osfr 0.2.9

Minor changes


Build and test infrastructure

osfr 0.2.8

Minor changes

osfr 0.2.7

Important changes

osfr is now part of rOpenSci and the documentation website has moved to a new URL: https://docs.ropensci.org/osfr/.

New features

Other changes

osfr 0.2.6

Improved uploading




osfr 0.2.5

Multi-file transfers!

osf_download() and osf_upload() are now vectorized, making the process of adding files to or retrieving files from OSF much more convenient. This functionality required significant refactoring and brings with it several notable breaking changes (see below).

Other new features

Breaking changes

Minor changes

osfr 0.2.4

Minor fixes

osfr 0.2.3

New features

Minor fixes

osfr 0.2.2

New features

Minor improvements and fixes

osfr 0.2.1

osfr 0.2.0

NOTE: This version of osfr is a rewrite of the original codebase. It is effectively an entirely different package and provides no backwards compatibility with functions in versions < 0.2.0. The last version of the previous package can be installed with the remotes package:


See https://docs.ropensci.org/osfr/ for details about the new package.

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