
CRAN status R-CMD-check

The goal of parsermd is to extract the content of an R Markdown file to allow for programmatic interactions with the document’s contents (i.e. code chunks and markdown text). The goal is to capture the fundamental structure of the document and as such we do not attempt to parse every detail of the Rmd. Specifically, the yaml front matter, markdown text, and R code are read as text lines allowing them to be processed using other tools.


parsermd can be installed from CRAN with:


You can install the latest development version of parsermd from GitHub with:


Basic Usage

For more details see the getting started vignette or any of the topic specific articles.

(rmd = parsermd::parse_rmd(system.file("minimal.Rmd", package = "parsermd")))
#> ├── YAML [4 lines]
#> ├── Heading [h1] - Setup
#> │   └── Chunk [r, 1 opt, 1 lines] - setup
#> └── Heading [h1] - Content
#>     ├── Heading [h2] - R Markdown
#>     │   ├── Markdown [6 lines]
#>     │   ├── Chunk [r, 1 lines] - cars
#>     │   └── Chunk [r, 1 lines] - unnamed-chunk-1
#>     └── Heading [h2] - Including Plots
#>         ├── Markdown [2 lines]
#>         ├── Chunk [r, 1 opt, 1 lines] - pressure
#>         └── Markdown [2 lines]

#> # A tibble: 12 × 5
#>    sec_h1  sec_h2          type          label           ast           
#>    <chr>   <chr>           <chr>         <chr>           <rmd_ast>     
#>  1 <NA>    <NA>            rmd_yaml_list <NA>            <yaml>        
#>  2 Setup   <NA>            rmd_heading   <NA>            <heading [h1]>
#>  3 Setup   <NA>            rmd_chunk     setup           <chunk [r]>   
#>  4 Content <NA>            rmd_heading   <NA>            <heading [h1]>
#>  5 Content R Markdown      rmd_heading   <NA>            <heading [h2]>
#>  6 Content R Markdown      rmd_markdown  <NA>            <rmd_mrkd [6]>
#>  7 Content R Markdown      rmd_chunk     cars            <chunk [r]>   
#>  8 Content R Markdown      rmd_chunk     unnamed-chunk-1 <chunk [r]>   
#>  9 Content Including Plots rmd_heading   <NA>            <heading [h2]>
#> 10 Content Including Plots rmd_markdown  <NA>            <rmd_mrkd [2]>
#> 11 Content Including Plots rmd_chunk     pressure        <chunk [r]>   
#> 12 Content Including Plots rmd_markdown  <NA>            <rmd_mrkd [2]>

rmd_select(rmd, by_section("Content"))
#> └── Heading [h1] - Content
#>     ├── Heading [h2] - R Markdown
#>     │   ├── Markdown [6 lines]
#>     │   ├── Chunk [r, 1 lines] - cars
#>     │   └── Chunk [r, 1 lines] - unnamed-chunk-1
#>     └── Heading [h2] - Including Plots
#>         ├── Markdown [2 lines]
#>         ├── Chunk [r, 1 opt, 1 lines] - pressure
#>         └── Markdown [2 lines]

rmd_select(rmd, by_section(c("Content", "*"))) %>%
  rmd_select(has_type(c("rmd_chunk", "rmd_heading")))
#> └── Heading [h1] - Content
#>     ├── Heading [h2] - R Markdown
#>     │   ├── Chunk [r, 1 lines] - cars
#>     │   └── Chunk [r, 1 lines] - unnamed-chunk-1
#>     └── Heading [h2] - Including Plots
#>         └── Chunk [r, 1 opt, 1 lines] - pressure

rmd_select(rmd, "pressure")
#> └── Chunk [r, 1 opt, 1 lines] - pressure

rmd_select(rmd, 1:3)
#> ├── YAML [4 lines]
#> └── Heading [h1] - Setup
#>     └── Chunk [r, 1 opt, 1 lines] - setup

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