There are two references to cite the Phoenix criteria: 1) Sanchez-Pinto, Bennett, DeWitt, Russell, et al. (2024); and 2) Schlapbach, Watson, Sorce, Argent, et al. (2024). There are two references to cite for the R package itself: 1) DeWitt, Russell, Rebull, et al. (2024); and 2) the result of evaluating `citation('phoenix', auto = TRUE)`

Sanchez-Pinto, Nelson L, Bennett, D. T, DeWitt, E. P, Russell, Seth, Rebull, N. M, Martin, Blake, Akech, Samuel, Albers, J. D, Alpern, R. E, Balamuth, Fran, Bembea, Melania, Chisti, Jobayer M, Evans, Idris, Horvat, M. C, Jaramillo-Bustamante, Camilo J, Kissoon, Niranjan, Menon, Kusum, Scott, F. H, Weiss, L. S, Wiens, O. M, Zimmerman, J. J, Argent, C. A, Sorce, R. L, Schlapbach, J. L, Watson, Scott R, Force SoCCMPSDT (2024). “Development and Validation of the Phoenix Criteria for Pediatric Sepsis and Septic Shock.” JAMA, 331(8), 675-686. ISSN 0098-7484, doi:10.1001/jama.2024.0196, Drs Sanchez-Pinto and Bennett contributed equally. Drs DeWitt and Mr Russell contributed equally. Drs Argent, Sorce, Schlapbach, and Watson contributed equally.,,

Schlapbach, J. L, Watson, Scott R, Sorce, R. L, Argent, C. A, Menon, Kusum, Hall, W. M, Akech, Samuel, Albers, J. D, Alpern, R. E, Balamuth, Fran, Bembea, Melania, Biban, Paolo, Carrol, D. E, Chiotos, Kathleen, Chisti, Jobayer M, DeWitt, E. P, Evans, Idris, de Oliveira F, Cláudio, Horvat, M. C, Inwald, David, Ishimine, Paul, Jaramillo-Bustamante, Camilo J, Levin, Michael, Lodha, Rakesh, Martin, Blake, Nadel, Simon, Nakagawa, Satoshi, Peters, J. M, Randolph, G. A, Ranjit, Suchitra, Rebull, N. M, Russell, Seth, Scott, F. H, de Souza, Carla D, Tissieres, Pierre, Weiss, L. S, Wiens, O. M, Wynn, L. J, Kissoon, Niranjan, Zimmerman, J. J, Sanchez-Pinto, Nelson L, Bennett, D. T, Force SoCCMPSDT (2024). “International Consensus Criteria for Pediatric Sepsis and Septic Shock.” JAMA, 331(8), 665-674. ISSN 0098-7484, doi:10.1001/jama.2024.0179, Drs Schlapbach, Watson, Sorce, and Argent contributed equally. Drs Sanchez-Pinto and Bennett contributed equally.,,

DeWitt, E P, Russell, Seth, Rebull, N M, Sanchez-Pinto, Nelson L, Bennett, D T (2024). “phoenix: an R package and Python module for calculating the Phoenix pediatric sepsis score and criteria.” JAMIA Open, 7. doi:10.1093/jamiaopen/ooae066,

Corresponding BibTeX entries:

    author = {{Sanchez-Pinto} and L. Nelson and {Bennett} and Tellen D.
      and {DeWitt} and Peter E. and {Russell} and {Seth} and {Rebull}
      and Margaret N. and {Martin} and {Blake} and {Akech} and {Samuel}
      and {Albers} and David J. and {Alpern} and Elizabeth R. and
      {Balamuth} and {Fran} and {Bembea} and {Melania} and {Chisti} and
      Mohammod Jobayer and {Evans} and {Idris} and {Horvat} and
      Christopher M. and {Jaramillo-Bustamante} and Juan Camilo and
      {Kissoon} and {Niranjan} and {Menon} and {Kusum} and {Scott} and
      Halden F. and {Weiss} and Scott L. and {Wiens} and Matthew O. and
      {Zimmerman} and Jerry J. and {Argent} and Andrew C. and {Sorce}
      and Lauren R. and {Schlapbach} and Luregn J. and {Watson} and R.
      Scott and Society of Critical Care Medicine Pediatric Sepsis
      Definition Task Force},
    title = {Development and Validation of the Phoenix Criteria for
      Pediatric Sepsis and Septic Shock},
    journal = {JAMA},
    volume = {331},
    number = {8},
    pages = {675-686},
    year = {2024},
    month = {02},
    abstract = {The Society of Critical Care Medicine Pediatric Sepsis
      Definition Task Force sought to develop and validate new clinical
      criteria for pediatric sepsis and septic shock using measures of
      organ dysfunction through a data-driven approach.To derive and
      validate novel criteria for pediatric sepsis and septic shock
      across differently resourced settings.Multicenter, international,
      retrospective cohort study in 10 health systems in the US,
      Colombia, Bangladesh, China, and Kenya, 3 of which were used as
      external validation sites. Data were collected from emergency and
      inpatient encounters for children (aged \<18 years) from 2010
      to 2019: 3 049 699 in the development (including derivation and
      internal validation) set and 581 317 in the external validation
      set.Stacked regression models to predict mortality in children
      with suspected infection were derived and validated using the
      best-performing organ dysfunction subscores from 8 existing
      scores. The final model was then translated into an integer-based
      score used to establish binary criteria for sepsis and septic
      shock.The primary outcome for all analyses was in-hospital
      mortality. Model- and integer-based score performance measures
      included the area under the precision recall curve (AUPRC;
      primary) and area under the receiver operating characteristic
      curve (AUROC; secondary). For binary criteria, primary
      performance measures were positive predictive value and
      sensitivity.Among the 172 984 children with suspected infection
      in the first 24 hours (development set; 1.2\% mortality), a
      4-organ-system model performed best. The integer version of that
      model, the Phoenix Sepsis Score, had AUPRCs of 0.23 to 0.38 (95\%
      CI range, 0.20-0.39) and AUROCs of 0.71 to 0.92 (95\% CI range,
      0.70-0.92) to predict mortality in the validation sets. Using a
      Phoenix Sepsis Score of 2 points or higher in children with
      suspected infection as criteria for sepsis and sepsis plus 1 or
      more cardiovascular point as criteria for septic shock resulted
      in a higher positive predictive value and higher or similar
      sensitivity compared with the 2005 International Pediatric Sepsis
      Consensus Conference (IPSCC) criteria across differently
      resourced settings.The novel Phoenix sepsis criteria, which were
      derived and validated using data from higher- and lower-resource
      settings, had improved performance for the diagnosis of pediatric
      sepsis and septic shock compared with the existing IPSCC
    issn = {0098-7484},
    doi = {10.1001/jama.2024.0196},
    url = {},
    eprint =
    note = {Drs Sanchez-Pinto and Bennett contributed equally. Drs
      DeWitt and Mr Russell contributed equally. Drs Argent, Sorce,
      Schlapbach, and Watson contributed equally.},
    author = {{Schlapbach} and Luregn J. and {Watson} and R. Scott and
      {Sorce} and Lauren R. and {Argent} and Andrew C. and {Menon} and
      {Kusum} and {Hall} and Mark W. and {Akech} and {Samuel} and
      {Albers} and David J. and {Alpern} and Elizabeth R. and
      {Balamuth} and {Fran} and {Bembea} and {Melania} and {Biban} and
      {Paolo} and {Carrol} and Enitan D. and {Chiotos} and {Kathleen}
      and {Chisti} and Mohammod Jobayer and {DeWitt} and Peter E. and
      {Evans} and {Idris} and Flauzino {de Oliveira} and {Cláudio} and
      {Horvat} and Christopher M. and {Inwald} and {David} and
      {Ishimine} and {Paul} and {Jaramillo-Bustamante} and Juan Camilo
      and {Levin} and {Michael} and {Lodha} and {Rakesh} and {Martin}
      and {Blake} and {Nadel} and {Simon} and {Nakagawa} and {Satoshi}
      and {Peters} and Mark J. and {Randolph} and Adrienne G. and
      {Ranjit} and {Suchitra} and {Rebull} and Margaret N. and
      {Russell} and {Seth} and {Scott} and Halden F. and {de Souza} and
      Daniela Carla and {Tissieres} and {Pierre} and {Weiss} and Scott
      L. and {Wiens} and Matthew O. and {Wynn} and James L. and
      {Kissoon} and {Niranjan} and {Zimmerman} and Jerry J. and
      {Sanchez-Pinto} and L. Nelson and {Bennett} and Tellen D. and
      Society of Critical Care Medicine Pediatric Sepsis Definition
      Task Force},
    title = {International Consensus Criteria for Pediatric Sepsis and
      Septic Shock},
    journal = {JAMA},
    volume = {331},
    number = {8},
    pages = {665-674},
    year = {2024},
    month = {02},
    abstract = {Sepsis is a leading cause of death among children
      worldwide. Current pediatric-specific criteria for sepsis were
      published in 2005 based on expert opinion. In 2016, the Third
      International Consensus Definitions for Sepsis and Septic Shock
      (Sepsis-3) defined sepsis as life-threatening organ dysfunction
      caused by a dysregulated host response to infection, but it
      excluded children.To update and evaluate criteria for sepsis and
      septic shock in children.The Society of Critical Care Medicine
      (SCCM) convened a task force of 35 pediatric experts in critical
      care, emergency medicine, infectious diseases, general
      pediatrics, nursing, public health, and neonatology from 6
      continents. Using evidence from an international survey,
      systematic review and meta-analysis, and a new organ dysfunction
      score developed based on more than 3 million electronic health
      record encounters from 10 sites on 4 continents, a modified
      Delphi consensus process was employed to develop criteria.Based
      on survey data, most pediatric clinicians used sepsis to refer to
      infection with life-threatening organ dysfunction, which differed
      from prior pediatric sepsis criteria that used systemic
      inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) criteria, which have poor
      predictive properties, and included the redundant term, severe
      sepsis. The SCCM task force recommends that sepsis in children be
      identified by a Phoenix Sepsis Score of at least 2 points in
      children with suspected infection, which indicates potentially
      life-threatening dysfunction of the respiratory, cardiovascular,
      coagulation, and/or neurological systems. Children with a Phoenix
      Sepsis Score of at least 2 points had in-hospital mortality of
      7.1\% in higher-resource settings and 28.5\% in lower-resource
      settings, more than 8 times that of children with suspected
      infection not meeting these criteria. Mortality was higher in
      children who had organ dysfunction in at least 1 of
      4—respiratory, cardiovascular, coagulation, and/or
      neurological—organ systems that was not the primary site of
      infection. Septic shock was defined as children with sepsis who
      had cardiovascular dysfunction, indicated by at least 1
      cardiovascular point in the Phoenix Sepsis Score, which included
      severe hypotension for age, blood lactate exceeding 5 mmol/L, or
      need for vasoactive medication. Children with septic shock had an
      in-hospital mortality rate of 10.8\% and 33.5\% in higher- and
      lower-resource settings, respectively.The Phoenix sepsis criteria
      for sepsis and septic shock in children were derived and
      validated by the international SCCM Pediatric Sepsis Definition
      Task Force using a large international database and survey,
      systematic review and meta-analysis, and modified Delphi
      consensus approach. A Phoenix Sepsis Score of at least 2
      identified potentially life-threatening organ dysfunction in
      children younger than 18 years with infection, and its use has
      the potential to improve clinical care, epidemiological
      assessment, and research in pediatric sepsis and septic shock
      around the world.},
    issn = {0098-7484},
    doi = {10.1001/jama.2024.0179},
    url = {},
    eprint =
    note = {Drs Schlapbach, Watson, Sorce, and Argent contributed
      equally. Drs Sanchez-Pinto and Bennett contributed equally.},
    author = {{DeWitt} and Peter E and {Russell} and {Seth} and
      {Rebull} and Margaret N and {Sanchez-Pinto} and L Nelson and
      {Bennett} and Tellen D},
    title = {phoenix: an R package and Python module for calculating
      the Phoenix pediatric sepsis score and criteria},
    journal = {JAMIA Open},
    volume = {7},
    issue = {3},
    month = {October},
    year = {2024},
    doi = {10.1093/jamiaopen/ooae066},
    eprint =

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