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phyloTop: Calculating Topological Properties of Phylogenies

phyloTop provides tools for calculating and viewing topological properties of phylogenetic trees.

Installing phyloTop

To install the development version from github:


The stable version can be installed from CRAN using:


Then, to load the package, use:


## Loading required package: ape

Content overview

The key functions available in phyloTop are:

Tree statistics and topological properties:

Tree visualisation tools:

Simulating an epidemic and creating the corresponding genealogy:


Tree statistics:

Apply tree statistic functions to a list of 10 random trees, each with 50 tips:


##    avgLadder cherries colless.phylo ILnumber maxHeight pitchforks sackin.phylo
## 1      0.000       19            82       12         9          9          312
## 2      2.167       16           120       18         9          7          330
## 3      2.500       19           192       12        12          6          394
## 4      2.333       16           139       18        11          9          345
## 5      2.000       18           150       14        10          8          358
## 6      2.333       17           105       16        11         10          321
## 7      2.333       19           112       12        10          5          330
## 8      2.333       15           229       20        13          9          421
## 9      3.000       17           121       16        11          7          331
## 10     3.000       16           181       18        12          7          377
##    stairs1 stairs2
## 1   0.5510  0.7257
## 2   0.5306  0.6752
## 3   0.5102  0.6907
## 4   0.6327  0.6487
## 5   0.5714  0.6880
## 6   0.6122  0.6649
## 7   0.5714  0.6696
## 8   0.6735  0.5760
## 9   0.6122  0.6487
## 10  0.6122  0.6237

Tree visualisation tools:

Plot a random tree with 20 tips, highlighting the the clade(s) descending from nodes 25 and 33:

subtreeShow(rtree(20),nodeList=c(25,33), mainCol="navy", subtreeCol="cyan", nodeLabelCol="cyan", edge.width=2)

Contributing / asking a question

Contributions are welcome via pull requests.

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.

Questions, feature requests and bugs can be reported using the package’s issue system.

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