Advanced Use Cases

Advanced Use Cases

This section provides a more detailed look at some of the more advanced use cases of the pacta.multi.loanbook package for PACTA for Supervisors analysis. First, we will touch on the technical side of adjusting the analysis to your needs. Then, we will look at some research questions that may occur in the field of banking supervision with regard to climate transition risk and how the pacta.multi.loanbook package can help answer them.

Tailoring the P4S Analysis to Your Needs

Any adjustment to the analysis that you may want to make and that is supported by the pacta.multi.loanbook package can be done by adjusting the config.yml file. For information on each of the parameters and the values they accept, please refer to vignette("config_yml"). Here, we will provide some examples of how you can adjust the analysis to your needs.

Use Case: Identify Transition Risks at the System Level

Rationale: Supervisors need a systemic overview of transition risks across the financial sector to understand vulnerabilities that could affect financial stability.

Method: By analyzing different types of banks (e.g., systemically important banks, credit unions, specialized banks - lending to specific sectors) or banks with public commitments (e.g., targets, transition plans), supervisors can determine if transition risks are concentrated within particular bank categories. For instance, specialized banks focusing on fossil fuel sectors may face a higher transition risk if these exposures are significant across the sector. Identifying these patterns helps pinpoint specific areas of the financial system that could destabilize the broader economy.

The pacta.multi.loanbook package can help supervisors check if certain bank types show significant patterns of misalignment and exposure that could warrant additional focus. For example, if we know that certain specialized banks are focused on fossil fuel sectors, we can check if these banks are more misaligned than others and if they have a higher exposure to misaligned companies. This can be done by comparing the net aggregate alignment metrics of different bank types and also comparing this to the system-wide misalignment.

In terms of implementation, suppose we want to run the analysis at the aggregate system level as a reference and then determine how the different bank types compare to this. We can obtain the required results, by running the functions prioritise_and_diagnose() and analyse() twice, with different parameter settings, using the following steps:

Assuming you have followed the naming convention described here, your project folder should look something like this:

├── config.yml
├── input
│   ├── ABCD.xlsx
│   ├── loanbooks
│   │   ├── raw_loanbook_1.csv
│   │   ├── raw_loanbook_2.csv
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── scenario_data_tms.csv
│   ├── scenario_data_sda.csv
│   └── ...
├── prepared_abcd
├── matched_loanbooks
├── prioritized_loanbooks_and_diagnostics_aggregate
├── prioritized_loanbooks_and_diagnostics_bank_type
├── analysis_aggregate
└── analysis_bank_type

Some important things to analyse when making such a comparison are:

Use Case: Assess Individual Financial Institutions’ Alignment and Transition Risk

Rationale: Understanding the transition alignment of individual institutions supports targeted oversight and informed dialogue with entities facing significant transition exposures by tailoring their engagement and expectations based on each institution’s specific risk profile and capabilities.

Method: Comparing institutions against benchmarks (e.g., industry benchmarks -corporate economy-; financial benchmarks -rest of banks-.) also highlights those needing improvement or with best practices. This enables a more precise understanding of each institution’s potential for transition risk and informs supervisory assessments and actions.

The pacta.multi.loanbook package can help supervisors assess individual financial institutions’ alignment and transition risk by providing detailed insights into the exposure and alignment of each institution. For example, supervisors can compare the net aggregate alignment metrics by financial exposure split by each of the banks and the sectors they operate in. This helps identify which banks have material exposures that are especially misaligned. Once identified, the standard PACTA for banks results can be used for a deep dive into the source of the misalignment of the identified institutions. For some sectors, this will be especially helpful, when PACTA can be used to identify misalignment at the technology level. If any particularly material sources of misalignment can be found for a bank, the supervisor may want to consider using this insight as part of their supervisory review and urge the bank to clarify if and how this exposure is accounted for in their risk management.

The implementation of this use case is relatively straight-forward:

Assuming you have followed the naming convention described here, your project folder should look something like this:

├── config.yml
├── input
│   ├── ABCD.xlsx
│   ├── loanbooks
│   │   ├── raw_loanbook_1.csv
│   │   ├── raw_loanbook_2.csv
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── scenario_data_tms.csv
│   ├── scenario_data_sda.csv
│   └── ...
├── prepared_abcd
├── matched_loanbooks
├── prioritized_loanbooks_and_diagnostics_group_id
└── analysis_group_id

Some steps in identifying financial institutions that may warrant a deeper individual analysis are:

Use Case: Identify Hotspots and Interlinkages of Risk Exposure

Rationale: Supervisors need to identify concentrations of transition risks within certain sectors or interlinkages across institutions to prevent risk contagion.

Method: Pinpointing sectors with heightened risk exposures and identifying companies with high exposure across institutions. This could be a proxy to identify concentrated risk exposures.

The pacta.multi.loanbook package can help supervisors identify hotspots and interlinkages of risk exposure by providing detailed insights into the exposure and alignment of each institution. For example, supervisors can compare the net aggregate alignment metrics by financial exposure split by each of the sectors and the banks that operate in them. This helps identify which sectors have material exposures that are especially misaligned. Once identified, the company level net aggregate alignment results can be used to analyze, if the banks have similar exposures to misaligned sectors and companies.

This use case can use the same implementation as the previous one, using results grouped by "group_id". We can again identify banks and sectors with high exposure and misalignment using the plot in ../analysis_group_id/aggregate/plot_scatter_alignment_exposure_*.png. Any sectors that have multiple significantly misaligned banks are of particular interest here. We now use the file ../analysis_group_id/aggregate/company_exposure_net_aggregate_alignment_by_group_id.csv. We sort by "alignment_metric" and filter by the final year of the analysis. This will show the companies with the highest misalignment at the top, including the exposure each bank has to the companies. Companies with strong misalignment and large exposures across banks can be considered a particularly important source of potential transition risk and the exposure across banks implies some contagion risk.

Use Case: Identify Potential Reputation Risks from Transition Misalignment

Rationale: Many banks have made public commitments to align their portfolios with the Paris Agreement and signed up to initiatives that proclaim this target. Not following up on such commitments could lead to reputational risks for the banks, which should be managed.

Method: Depending on the type of commitment made, it may be relevant to check if future alignment is broadly aligned across sectors for a bank, or alternatively, if the relevant sectors are aligned with the bank’s commitments. The caveat to this exercise is that forward looking alignment does not capture past efforts the bank may already have made to align its portfolio. However, it can be a useful complementary tool to check if the bank is on track to meet its commitments in the future.

The following steps should be followed to implement this use case:

Assuming you have followed the naming convention described here, your project folder should look something like this:

├── config.yml
├── input
│   ├── ABCD.xlsx
│   ├── loanbooks
│   │   ├── raw_loanbook_1.csv
│   │   ├── raw_loanbook_2.csv
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── scenario_data_tms.csv
│   ├── scenario_data_sda.csv
│   └── ...
├── prepared_abcd
├── matched_loanbooks
├── prioritized_loanbooks_and_diagnostics_group_id
├── prioritized_loanbooks_and_diagnostics_net_zero_pledge
├── analysis_group_id
└── analysis_net_zero_pledge

We can now check if:

PREVIOUS CHAPTER: Interpretation of Results

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