
Distributing OES Functions


This package divides the work of plotting treatment and control outcomes into two steps:

  1. use oes_prep() to create a tidy data table of results to be plotted;
  2. use oes_plot() to plot the tidy data object created by oes_prep().

Example Session

The sample session below installs and uses the package functions.

You only need to install the package once (per update).

First, provide the path to the tar.gz:

# Try installing straight from the web:
tar.gz_path <- "https://github.com/gsa-oes/oesr/blob/main/oesr_0.0.1.tar.gz"

# If this fails, download the tar.gz, and provide the path to the tar.gz:
# (This must be specific to where you downloaded/saved the file.)
# (If the .gz extension is removed, just use .tar.)

tar.gz_path <- "~/Desktop/oesr_0.0.1.tar.gz"

Then, install the package:

install.packages(tar.gz_path, repos = NULL, type = "source")

Then, load and attach the package (and, for now, needed tidyverse):


Then, use it to plot a simulated treatment effect:

# Simulate some data yourself:
df <- tibble(tr = rbinom(100, 1, 0.4), y = rnorm(100) + tr)
lm_out <- lm(y ~ tr, data = df)

# Plot with OES style, specifying treatment `vars`:
lm_out %>% 
  oes_prep() %>%
  oes_plot(treatment_vars = "tr")

# Use data included in the package:
fit <- lm(y1 ~ x1, df_oes)

# Plot with OES style, specifying treatment `arms`:
fit %>% 
  oes_prep() %>%
  oes_plot(treatment_arms = 1)

# View the help file in R:


  1. How do I deal with this grid.Call() Lato font error?

If you get an error like

1: In grid.Call(L_textBounds, as.graphicsAnnot(x$label), x$x, x$y,  :
  no font could be found for family "Lato"

then install the Lato font.

  1. How do I install the Lato font?

To get the Lato font, download it from https://fontmeme.com/fonts/lato-font/.

Then, on macOS,

  1. How do I deal with this grid.Call() polygon error?

If you get an error that says grid.Call(C_textBounds, as.graphicsAnnot(x$label), x$x, x$y, polygon edge not found, try reinstalling X11 from https://www.xquartz.org/, then reinstalling the ggplot2 package.

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