This dataset contains all currently supported translation keys between the sector classification systems and sector scopes used in the ‘PACTA’ software.
The {pacta.loanbook}
package provides a sector
classification dataset sector_classifications
that contains
a sector mapping for all supported sector classification systems
(currently: GICS, ISIC, NACE, NAICS, PSIC, SIC).
#> # A tibble: 6,559 × 4
#> sector borderline code code_system
#> <chr> <lgl> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 not in scope FALSE 10 GICS
#> 2 not in scope FALSE 1010 GICS
#> 3 not in scope FALSE 101010 GICS
#> 4 not in scope FALSE 10101010 GICS
#> 5 not in scope FALSE 10101020 GICS
#> 6 oil and gas FALSE 101020 GICS
#> 7 oil and gas FALSE 10102010 GICS
#> 8 oil and gas FALSE 10102020 GICS
#> 9 oil and gas TRUE 10102030 GICS
#> 10 oil and gas TRUE 10102040 GICS
#> # ℹ 6,549 more rows
This dataset serves as a translation key between the GICS sector-classification system and sector scopes used in the ‘PACTA’ software.
The {pacta.loanbook}
package provides a GICS
classification dataset gics_classification
#> # A tibble: 282 × 5
#> description code sector borderline version
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <chr>
#> 1 Energy 10 not in scope FALSE 2023
#> 2 Energy 1010 not in scope FALSE 2023
#> 3 Energy Equipment & Services 101010 not in scope FALSE 2023
#> 4 Drilling contractors or owners of drilling rigs that contract their services for drilling wells. 10101010 not in scope FALSE 2023
#> 5 Manufacturers of equipment, including drilling rigs and equipment, and providers of supplies and services to companies involved in the drilling, evaluation and completion of oil and gas wells. 10101020 not in scope FALSE 2023
#> 6 Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels 101020 oil and gas FALSE 2023
#> 7 Integrated oil companies engaged in the exploration & production of oil and gas, as well as at least one other significant activity in either refining, marketing and transportation, or chemicals. 10102010 oil and gas FALSE 2023
#> 8 Companies engaged in the exploration and production of oil and gas not classified elsewhere. 10102020 oil and gas FALSE 2023
#> 9 Companies engaged in the refining and marketing of oil, gas and/or refined products not classified in the Integrated Oil & Gas or Independent Power Producers & Energy Traders Sub-Industries. 10102030 oil and gas TRUE 2023
#> 10 Companies engaged in the storage and/or transportation of oil, gas and/or refined products. Includes diversified midstream natural gas companies, oil and refined product pipelines, coal slurry pipelines and oil & gas shipping companies. 10102040 oil and gas TRUE 2023
#> # ℹ 272 more rows
This dataset serves as a translation key between the ISIC Rev 5 sector-classification system and sector scopes used in the ‘PACTA’ software.
The {pacta.loanbook}
package provides a ISIC Rev 5
classification dataset isic_classification
#> # A tibble: 830 × 6
#> original_code description code sector borderline revision
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <chr>
#> 1 A Agriculture, forestry and fishing A not in scope FALSE 5
#> 2 01 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities A01 not in scope FALSE 5
#> 3 011 Growing of non-perennial crops A011 not in scope FALSE 5
#> 4 0111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seeds A0111 not in scope FALSE 5
#> 5 0112 Growing of rice A0112 not in scope FALSE 5
#> 6 0113 Growing of vegetables and melons, roots and tubers A0113 not in scope FALSE 5
#> 7 0114 Growing of sugar cane A0114 not in scope FALSE 5
#> 8 0115 Growing of tobacco A0115 not in scope FALSE 5
#> 9 0116 Growing of fibre crops A0116 not in scope FALSE 5
#> 10 0119 Growing of other non-perennial crops A0119 not in scope FALSE 5
#> # ℹ 820 more rows
This dataset serves as a translation key between the NACE version 2.1 sector-classification system and sector scopes used in the ‘PACTA’ software.
The {pacta.loanbook}
package provides a NACE version 2.1
classification dataset nace_classification
#> # A tibble: 1,047 × 6
#> original_code description code sector borderline version
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <chr>
#> 1 01 01 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities A01 not in scope FALSE 2.1
#> 2 01.1 01.1 Growing of non-perennial crops A01.1 not in scope FALSE 2.1
#> 3 01.11 01.11 Growing of cereals, other than rice, leguminous crops and oil seeds A01.11 not in scope FALSE 2.1
#> 4 01.12 01.12 Growing of rice A01.12 not in scope FALSE 2.1
#> 5 01.13 01.13 Growing of vegetables and melons, roots and tubers A01.13 not in scope FALSE 2.1
#> 6 01.14 01.14 Growing of sugar cane A01.14 not in scope FALSE 2.1
#> 7 01.15 01.15 Growing of tobacco A01.15 not in scope FALSE 2.1
#> 8 01.16 01.16 Growing of fibre crops A01.16 not in scope FALSE 2.1
#> 9 01.19 01.19 Growing of other non-perennial crops A01.19 not in scope FALSE 2.1
#> 10 01.2 01.2 Growing of perennial crops A01.2 not in scope FALSE 2.1
#> # ℹ 1,037 more rows
This dataset serves as a translation key between the NAICS sector-classification system and sector scopes used in the ‘PACTA’ software.
The {pacta.loanbook}
package provides a NAICS
classification dataset naics_classification
#> # A tibble: 2,125 × 5
#> description code sector borderline version
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <chr>
#> 1 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting 11 not in scope FALSE 2022
#> 2 Crop Production 111 not in scope FALSE 2022
#> 3 Oilseed and Grain Farming 1111 not in scope FALSE 2022
#> 4 Soybean Farming 11111 not in scope FALSE 2022
#> 5 Soybean Farming 111110 not in scope FALSE 2022
#> 6 Oilseed (except Soybean) Farming 11112 not in scope FALSE 2022
#> 7 Oilseed (except Soybean) Farming 111120 not in scope FALSE 2022
#> 8 Dry Pea and Bean Farming 11113 not in scope FALSE 2022
#> 9 Dry Pea and Bean Farming 111130 not in scope FALSE 2022
#> 10 Wheat Farming 11114 not in scope FALSE 2022
#> # ℹ 2,115 more rows
This dataset serves as a translation key between the PSIC sector-classification system and sector scopes used in the ‘PACTA’ software.
The {pacta.loanbook}
package provides a PSIC
classification dataset psic_classification
#> # A tibble: 1,271 × 5
#> description code sector borderline version
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <chr>
#> 1 Growing of leguminous crops such as: mongo, string beans (sitao), pigeon peas, gisantes, garbanzos, bountiful beans (habichuelas), peas (sitsaro) 1111 not in scope FALSE 2019
#> 2 Growing of ground nuts 1112 not in scope FALSE 2019
#> 3 Growing of oil seeds (except ground nuts) such as soya beans, sunflower and growing of other oil seeds, n.e.c. 1113 not in scope FALSE 2019
#> 4 Growing of sorghum, wheat 1114 not in scope FALSE 2019
#> 5 Growing of other cereals (except rice and corn), leguminous crops and oil seeds, n.e.c. 1119 not in scope FALSE 2019
#> 6 Growing of paddy rice, lowland, irrigated 1121 not in scope FALSE 2019
#> 7 Growing of paddy rice, lowland, rainfed 1122 not in scope FALSE 2019
#> 8 Growing of paddy rice, upland/kaingin 1123 not in scope FALSE 2019
#> 9 Growing of corn, expcept young corn (vegetable) 1130 not in scope FALSE 2019
#> 10 Growing of sugarcane including muscovado sugar-making in the farm 1140 not in scope FALSE 2019
#> # ℹ 1,261 more rows
This dataset serves as a translation key between the SIC sector-classification system and sector scopes used in the ‘PACTA’ software.
The {pacta.loanbook}
package provides a SIC
classification dataset sic_classification
#> # A tibble: 1,005 × 5
#> description code sector borderline version
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <chr>
#> 1 Wheat 0111 not in scope FALSE 1987
#> 2 Rice 0112 not in scope FALSE 1987
#> 3 Corn 0115 not in scope FALSE 1987
#> 4 Soybeans 0116 not in scope FALSE 1987
#> 5 Cash Grains, Not Elsewhere Classified 0119 not in scope FALSE 1987
#> 6 Cotton 0131 not in scope FALSE 1987
#> 7 Tobacco 0132 not in scope FALSE 1987
#> 8 Sugarcane and Sugar Beets 0133 not in scope FALSE 1987
#> 9 Irish Potatoes 0134 not in scope FALSE 1987
#> 10 Field Crops, Except Cash Grains, Not Elsewhere Classified 0139 not in scope FALSE 1987
#> # ℹ 995 more rows