Organizr: Tidy up your projects for good!


Organizr provides opinionated code-shortcuts to quickly create R scripts, as well as minimal Quarto and Rmarkdown documents with a consistent naming scheme.

Organizr offers a count-based prefix…


… and a date-based prefix.



You can install the development version of organizr like so:

# install.packages("devtools") # if you do not have devtools installed

Some details

Organizr offers the four following functions:

Organizr is an opinionated packaged. It may very well be that it does not fit your personal workflow, and that’s ok.


The best user experience arises, if you load organizr in the .Rprofile of your current project. To do so, you can use the following line to open your project’s .Rprofile:

# install.packages("usethis")
usethis::edit_r_profile(scope = "project")

Then place the following code inside the .Rprofile:

if (interactive()) {

This will always load up the library organizr in interactive R sessions. Now, you will always be able to create consistently named new R scripts via quick and simple function calls like


If this is the first R file in your project, this function call will create the file 001_my-script.R in the directory project_path/R.


You can set some global options via

options("option_name" = "option_value")

If you want to use options, it often makes sense to also place them directly in the .Rprofile file.


With this function call, you set the default prefix used by organizr to “date”:

options("organizr.prefix_by" = "date")

General options:

Option Meaning
organizr.prefix_delim Which character to insert as a separator between the prefix and the actual file name. The default is "_"
organizr.prefix_by Can be used to override the function default of "count". Can be "count" or "date".
organizr.prefix_date_format Date format for date prefixes. Can be any format string accepted by strftime. Default is "%Y-%m-%d".

Options for R scripts:

Option Meaning
organizr.r.init_with_date Can be set to FALSE to turn off the inclusion of the timestamp comment at the top of the script.
organizr.r.date_format Date format for R and Python script timestamp comment. Can be any format string accepted by strftime. Default is "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M". The directory in which the scripts should be place (relative to the project directory)

Options for Python scripts:

Option Meaning Can be set to FALSE to turn off the inclusion of the timestamp comment at the top of the script. Date format for R and Python script timestamp comment. Can be any format string accepted by strftime. Default is "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M". The directory in which the scripts should be place (relative to the project directory)

Other options:

Option Meaning The directory in which .Rmd files should be place (relative to the project directory) The directory in which .qmd files should be place (relative to the project directory)

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