184 (max), 946 (Number of NAs) 
#>   n.eff: 1 (min), 1233.5 (median), 1628.6 (mean), 4000 (max) 
#>  pi: 
#>   Number of parameters: 7500 
#>   Rhat:  1 (min), 1.078 (median), 1.102 (mean), 1.294 (max), 30 (Number of NAs) 
#>   n.eff: 1 (min), 1 (median), 1009.1 (mean), 4000 (max) 
#>  deviance: 
#>   Rhat:  1.001 
#>   n.eff: 1332 

Convergence of the MCMC algorithm is determined based on the Rhat value, which becomes 1 when the chains are converged. Customarily, Rhat values of less than 1.1 will be required for the parameters of interest. Overall, the fit1 model is not very far from convergent, but the convergence of phi and alpha, the parameters related to the relative dominance of species sequence reads, is not good (i.e., high values of Rhat); hence, longer MCMC runs will be required for a formal inference.

The get_post_samples() and get_post_summary() functions can be used to access the posterior samples of individual parameters or their summaries. This may require understanding the model parameters and their names: see vignette("model_specification") for details. As an example, we attempt to obtain a posterior summary of the site occupancy probability psi using the get_post_summary() function.

post_summary_psi <- get_post_summary(fit1, "psi")
#>                  mean          sd        2.5%        25%        50%        75%      97.5%     Rhat n.eff overlap0 f
#> psi[1,1]   0.64607375 0.083034133 0.466158634 0.59382744 0.65078275 0.70478301 0.79318634 1.001697  1264        0 1
#> psi[2,1]   0.28250539 0.089275014 0.136970706 0.21789079 0.27480943 0.33672122 0.47971573 1.013796   317        0 1
#> psi[3,1]   0.38321762 0.088583160 0.218908875 0.32150169 0.38055944 0.44171514 0.56510758 1.005127   472        0 1
#> psi[4,1]   0.16899696 0.070833671 0.058363836 0.11684541 0.15943020 0.21075828 0.32821669 1.001143  3788        0 1
#> psi[5,1]   0.20435372 0.088327893 0.069729103 0.13950376 0.19315615 0.25286705 0.41681236 1.006308   596        0 1
#> psi[6,1]   0.10737782 0.061179251 0.024299550 0.06246265 0.09573034 0.13925811 0.25577838 1.002291  1418        0 1
#> psi[7,1]   0.84639119 0.053478041 0.730770215 0.81327035 0.85048238 0.88494478 0.93751979 1.003575   654        0 1
#> psi[8,1]   0.94296846 0.028288919 0.875373936 0.92739641 0.94770976 0.96354354 0.98337253 1.002581  1006        0 1
#> (Omitted the remaining)

In the fit1 model, psi was assumed to have different values for each site depending on the riverbank covariate (remember the psi_formula argument for fit1). Therefore, psi was estimated for each of the 50 species \(\times\) 50 sites (note that psi differs for each species by default), and the two subscripts in brackets distinguish them. Which species and site parameter was psi[1,1] about? How about psi[2,1]? Information regarding the dimensions of the parameters is provided in the attributes of the resulting object.

#> [1] "Species" "Site"
#> $Species
#>  [1] "Abbottina rivularis"                     
#>  [2] "Acanthogobius lactipes"                  
#>  [3] "Acheilognathus macropterus"              
#>  [4] "Acheilognathus rhombeus"                 
#>  [5] "Anguilla japonica"                       
#>  [6] "Biwia zezera"                            
#>  [7] "Carassius cuvieri"                       
#>  [8] "Carassius spp."                          
#>  [9] "Channa argus"                            
#> [10] "Ctenopharyngodon idella"                 
#> [11] "Cyprinus carpio"                         
#> [12] "Gambusia affinis"                        
#> [13] "Gnathopogon spp."                        
#> [14] "Gymnogobius castaneus"                   
#> [15] "Gymnogobius petschiliensis"              
#> [16] "Gymnogobius urotaenia"                   
#> [17] "Hemibarbus spp."                         
#> [18] "Hypomesus nipponensis"                   
#> [19] "Hypophthalmichthys spp."                 
#> [20] "Hyporhamphus intermedius"                
#> [21] "Ictalurus punctatus"                     
#> [22] "Ischikauia steenackeri"                  
#> [23] "Lepomis macrochirus macrochirus"         
#> [24] "Leucopsarion petersii"                   
#> [25] "Megalobrama amblycephala"                
#> [26] "Micropterus dolomieu dolomieu"           
#> [27] "Micropterus salmoides"                   
#> [28] "Misgurnus spp."                          
#> [29] "Monopterus albus"                        
#> [30] "Mugil cephalus cephalus"                 
#> [31] "Mylopharyngodon piceus"                  
#> [32] "Nipponocypris sieboldii"                 
#> [33] "Nipponocypris temminckii"                
#> [34] "Opsariichthys platypus"                  
#> [35] "Opsariichthys uncirostris uncirostris"   
#> [36] "Oryzias latipes"                         
#> [37] "Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis"        
#> [38] "Pseudogobio spp."                        
#> [39] "Pseudorasbora parva"                     
#> [40] "Rhinogobius spp."                        
#> [41] "Rhodeus ocellatus ocellatus"             
#> [42] "Salangichthys microdon"                  
#> [43] "Sarcocheilichthys variegatus microoculus"
#> [44] "Silurus asotus"                          
#> [45] "Squalidus chankaensis biwae"             
#> [46] "Tachysurus tokiensis"                    
#> [47] "Tanakia lanceolata"                      
#> [48] "Tribolodon brandtii maruta"              
#> [49] "Tribolodon hakonensis"                   
#> [50] "Tridentiger spp."                        
#> $Site
#>  [1] "1"  "2"  "3"  "4"  "5"  "6"  "7"  "8"  "9"  "10" "11" "12" "13" "14" "15"
#> [16] "16" "17" "18" "19" "20" "21" "22" "23" "24" "25" "26" "27" "28" "29" "30"
#> [31] "31" "32" "33" "34" "35" "36" "37" "38" "39" "40" "41" "42" "43" "44" "45"
#> [46] "46" "47" "48" "49" "50"

Thus, from the $dimension attribute, one can know that the first subscript of psi represents species and the second sites. From the $label attribute, one can know that psi[1,1] represents the value of psi for Abbottina rivularis at site 1, and psi[2,1] represents the value of psi for Acanthogobius lactipes at site 1.

Let us also look at the posterior summary of gamma, which denotes species-specific effects on psi.

post_summary_gamma <- get_post_summary(fit1, "gamma")
#> [1] "Species" "Effects"
#> [1] "(Intercept)"                 "riverbankwithout_vegetation"

gamma had two effect values for each species: the intercept, (Intercept), and the effect of the absence of vegetation on the riverbank, riverbankwithout_vegetation. Displaying the summary, one can see that, for many species, the absence of vegetation has a negative effect on psi (on its link scale).

#>                    mean        sd       2.5%          25%         50%         75%        97.5%      Rhat n.eff overlap0       f
#> (Omitted the beginning)
#> gamma[1,2]  -0.68135951 0.4102181 -1.4106885 -0.964385346 -0.71198673 -0.41908665  0.197784615 1.0031831   720        1 0.93875
#> gamma[2,2]  -0.57124068 0.4861383 -1.4368696 -0.906331725 -0.60645174 -0.27472631  0.480190462 1.0141750   414        1 0.87925
#> gamma[3,2]  -1.07479024 0.4260032 -1.9550037 -1.336688784 -1.07308990 -0.80888005 -0.213626578 1.0040679   632        0 0.99250
#> gamma[4,2]  -0.96563859 0.5007208 -1.9760743 -1.276917710 -0.95208744 -0.64960250  0.016721077 1.0020286  1835        1 0.97225
#> gamma[5,2]  -1.01038376 0.5436033 -2.1340409 -1.339282006 -0.98783592 -0.65193007  0.006887964 1.0148153   190        1 0.97400
#> gamma[6,2]  -0.96443244 0.5694898 -2.1291123 -1.307706597 -0.96394933 -0.62099851  0.205483803 1.0043719   989        1 0.95325
#> gamma[7,2]  -1.44522243 0.4356167 -2.4011743 -1.721131931 -1.39965212 -1.14153735 -0.689367497 1.0021543  1065        0 0.99925
#> gamma[8,2]  -1.36146823 0.4820477 -2.3661876 -1.654265660 -1.32819584 -1.04709249 -0.483307820 1.0014346  1791        0 0.99900
#> (Omitted the remaining)

A posterior summary of Mu, which denotes the community average of species-specific effects, shows that riverbankwithout_vegetation has a community-wide negative effect on psi (note from the label attribute that Mu[4] is the community-level effect of riverbankwithout_vegetation).

get_post_summary(fit1, "Mu")
#>              mean        sd       2.5%        25%         50%        75%
#> Mu[1] -1.18914419 0.1466486 -1.4845230 -1.2872349 -1.18205680 -1.0888031
#> Mu[2]  0.94327206 0.1945952  0.5640255  0.8102745  0.94803155  1.0691758
#> Mu[3]  0.02522906 0.3264013 -0.6034793 -0.1859071  0.01929096  0.2317505
#> Mu[4] -1.03746412 0.1609537 -1.3626390 -1.1414288 -1.03743346 -0.9292544
#>            97.5%     Rhat n.eff overlap0      f
#> Mu[1] -0.9119219 1.108793    30        0 1.0000
#> Mu[2]  1.3284452 1.031154   100        0 1.0000
#> Mu[3]  0.6951928 1.008576   352        1 0.5255
#> Mu[4] -0.7312586 1.022904   135        0 1.0000
#> attr(,"dimension")
#> [1] "Effects"
#> attr(,"label")
#> attr(,"label")$Effects
#> [1] "phi | (Intercept)"                 "theta | (Intercept)"              
#> [3] "psi | (Intercept)"                 "psi | riverbankwithout_vegetation"

Next, let us access the posterior samples rather than their summary using the get_post_samples() function. We extract the posterior sample of psi from fit1 as an example.

post_sample_psi <- get_post_samples(fit1, "psi")
#> [1] 4000   50   50

The resulting object, post_sample_psi, is a 3-dimensional array containing the posterior sample of psi. Information on the dimensions of the extracted sample is provided in the attributes.

#> $dim
#> [1] 4000   50   50
#> $dimension
#> [1] "Sample"  "Species" "Site"   
#> $label
#> $label$Sample
#> $label$Species
#>  [1] "Abbottina rivularis"                     
#>  [2] "Acanthogobius lactipes"                  
#>  [3] "Acheilognathus macropterus"              
#>  [4] "Acheilognathus rhombeus"                 
#>  [5] "Anguilla japonica"                       
#>  [6] "Biwia zezera"                            
#>  [7] "Carassius cuvieri"                       
#>  [8] "Carassius spp."                          
#>  [9] "Channa argus"                            
#> [10] "Ctenopharyngodon idella"                 
#> [11] "Cyprinus carpio"                         
#> [12] "Gambusia affinis"                        
#> [13] "Gnathopogon spp."                        
#> [14] "Gymnogobius castaneus"                   
#> [15] "Gymnogobius petschiliensis"              
#> [16] "Gymnogobius urotaenia"                   
#> [17] "Hemibarbus spp."                         
#> [18] "Hypomesus nipponensis"                   
#> [19] "Hypophthalmichthys spp."                 
#> [20] "Hyporhamphus intermedius"                
#> [21] "Ictalurus punctatus"                     
#> [22] "Ischikauia steenackeri"                  
#> [23] "Lepomis macrochirus macrochirus"         
#> [24] "Leucopsarion petersii"                   
#> [25] "Megalobrama amblycephala"                
#> [26] "Micropterus dolomieu dolomieu"           
#> [27] "Micropterus salmoides"                   
#> [28] "Misgurnus spp."                          
#> [29] "Monopterus albus"                        
#> [30] "Mugil cephalus cephalus"                 
#> [31] "Mylopharyngodon piceus"                  
#> [32] "Nipponocypris sieboldii"                 
#> [33] "Nipponocypris temminckii"                
#> [34] "Opsariichthys platypus"                  
#> [35] "Opsariichthys uncirostris uncirostris"   
#> [36] "Oryzias latipes"                         
#> [37] "Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis"        
#> [38] "Pseudogobio spp."                        
#> [39] "Pseudorasbora parva"                     
#> [40] "Rhinogobius spp."                        
#> [41] "Rhodeus ocellatus ocellatus"             
#> [42] "Salangichthys microdon"                  
#> [43] "Sarcocheilichthys variegatus microoculus"
#> [44] "Silurus asotus"                          
#> [45] "Squalidus chankaensis biwae"             
#> [46] "Tachysurus tokiensis"                    
#> [47] "Tanakia lanceolata"                      
#> [48] "Tribolodon brandtii maruta"              
#> [49] "Tribolodon hakonensis"                   
#> [50] "Tridentiger spp."                        
#> $label$Site
#>  [1] "1"  "2"  "3"  "4"  "5"  "6"  "7"  "8"  "9"  "10" "11" "12" "13" "14" "15"
#> [16] "16" "17" "18" "19" "20" "21" "22" "23" "24" "25" "26" "27" "28" "29" "30"
#> [31] "31" "32" "33" "34" "35" "36" "37" "38" "39" "40" "41" "42" "43" "44" "45"
#> [46] "46" "47" "48" "49" "50"

Thus, the second dimension of post_sample_psi corresponds to species and the third to sites. The labels for species and sites indicate that post_sample_psi[, 1, 1] contains the posterior sample of psi of Abbottina rivularis at site 1.

post_sample_psi[, 1, 1]
#>  [1] 0.6673664 0.7505735 0.6416083 0.7011978 0.5935338 0.6087940 0.6159829
#>  [8] 0.7758206 0.6710466 0.7423708 0.6244308 0.6237291 0.6344345 0.6715390
#> [15] 0.6255393 0.7306071 0.6781538 0.7391794 0.6678208 0.6715868 0.7582302
#> [22] 0.5947020 0.4880676 0.6958859 0.6202520 0.5487584 0.6781225 0.7073072
#> (Omitted the remaining)

Predict parameter values

In occumb(), three parameters, psi, theta, and phi, can be modeled as a function of covariates (see vignette("model_specification") for details). Prediction of these parameters conditional on a given set of covariate values can be easily obtained using the predict() function to the fitted object.

The predict() function has the newdata argument that accepts an optional dataset object used for prediction. If newdata is not specified, predictions are made using the fitted covariates; this could be an alternative to the get_post_summary() and get_post_samples() functions for accessing posterior summaries and posterior samples of parameters. For example, the following will output a 3-dimensional array of the posterior median and upper and lower limits of the 95% credible interval for psi of the 50 species and 50 sites.

predict_psi <- predict(fit1, parameter = "psi", type = "quantiles")
#> [1]  3 50 50
#> $dim
#> [1]  3 50 50
#> $dimnames
#> $dimnames[[1]]
#> [1] "50%"   "2.5%"  "97.5%"
#> $dimnames[[2]]
#> $dimnames[[3]]
#> $parameter
#> [1] "psi"
#> $scale
#> [1] "response"
#> $dimension
#> [1] "Statistics" "Species"    "Sites"     
#> $label
#> $label$Statistics
#> [1] "50%"   "2.5%"  "97.5%"
#> $label$Species
#>  [1] "Abbottina rivularis"                     
#>  [2] "Acanthogobius lactipes"                  
#>  [3] "Acheilognathus macropterus"              
#>  [4] "Acheilognathus rhombeus"                 
#>  [5] "Anguilla japonica"                       
#>  [6] "Biwia zezera"                            
#>  [7] "Carassius cuvieri"                       
#>  [8] "Carassius spp."                          
#>  [9] "Channa argus"                            
#> [10] "Ctenopharyngodon idella"                 
#> [11] "Cyprinus carpio"                         
#> [12] "Gambusia affinis"                        
#> [13] "Gnathopogon spp."                        
#> [14] "Gymnogobius castaneus"                   
#> [15] "Gymnogobius petschiliensis"              
#> [16] "Gymnogobius urotaenia"                   
#> [17] "Hemibarbus spp."                         
#> [18] "Hypomesus nipponensis"                   
#> [19] "Hypophthalmichthys spp."                 
#> [20] "Hyporhamphus intermedius"                
#> [21] "Ictalurus punctatus"                     
#> [22] "Ischikauia steenackeri"                  
#> [23] "Lepomis macrochirus macrochirus"         
#> [24] "Leucopsarion petersii"                   
#> [25] "Megalobrama amblycephala"                
#> [26] "Micropterus dolomieu dolomieu"           
#> [27] "Micropterus salmoides"                   
#> [28] "Misgurnus spp."                          
#> [29] "Monopterus albus"                        
#> [30] "Mugil cephalus cephalus"                 
#> [31] "Mylopharyngodon piceus"                  
#> [32] "Nipponocypris sieboldii"                 
#> [33] "Nipponocypris temminckii"                
#> [34] "Opsariichthys platypus"                  
#> [35] "Opsariichthys uncirostris uncirostris"   
#> [36] "Oryzias latipes"                         
#> [37] "Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis"        
#> [38] "Pseudogobio spp."                        
#> [39] "Pseudorasbora parva"                     
#> [40] "Rhinogobius spp."                        
#> [41] "Rhodeus ocellatus ocellatus"             
#> [42] "Salangichthys microdon"                  
#> [43] "Sarcocheilichthys variegatus microoculus"
#> [44] "Silurus asotus"                          
#> [45] "Squalidus chankaensis biwae"             
#> [46] "Tachysurus tokiensis"                    
#> [47] "Tanakia lanceolata"                      
#> [48] "Tribolodon brandtii maruta"              
#> [49] "Tribolodon hakonensis"                   
#> [50] "Tridentiger spp."                        
#> $label$Sites
#>  [1] "1"  "2"  "3"  "4"  "5"  "6"  "7"  "8"  "9"  "10" "11" "12" "13" "14" "15"
#> [16] "16" "17" "18" "19" "20" "21" "22" "23" "24" "25" "26" "27" "28" "29" "30"
#> [31] "31" "32" "33" "34" "35" "36" "37" "38" "39" "40" "41" "42" "43" "44" "45"
#> [46] "46" "47" "48" "49" "50"

One can obtain posterior samples of psi with the predict() function by specifying type = "samples" instead of type = "quantiles".

For an example of specifying the newdata argument, let us prepare a new dataset containing two sites with different riverbank values. Recall that in fit1, psi was expressed as a function of the site covariate riverbank. Here, we use the new dataset created below to predict psi of two sites with different riverbank values. In the following, fish_raw is a data object built into the package that stores the same data as fish in the list format (see ?fish_raw for documentation).

new_y <- array(1, dim = c(50, 2, 1))
new_riverbank <- factor(levels(fish_raw$riverbank))
dimnames(new_y)[[1]] <- dimnames(fish_raw$y)[[1]]
dimnames(new_y)[[2]] <- levels(fish_raw$riverbank)
newdata <- occumbData(y = new_y,
                      spec_cov = list(mismatch = fish_raw$mismatch),
                      site_cov = list(riverbank = new_riverbank))

Covariate values are relevant to the prediction but not the sequence read counts. Hence, any hypothetical data may be given to the sequence read count data, y, which was set to an array with elements of 1, new_y, here. Let’s verify that newdata is a dataset with I = 50 species, J = 2 sites, and K = 1 replicate, including mismatch and riverbank as covariates. Note that the first site is labeled (for demonstration purposes) as a site with vegetation (with_vegetation) and the second site as a site without vegetation (without_vegetation).

#> Sequence read counts: 
#>  Number of species, I = 50 
#>  Number of sites, J = 2 
#>  Maximum number of replicates per site, K = 1 
#>  Number of missing observations = 0 
#>  Number of replicates per site: 1 (average), 0 (sd) 
#>  Sequencing depth: 50 (average), 0 (sd) 
#> Species covariates: 
#>  mismatch (continuous) 
#> Site covariates: 
#>  riverbank (categorical) 
#> Replicate covariates: 
#>  (None) 
#> Labels for species: 
#>  Abbottina rivularis, Acanthogobius lactipes, Acheilognathus macropterus, Acheilognathus rhombeus, Anguilla japonica, Biwia zezera, Carassius cuvieri, Carassius spp., Channa argus, Ctenopharyngodon idella, Cyprinus carpio, Gambusia affinis, Gnathopogon spp., Gymnogobius castaneus, Gymnogobius petschiliensis, Gymnogobius urotaenia, Hemibarbus spp., Hypomesus nipponensis, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Hyporhamphus intermedius, Ictalurus punctatus, Ischikauia steenackeri, Lepomis macrochirus macrochirus, Leucopsarion petersii, Megalobrama amblycephala, Micropterus dolomieu dolomieu, Micropterus salmoides, Misgurnus spp., Monopterus albus, Mugil cephalus cephalus, Mylopharyngodon piceus, Nipponocypris sieboldii, Nipponocypris temminckii, Opsariichthys platypus, Opsariichthys uncirostris uncirostris, Oryzias latipes, Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis, Pseudogobio spp., Pseudorasbora parva, Rhinogobius spp., Rhodeus ocellatus ocellatus, Salangichthys microdon, Sarcocheilichthys variegatus microoculus, Silurus asotus, Squalidus chankaensis biwae, Tachysurus tokiensis, Tanakia lanceolata, Tribolodon brandtii maruta, Tribolodon hakonensis, Tridentiger spp. 
#> Labels for sites: 
#>  with_vegetation, without_vegetation 
#> Labels for replicates: 
#>  (None) 

When the predict() function is applied with the newdata argument, predictions are made using the covariate values contained in the newdata. The following will provide a prediction of psi for each of the sites with and without vegetation.

predict(fit1, newdata = newdata, parameter = "psi", type = "quantiles")
#> , , 1
#>            [,1]      [,2]      [,3]       [,4]       [,5]       [,6]      [,7]
#> 50%   0.6615133 0.2751231 0.3827295 0.15224665 0.17718177 0.09182312 0.8490621
#> 2.5%  0.4802434 0.1300821 0.2306797 0.05507663 0.06783645 0.02441254 0.7212899
#> 97.5% 0.7915599 0.4723714 0.5649520 0.32693805 0.38346795 0.24695832 0.9368627
#>            [,8]      [,9]     [,10]     [,11]      [,12]     [,13]      [,14]
#> 50%   0.9491461 0.6094722 0.4620570 0.9901477 0.08998769 0.8800989 0.15458012
#> 2.5%  0.8789348 0.4101236 0.2996333 0.9557121 0.02421783 0.7735010 0.05625485
#> 97.5% 0.9844834 0.8144525 0.6430711 0.9986149 0.23751947 0.9596028 0.31844988
#>            [,15]     [,16]     [,17]      [,18]     [,19]     [,20]     [,21]
#> 50%   0.12125019 0.9695970 0.9028737 0.15509196 0.5713331 0.2300419 0.8826944
#> 2.5%  0.03724413 0.9110775 0.8015870 0.05106154 0.3814354 0.1092197 0.7664569
#> 97.5% 0.26923379 0.9924366 0.9631803 0.34754250 0.7741282 0.4051336 0.9550034
#>           [,22]     [,23]      [,24]      [,25]      [,26]     [,27]     [,28]
#> 50%   0.7916404 0.7469745 0.06964821 0.15088247 0.10296476 0.8278437 0.9750893
#> 2.5%  0.6445037 0.5788305 0.01384897 0.04985234 0.02831969 0.7060083 0.9284540
#> 97.5% 0.9020019 0.8627692 0.19692563 0.34110667 0.25821933 0.9216507 0.9943395
#>            [,29]     [,30]      [,31]     [,32]     [,33]     [,34]     [,35]
#> 50%   0.06220973 0.4863689 0.07515230 0.4353972 0.2299977 0.8332137 0.5024979
#> 2.5%  0.01098996 0.2994199 0.01757379 0.2667359 0.1056246 0.6977411 0.3344813
#> 97.5% 0.19309849 0.6536841 0.21486234 0.6188191 0.4107509 0.9326166 0.6992168
#>           [,36]      [,37]     [,38]     [,39]     [,40]     [,41]      [,42]
#> 50%   0.5793313 0.09849281 0.5462387 0.9190994 0.9970209 0.8173368 0.09874564
#> 2.5%  0.4008518 0.02705771 0.3669093 0.8250025 0.9815437 0.6718077 0.02554623
#> 97.5% 0.7541354 0.25569027 0.7265439 0.9755158 0.9997452 0.9114977 0.26906733
#>            [,43]     [,44]     [,45]     [,46]      [,47]     [,48]     [,49]
#> 50%   0.15160773 0.5472967 0.3177699 0.1336518 0.16453410 0.3119199 0.1010661
#> 2.5%  0.05407187 0.3702903 0.1750710 0.0401887 0.06069858 0.1646373 0.0270361
#> 97.5% 0.32445164 0.7429405 0.4983112 0.3168030 0.32694679 0.4919569 0.2257502
#>           [,50]
#> 50%   0.9885246
#> 2.5%  0.9521853
#> 97.5% 0.9984315
#> , , 2
#>            [,1]       [,2]       [,3]       [,4]       [,5]       [,6]
#> 50%   0.4756873 0.16831019 0.17344502 0.06827157 0.08065680 0.03799725
#> 2.5%  0.3210251 0.07468112 0.08268459 0.02152790 0.02558621 0.00904520
#> 97.5% 0.6477671 0.31803370 0.30375314 0.16653407 0.20628815 0.10914663
#>            [,7]      [,8]      [,9]     [,10]     [,11]      [,12]     [,13]
#> 50%   0.5747380 0.8277408 0.4451700 0.2415741 0.9426904 0.04637033 0.6435848
#> 2.5%  0.4085796 0.6832309 0.2727587 0.1336498 0.8361653 0.01254011 0.4719155
#> 97.5% 0.7316505 0.9241055 0.6653103 0.3976390 0.9855532 0.12900086 0.7834428
#>            [,14]      [,15]     [,16]     [,17]      [,18]     [,19]     [,20]
#> 50%   0.07037047 0.06163691 0.8602899 0.6909106 0.08289891 0.3366483 0.1156426
#> 2.5%  0.02364689 0.01866216 0.7192849 0.5273816 0.02726444 0.2012909 0.0498471
#> 97.5% 0.16850684 0.15171748 0.9468762 0.8219908 0.20203910 0.5227359 0.2284146
#>           [,21]     [,22]     [,23]       [,24]      [,25]      [,26]     [,27]
#> 50%   0.7204299 0.5831452 0.5653456 0.030925710 0.06781351 0.05881219 0.6000844
#> 2.5%  0.5574411 0.4218203 0.4080076 0.006236538 0.02063876 0.01733949 0.4410841
#> 97.5% 0.8503492 0.7422631 0.7276702 0.094870829 0.17049638 0.16207666 0.7470483
#>           [,28]       [,29]     [,30]      [,31]      [,32]      [,33]
#> 50%   0.9126102 0.035225441 0.3407391 0.04236923 0.16616006 0.08886842
#> 2.5%  0.8020100 0.007672009 0.2031182 0.01018349 0.07272355 0.03188771
#> 97.5% 0.9696633 0.110552419 0.5178231 0.13816851 0.29161845 0.18440940
#>           [,34]     [,35]     [,36]      [,37]     [,38]     [,39]     [,40]
#> 50%   0.5159626 0.2344728 0.3705463 0.04820736 0.2161039 0.7693729 0.9831972
#> 2.5%  0.3512136 0.1224432 0.2295261 0.01206818 0.1039605 0.6147098 0.9306534
#> 97.5% 0.6751210 0.3846941 0.5527593 0.13468654 0.3594184 0.8923270 0.9976299
#>           [,41]      [,42]      [,43]     [,44]      [,45]      [,46]
#> 50%   0.6527351 0.06006526 0.06753850 0.2371226 0.15535572 0.05145973
#> 2.5%  0.4967540 0.01537025 0.02157825 0.1134572 0.07282467 0.01382803
#> 97.5% 0.7956659 0.16542028 0.16515022 0.3848913 0.27405126 0.13368309
#>            [,47]      [,48]      [,49]     [,50]
#> 50%   0.08990812 0.13653424 0.05038579 0.9428926
#> 2.5%  0.03330197 0.05777936 0.01466287 0.8401821
#> 97.5% 0.20500919 0.25327092 0.12890174 0.9873862
#> attr(,"parameter")
#> [1] "psi"
#> attr(,"scale")
#> [1] "response"
#> attr(,"dimension")
#> [1] "Statistics" "Species"    "Sites"     
#> attr(,"label")
#> attr(,"label")$Statistics
#> [1] "50%"   "2.5%"  "97.5%"
#> attr(,"label")$Species
#>  [1] "Abbottina rivularis"                     
#>  [2] "Acanthogobius lactipes"                  
#>  [3] "Acheilognathus macropterus"              
#>  [4] "Acheilognathus rhombeus"                 
#>  [5] "Anguilla japonica"                       
#>  [6] "Biwia zezera"                            
#>  [7] "Carassius cuvieri"                       
#>  [8] "Carassius spp."                          
#>  [9] "Channa argus"                            
#> [10] "Ctenopharyngodon idella"                 
#> [11] "Cyprinus carpio"                         
#> [12] "Gambusia affinis"                        
#> [13] "Gnathopogon spp."                        
#> [14] "Gymnogobius castaneus"                   
#> [15] "Gymnogobius petschiliensis"              
#> [16] "Gymnogobius urotaenia"                   
#> [17] "Hemibarbus spp."                         
#> [18] "Hypomesus nipponensis"                   
#> [19] "Hypophthalmichthys spp."                 
#> [20] "Hyporhamphus intermedius"                
#> [21] "Ictalurus punctatus"                     
#> [22] "Ischikauia steenackeri"                  
#> [23] "Lepomis macrochirus macrochirus"         
#> [24] "Leucopsarion petersii"                   
#> [25] "Megalobrama amblycephala"                
#> [26] "Micropterus dolomieu dolomieu"           
#> [27] "Micropterus salmoides"                   
#> [28] "Misgurnus spp."                          
#> [29] "Monopterus albus"                        
#> [30] "Mugil cephalus cephalus"                 
#> [31] "Mylopharyngodon piceus"                  
#> [32] "Nipponocypris sieboldii"                 
#> [33] "Nipponocypris temminckii"                
#> [34] "Opsariichthys platypus"                  
#> [35] "Opsariichthys uncirostris uncirostris"   
#> [36] "Oryzias latipes"                         
#> [37] "Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis"        
#> [38] "Pseudogobio spp."                        
#> [39] "Pseudorasbora parva"                     
#> [40] "Rhinogobius spp."                        
#> [41] "Rhodeus ocellatus ocellatus"             
#> [42] "Salangichthys microdon"                  
#> [43] "Sarcocheilichthys variegatus microoculus"
#> [44] "Silurus asotus"                          
#> [45] "Squalidus chankaensis biwae"             
#> [46] "Tachysurus tokiensis"                    
#> [47] "Tanakia lanceolata"                      
#> [48] "Tribolodon brandtii maruta"              
#> [49] "Tribolodon hakonensis"                   
#> [50] "Tridentiger spp."                        
#> attr(,"label")$Sites
#> [1] "with_vegetation"    "without_vegetation"

Assess goodness-of-fit

Assessing the goodness-of-fit of a model is an essential step in data analysis based on statistical models. The goodness-of-fit of the models fitted with occumb() is evaluated using the gof() function, which computes the Bayesian p-value using the posterior predictive check approach. The Bayesian p-value may take extreme values (e.g., p < 0.05 or p > 0.95) when the model was poorly fitted.

gof_result <- gof(fit1, cores = 4)

For faster computation, it is recommended that the cores argument be specified explicitly for parallel computations. By default, the gof() function outputs a scatter plot of fit statistics (in this case, the default Freeman-Tukey statistics).

Enter the name of the resulting object to summarize the results.

#> Posterior predictive check for an occumbFit object:
#>  Statistics: Freeman-Tukey 
#>  p-value:    0.2005 
#>  Discrepancy statistics for observed data:   542.81 (mean), 17.92 (sd) 
#>  Discrepancy statistics for replicated data: 523.28 (mean), 16.47 (sd) 

A moderate p-value indicated a lack of evidence of the model’s inadequacy in fitting.

The plot() function can be used to (re)draw a scatter plot of the fit statistics for the resulting object.


Analyze study design

The model fitted with occumb() can be used to identify eDNA metabarcoding study designs that can effectively detect the species present. How many sites, within-site replicates, and sequencing depths are required for reliable species detection? What is the best balance between the number of sites visited, number of within-site replicates, and sequencing depth under a limited budget? The multispecies site occupancy model fit by occumb() answers these questions by predicting the number of species expected to be detected using specific study designs.

eval_util_L() and eval_util_R() are functions available for these purposes. These two functions assume species diversity assessments at different spatial scales (i.e., the former is for local (L) and the latter for regional (R)). Specifically, eval_util_L() is appropriate if you are interested in assessing species diversity only for the study sites included in the dataset, and eval_util_R() is appropriate if you are interested in assessing species diversity in a broader area that includes the study sites in the dataset (i.e., the population of sites or a “metacommunity”).

In the context of the fish dataset, eval_util_L() evaluates the expected number of species detected per site at 50 sites in the dataset under different combinations of number of replicates and sequencing depth. For example, the following will give the expected number of species detected per site (referred to as Utility below) when the number of replicates K and the sequencing depth N take the values (1, 2, 3) and (1000, 10000, 100000), respectively.

utilL1 <- eval_util_L(expand.grid(K = 1:3, N = c(1E3, 1E4, 1E5)),
                      fit1, cores = 4)
#>   K     N  Utility
#> 1 1 1e+03 13.03225
#> 2 2 1e+03 16.72177
#> 3 3 1e+03 18.21783
#> 4 1 1e+04 14.34826
#> 5 2 1e+04 17.72304
#> 6 3 1e+04 18.92009
#> 7 1 1e+05 15.04591
#> 8 2 1e+05 18.20935
#> 9 3 1e+05 19.23478

It can be seen that as K and N increase, the Utility value increases. For faster computation, it is recommended that the cores argument be explicitly specified for parallel computation.

If one knows the cost per sequence read for high-throughput sequencing, cost per replicate for library preparation, and research budget values, the list_cond_L() function can be used to obtain a set of feasible settings under these cost and budget values. This can be applied to eval_util_L() to identify the optimal study design under the budget constraints.

settings <- list_cond_L(budget = 875 * 1E3,
                        lambda1 = 0.01,
                        lambda2 = 5000,
utilL2 <- eval_util_L(settings, fit1, cores = 4)
#>   budget lambda1 lambda2 K          N  Utility
#> 1 875000    0.01    5000 1 1250000.00 15.45671
#> 2 875000    0.01    5000 2  375000.00 18.37862
#> 3 875000    0.01    5000 3   83333.33 19.21953

Hence, under this specific budget and cost, it is best to have K = 3 replicates per site for effective species detection.

In contrast to eval_util_L(), eval_util_R() considers differences in the number of sites visited. Nevertheless, eval_util_R() can be applied similarly as eval_util_L(). In eval_util_R(), Utility is the number of species expected to be detected in the region of interest under the settings of number of sites J, number of replicates K, and sequencing depth N. Because list_cond_R() may return a large list of possible settings, one may want to obtain a manually restricted list using its J and/or K arguments.

utilR1 <- eval_util_R(expand.grid(J = 1:3, K = 1:3, N = c(1E3, 1E4, 1E5)),
                      fit1, cores = 4)
#> 1  1 1 1e+03 13.06227
#> 2  2 1 1e+03 18.77537
#> 3  3 1 1e+03 22.21901
#> 4  1 2 1e+03 16.75208
#> 5  2 2 1e+03 22.80510
#> 6  3 2 1e+03 26.33776
#> 7  1 3 1e+03 18.18526
#> 8  2 3 1e+03 24.63089
#> 9  3 3 1e+03 28.13433
#> 10 1 1 1e+04 14.36287
#> 11 2 1 1e+04 20.30642
#> 12 3 1 1e+04 23.85725
#> 13 1 2 1e+04 17.65318
#> 14 2 2 1e+04 23.98433
#> 15 3 2 1e+04 27.55905
#> 16 1 3 1e+04 19.03370
#> 17 2 3 1e+04 25.30884
#> 18 3 3 1e+04 29.14037
#> 19 1 1 1e+05 14.97290
#> 20 2 1 1e+05 21.16216
#> 21 3 1 1e+05 24.76543
#> 22 1 2 1e+05 18.25193
#> 23 2 2 1e+05 24.64478
#> 24 3 2 1e+05 28.20150
#> 25 1 3 1e+05 19.33757
#> 26 2 3 1e+05 25.85813
#> 27 3 3 1e+05 29.68874
settings <- list_cond_R(budget = 1125 * 1E3,
                        lambda1 = 0.01,
                        lambda2 = 5000,
                        lambda3 = 5000,
                        J = seq(5, 50, 5),
                        K = 1:4)
utilR2 <- eval_util_R(settings, fit1, cores = 4)
#>     budget lambda1 lambda2 lambda3  J K           N  Utility
#> 1  1125000    0.01    5000    5000  5 1 21500000.00 30.04136
#> 2  1125000    0.01    5000    5000 10 1 10250000.00 35.64544
#> 3  1125000    0.01    5000    5000 15 1  6500000.00 38.60797
#> 4  1125000    0.01    5000    5000 20 1  4625000.00 40.60944
#> 5  1125000    0.01    5000    5000 25 1  3500000.00 42.02112
#> 6  1125000    0.01    5000    5000 30 1  2750000.00 43.15096
#> 7  1125000    0.01    5000    5000 35 1  2214285.71 43.89833
#> 8  1125000    0.01    5000    5000 40 1  1812500.00 44.71556
#> 9  1125000    0.01    5000    5000 45 1  1500000.00 45.22666
#> 10 1125000    0.01    5000    5000 50 1  1250000.00 45.71167
#> 11 1125000    0.01    5000    5000  5 2 10500000.00 33.34409
#> 12 1125000    0.01    5000    5000 10 2  4875000.00 38.81906
#> 13 1125000    0.01    5000    5000 15 2  3000000.00 41.58322
#> 14 1125000    0.01    5000    5000 20 2  2062500.00 43.47530
#> 15 1125000    0.01    5000    5000 25 2  1500000.00 44.69525
#> 16 1125000    0.01    5000    5000 30 2  1125000.00 45.58398
#> 17 1125000    0.01    5000    5000 35 2   857142.86 46.27036
#> 18 1125000    0.01    5000    5000 40 2   656250.00 46.82490
#> 19 1125000    0.01    5000    5000 45 2   500000.00 47.24841
#> 20 1125000    0.01    5000    5000 50 2   375000.00 47.56585
#> 21 1125000    0.01    5000    5000  5 3  6833333.33 34.55557
#> 22 1125000    0.01    5000    5000 10 3  3083333.33 40.03808
#> 23 1125000    0.01    5000    5000 15 3  1833333.33 42.85560
#> 24 1125000    0.01    5000    5000 20 3  1208333.33 44.51759
#> 25 1125000    0.01    5000    5000 25 3   833333.33 45.67757
#> 26 1125000    0.01    5000    5000 30 3   583333.33 46.48685
#> 27 1125000    0.01    5000    5000 35 3   404761.90 47.14072
#> 28 1125000    0.01    5000    5000 40 3   270833.33 47.60570
#> 29 1125000    0.01    5000    5000 45 3   166666.67 47.93433
#> 30 1125000    0.01    5000    5000 50 3    83333.33 48.12801
#> 31 1125000    0.01    5000    5000  5 4  5000000.00 35.17767
#> 32 1125000    0.01    5000    5000 10 4  2187500.00 40.72769
#> 33 1125000    0.01    5000    5000 15 4  1250000.00 43.51095
#> 34 1125000    0.01    5000    5000 20 4   781250.00 45.16898
#> 35 1125000    0.01    5000    5000 25 4   500000.00 46.23139
#> 36 1125000    0.01    5000    5000 30 4   312500.00 46.98586
#> 37 1125000    0.01    5000    5000 35 4   178571.43 47.53393
#> 38 1125000    0.01    5000    5000 40 4    78125.00 47.89744

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