parTimeROC 1.0.0

This is a major release of the parTimeROC package which enables running the Time-Dependent Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) using parametric approaches. Two models were used which are based on the Proportional Hazard and copula functions.


Several methods prepared in this package are as follows: 1. timeroc_obj() - To create a TimeROC object. 2. rtimeroc() - To simulate random data based on the chosen model. 3. timeroc_fit() - To estimate model’s parameter using either the frequentist or Bayesian. 4. timeroc_gof() - To check the model’s goodness-of-fit. 5. timeroc_predict() - To calculate time-dependent ROC curve at selected time point. 6. timeroc_auc() - To calculate the area under the time-dependent ROC curve. 7. rate_change() - To calculate the rate change of the time-dependent ROC curve.

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