NB: If you are looking for Oracle R Enterprise, please note you’re in the wrong place!
Welcome to the ore
package for R. This package provides
an alternative to R’s standard functions for manipulating strings with
regular expressions, based on the Oniguruma regular expression library
(rather than PCRE, as in base
). Although the regex features
of the two libraries are quite similar, the R interface provided by
has some notable advantages:
), stored with attributes containing information such as
the number of parenthesised groups present within them. This means that
it is not necessary to compile a particular regex more than once.substr
to extract the matches
themselves.Oniguruma (or rather, the Onigmo fork of it) is the
regular expression library used by the Ruby programming language, and
is somewhat inspired by Ruby’s regular expression
features; although it is implemented in what aims to be a natural
way for R users, including full vectorisation.
covers the package’s R interface only, and
assumes that the reader is already familiar with regular expressions.
Please see the official
reference document for details of supported regular expression
If you prefer the more verbose but also more friendly approach to
creating regular expressions provided by Kevin Ushey and Jim Hester’s
excellent rex
package, you can still use ore
for performing the
actual matching, and working with the results. None of the syntax
generated by rex
is known to be incompatible with
The package is available from CRAN. The latest
development version can be installed from r-universe or directly from
GitHub using the remotes
# install.packages("remotes")
::install_github("jonclayden/ore") remotes
As of package version 1.7.1, two notable features are missing from the CRAN release, relative to the development version: the “I can eat glass” dataset, and connection support. These are both due to specific restrictions on what CRAN will accept, and neither currently has any known workaround.
The table below gives the approximate equivalence between the package’s core functions and base R.
Effect | ore syntax |
Base R syntax |
Create a regex object | regex <- ore(regex_string) |
(no equivalent) |
Is there a match? | ore_ismatch(regex, text) or
text %~% regex |
grepl(regex, text, perl=TRUE) |
Find the first match | ore_search(regex, text) |
regexpr(regex, text, perl=TRUE) |
Find match after character 10 | ore_search(regex, text, start=10) |
(no equivalent) |
Find all matches | ore_search(regex, text, all=TRUE) |
gregexpr(regex, text, perl=TRUE) |
Replace first match | ore_subst(regex, replace, text) |
sub(regex, replace, text, perl=TRUE) |
Replace all matches | ore_subst(regex, replace, text, all=TRUE) |
gsub(regex, replace, text, perl=TRUE) |
Split at matches | ore_split(regex, text) |
strsplit(text, regex, perl=TRUE) |
Let’s consider a very simple example: a regular expression for matching a single decimal integer, either positive or negative. We create this regex as follows:
<- ore("-?\\d+") re
This syntax matches an optional minus sign, followed by one or more
digits. Here we immediately introduce one of the differences between the
regular expression capabilities of base R and the ore
package: in the latter, regular expressions have class ore
rather than just being standard strings (although plain strings are also
accepted by package functions). We can find the class of the regex
object, and print it:
## [1] "ore"
re## Oniguruma regular expression: /-?\d+/
## - 0 groups
## - UTF-8 encoding
## - ruby syntax
The ore()
function compiles the regex string, retaining
the compiled version for later use. The number of groups in the string
is obtained definitively, because the string is parsed by the full
Oniguruma parser.
We can now search another string for matches:
<- ore_search(re, "I have 2 dogs, 3 cats and 4 hamsters")
match class(match)
## [1] "orematch"
match## match: 2
## context: I have dogs, 3 cats and 4 hamsters
The result of the search is an object of class orematch
This contains elements giving the offsets, lengths and content of
matches, as well as those of any parenthesised groups. When printed, the
object shows the original text with the matched substring extracted onto
the line above (or coloured, if the crayon
package is
installed and a colour terminal is being used). This can be useful to
check that the regular expression is capturing the text expected.
The start
parameter to ore_search()
can be
used to indicate where in the text the search should begin. All matches
(after the starting point) will be returned with
ore_search(re, "I have 2 dogs, 3 cats and 4 hamsters", start=10)
## match: 3
## context: I have 2 dogs, cats and 4 hamsters
ore_search(re, "I have 2 dogs, 3 cats and 4 hamsters", all=TRUE)
## match: 2 3 4
## context: I have dogs, cats and hamsters
## number: 1 2 3
The text to be searched for matches can be a vector, in which case
the return value will be a list of orematch
ore_search(re, c("2 dogs","3 cats","4 hamsters"))
## <3 matches in 3 strings>
## [[1]]
## match: 2
## context: dogs
## [[2]]
## match: 3
## context: cats
## [[3]]
## match: 4
## context: hamsters
If there is no match the return value will be NULL
, or a
list with NULL
for elements with no match.
Both R and Oniguruma support alternative character encodings for
strings, and this can affect matches. Consider the regular expression
, which matches words of exactly four letters. It
behaves differently depending on the encoding that it is declared
<- ore("\\b\\w{4}\\b", encoding="ASCII")
re1 <- ore("\\b\\w{4}\\b", encoding="UTF-8")
re2 <- enc2utf8("I'll have a piña colada")
text ore_search(re1, text, all=TRUE)
## match: have
## context: I'll a piña colada
ore_search(re2, text, all=TRUE)
## match: have piña
## context: I'll a colada
## number: 1=== 2===
Note that, in a basic ASCII encoding, only ASCII word characters are
matched to the \w
character class. Since “ñ” is not
directly representable in ASCII, the word “piña” is not considered a
Notice that base R’s regular expression functions will not find the second match:
gregexpr("\\b\\w{4}\\b", text, perl=TRUE)
## [[1]]
## [1] 6
## attr(,"match.length")
## [1] 4
By default, Oniguruma and ore
use Ruby’s regular
expression syntax, which is very similar to Perl’s (and hence that of
base R with perl=TRUE
). However, the library does support
alternative syntaxes, and ore
currently also allows for
literal string matching, which is equivalent to fixed=TRUE
in base R.
Notice the difference in interpretation of a period in the following example:
ore_search(ore("."), "1.7")
## match: 1
## context: .7
ore_search(ore(".",syntax="fixed"), "1.7")
## match: .
## context: 1 7
In the first case the period has the usual regular expression interpretation of “any character”, so it matches the first available character, the 1. In the second case the period has no special meaning, and it only matches a literal period in the search string.
Alternatively, the ore_escape()
function can be used to
help escape substrings that would otherwise have special meaning in the
default syntax:
ore_search(ore_escape("."), "1.7")
## match: .
## context: 1 7
The ore_subst()
function can be used to substitute regex
matches with new text. Matched subgroups may be referred to using
numerical or named back-references: \1
, \2
<- ore("\\b(\\w)(\\w)(\\w)(\\w)\\b")
re <- enc2utf8("I'll have a piña colada")
text ore_subst(re, "\\3\\1\\2\\4", text, all=TRUE)
## [1] "I'll vhae a ñpia colada"
<- ore("\\b(?<first>\\w)(?<second>\\w)(?<third>\\w)(?<fourth>\\w)\\b")
re ore_subst(re, "\\k<third>\\k<first>\\k<second>\\k<fourth>", text, all=TRUE)
## [1] "I'll vhae a ñpia colada"
A function may also be provided, which will be used to generate replacement strings. For example, we could make all four-letter words uppercase:
<- ore("\\b\\w{4}\\b")
re <- "I have 2 dogs, 3 cats and 4 hamsters"
text ore_subst(re, toupper, text, all=TRUE)
## [1] "I HAVE 2 DOGS, 3 CATS and 4 hamsters"
There is also a variant called ore_repl()
, which will
replicate the source text to use multiple different replacements if
needed. This is in turn used by es()
, which does expression
substitution (a.k.a. string
interpolation): evaluating R code (within each "#{}"
construct) and inserting the results into a string.
es("Test #{1:2}")
## [1] "Test 1" "Test 2"
Strings can be split into parts using the ore_split()
ore_split("-?\\d+", "I have 2 dogs, 3 cats and 4 hamsters")
## [1] "I have " " dogs, " " cats and " " hamsters"
This finds all matches to the pattern, discards them, and then returns the remaining pieces of the original string.
Sometimes we may want to classify the elements of a vector according
to whether they match one or more regular expressions, or extract some
information that may be in one of a number of formats. The
function is designed for this purpose, taking
any number of strings as arguments, named for the regular expressions
used to select them. It works a little like the base R function
ore_switch(c("2 dogs","some dogs","no dogs"), "-?\\d+"="number", "no number")
## [1] "number" "no number" "no number"
Notice that the text to be matched comes first in this case. The second argument is named with the regular expression that selects it, and the third is unnamed and so will catch all strings that haven’t already been matched, unconditionally.
This can also be used to achieve similar results to the alternation trick, to exclude more specific matches and retain less specific ones. For example, we can identify four-letter words, unless they are quoted:
<- c('Is it good?', 'Is it bad?', 'Is it "ugly"?')
strings ore_switch(strings, "\"\\b\\w{4}\\b\""=NA, "\\b\\w{4}\\b"="\\0")
## [1] "good" NA NA
Here there is no catch-all case, so strings with no four-letter words
in them will map to NA
by default.
It’s not unusual to reuse parts of a regular expression many times.
Perhaps, once you have an expression that captures certain common
elements of your text, you might want to store it for regular use. Or
maybe you want to make your regexes more readable by breaking them down
into manageable chunks. The ore
package’s pattern
dictionary can help.
To take a simple example, let’s just consider a pattern for digits.
We can add it to the dictionary using the ore_dict()
## digits
## "\\d+"
Now, we can create a regex using this pattern by naming it in a call
to ore()
## Oniguruma regular expression: /(\d+)/
## - 1 group
## - UTF-8 encoding
## - ruby syntax
Notice the lack of quotation marks around the name, which distinguishes it from a normal pattern string. We can also reuse it multiple times, and add other regex syntax around it. Say, for example, that we want to find two sets of digits separated by word characters and/or space.
<- ore(digits, "[\\w\\s]+", digits)
re## Oniguruma regular expression: /(\d+)[\w\s]+(\d+)/
## - 2 groups
## - UTF-8 encoding
## - ruby syntax
Notice that ore()
constructs a full regex from the
parts, wrapping each dictionary element in parentheses to make it a
group. Now we can match it against our text.
ore_search(re, "I have 2 dogs, 3 cats and 4 hamsters")
## match: 3 cats and 4
## context: I have 2 dogs, hamsters
The package comes with a small dictionary of fairly robust regexes for matching common elements like numbers or email addresses. These can be used “out of the box”. For example,
ore_search(ore(number), "Numbers in various formats: -23, 0xbead5, .409 and 1.4e-5", all=TRUE)
## match: -23 0xbead5 .409 1.4e-5
## context: Numbers in various formats: , , and
## number: 1== 2====== 3=== 4=====
Notice that, when using the dictionary, the ore()
function must be called explicitly.
The ore_ismatch
function will return a logical vector
indicating whether or not a match is present in each element of a
character vector. The infix notation %~%
is a shorthand way
to achieve the same thing. Either way, the full match data can be
obtained without repeating the search, using the
if ("I have 2 dogs, 3 cats and 4 hamsters" %~% "-?\\d+")
## match: 2
## context: I have dogs, 3 cats and 4 hamsters
The %~~%
operator works likewise, except that all
matches will be found (i.e. it sets all=TRUE
when calling
). Finally, the %~|%
filters a vector, returning just elements which match the regular
Text matching the entire regex, or parenthesised groups, can be
extracted using the matches()
and groups()
convenience functions, or even more concisely using indexing.
# An example from ?regexpr
<- "^(([^:]+)://)?([^:/]+)(:([0-9]+))?(/.*)"
re <- "http://stat.umn.edu:80/xyz"
text <- ore_search(re, text)
match matches(match)
## [1] "http://stat.umn.edu:80/xyz"
match[## [1] "http://stat.umn.edu:80/xyz"
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
## [1,] "http://" "http" "stat.umn.edu" ":80" "80" "/xyz"
match[## [1] "stat.umn.edu"
Since version 1.3.0 of the package, it has been possible to search directly within files, using their native encoding if it is supported by Onigmo (which supports many more encodings than R does internally). Binary files may also be searched, but in that case the regex is fixed to use ASCII encoding, and the file is examined byte-by-byte.
For example, using a test file provided with the package source, and
if your local iconv
supports the Shift JIS encoding,
you can try
<- system.file("tinytest", "sjis.txt", package="ore")
path <- ore_search("\\p{Katakana}+", ore_file(path,encoding="SHIFT_JIS"), all=TRUE)
match matches(match)
## [1] "コ" "ディング" "ファイル"
Note that if you read the file using R’s readLines
function, it will be re-encoded to UTF-8. The same matches will be
found, but the byte offsets are different:
<- ore_search("\\p{Katakana}+", ore_file(path,encoding="SHIFT_JIS"), all=TRUE)
match $byteOffsets
match## [1] 18 22 44
<- ore_search("\\p{Katakana}+", readLines(file(path,encoding="SHIFT_JIS")), all=TRUE)
match $byteOffsets
match## [1] 22 28 61
Hence, if you want to know where in a file the match can be found, the first of these approaches will give the right answer, while the latter will not.
Version 1.7.0 of the package added support for R connections, which allows gzipped files, URLs and other sources to be used directly. For example, let’s look for the first mention of an iDevice on Apple’s home page:
ore_search("\\bi[A-Z]\\w+", url("https://www.apple.com"))
## match: iPhone
## context: ... of Apple and shop everything , iPad, Apple Watch, Mac, and ...
As noted at the beginning of this README, base R provides some
regular expression functions, although they are less varied, flexible
and fast than those in the ore
package. There are other
related and alternative packages available:
provides a convenient wrapper around base R’s functions.stringi
package provides an extensive set of string-processing facilities,
wrapping the ICU library. stringr
offers an
alternative interface.re2
provides an interface to RE2, another regular expression library.glue
package provides string interpolation, similar to
, nc
, rebus
and RVerbalExpressions