plotcli: Command-Line Plots for R

Colored Density Plot on Terminal
Colored Density Plot on Terminal

plotcli is an R package that brings the power of command-line plotting to your R environment. With a simple and intuitive R6 class interface, plotcli allows you to create and customize a variety of plot types, such as scatter, line, bar, and box plots, directly in your console.


plotcli is heavily inspired by the excellent UnicodePlots.jl library.

> ggplotcli(ggplot(iris, aes(x = Sepal.Width, y = Sepal.Length, color = Species)) + geom_boxplot())

                4.4 │       ───────                                              │       
                    │          │                                                 │       
                    │          │                                                 │       
                    │          │                                                 │       
                    │          │                                   ───────       │       
                3.8 │      ┌───────┐                                  │          │       
                    │      │       │                                  │          │       
                    │      │───────│           ───────                │          │       
                    │      │       │              │                   │          │   setosa   
Sepal.Length    3.2 │      └───────┘              │               ┌───────┐      │   versicolor   
                    │          │                  │               │       │      │   virginica   
                    │          │              ┌───────┐           │───────│      │       
                    │       ───────           │───────│           └───────┘      │       
                    │                         │       │               │          │       
                2.6 │                         │       │               │          │       
                    │                         └───────┘               │          │       
                    │                             │                   │          │       
*                  │                ───────       │       
                    │                             │                              │       
                2.0 │                          ───────                           │       
                            setosa           versicolor           virginica              


You can install the plotcli package from GitHub using the devtools package:

# Install devtools if you haven't already
if (!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE)) {

# Install plotcli from GitHub


The easiest way to use the package if you are already familiar with ggplot2 is to configure your ggplot2 object as usual and then simply convert to a plotcli terminal plot with ggplotcli:

# Load the plotcli package

mtcars$cf = as.character(mtcars$cyl)

p = ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = mpg, y = wt, color = cf)) + geom_point()

# print to terminal
ggplotcli(p, braille = FALSE)

Check the vignettes for all possible ways of using the package.


Colored Density Plot on Terminal Colored Density Plot on Terminal Colored Density Plot on Terminal Colored Density Plot on Terminal Colored Density Plot on Terminal

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plotcli is released under the MIT License.

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