Using the downloadablePlot Shiny Module

Dr. Connie Brett




This Shiny Module provides an easy-to-use downloadFileButton for a plot. It is that is automatically created, linked and managed. This module is compatible with ggplot2, grob and lattice graphics – as well as any superclass of these.



Shiny Module Overview

Shiny modules consist of a pair of functions that modularize, or package, a small piece of reusable functionality. The UI function is called directly by the user to place the UI in the correct location (as with other shiny UI objects). The module server function that is called only once to set it up using the module name as a function inside the server function (i.e. user-local session scope. The first function argument is a string that represents the module id (the same id used in module UI function). Additional arguments can be supplied by the user based on the specific shiny module that is called. There can be additional helper functions that are a part of a shiny module.

The downloadablePlot Shiny Module is a part of the periscope2 package and consists of the following functions:


The downloadablePlotUI function is called from the ui.R (or equivalent) file in the location where the plot should be placed. This is similar to other UI element placement in shiny.

The downloadablePlotUI adds a button to the plot as seen in the bottom right corner below:

The downloadablePlotUI function takes the unique object ID for the UI object.

The downloadtypes and download_hovertext arguments are passed to the downloadFileButton and set the file types the button will allow the user to request and the downloadFileButton’s tooltip text.

The width and height options set the plot size in the UI and can be any css-recognizable size value.

These options are followed with alignment and overlap options for the button placed on the chart.

The last three options give you the standard ways of interacting with shiny plots - using the functionality available with the clickOpts, hoverOpts and brushOpts functions.

Note: When you create an object using any of these functions shiny will send information about the user’s interactions with the plot to the server and make it available to you via an input$ variable.

# Inside ui_body.R or ui_sidebar.R

downloadablePlotUI(id                 = "object_id1", 
                   downloadtypes      = c("png", "csv"), 
                   download_hovertext = "Download the plot and data here!",
                   height             = "500px", 
                   btn_halign         = "left")


The downloadablePlot function is also called directly. The call consists of the following:

** Plot/Download Function or Reactive Expression Requirements**

# Inside server_local.R

downloadablePlot(id           = "object_id1",
                 logger       = ss_userAction.Log,
                 filenameroot = "mydownload1",
                 aspectratio  = 1.33,
                 downloadfxns = list(png = myplotfxn,
                                     tsv = mydatafxn),
                 visibleplot  = myplotfxn)

Additional Resources


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