Working in other languages

If you work in a language other than English, you can extend plume classes with default names in your desired language. plume provides set_default_names() to help you set new default names.

E.g. to extend Plume with default names in French:

PlumeFr <- R6::R6Class(
  classname = "PlumeFr",
  inherit = Plume,
  private = list(
    plume_names = set_default_names(
      initials = "initiales",
      literal_name = "nom_complet",
      corresponding = "correspondant",
      given_name = "prénom",
      family_name = "nom",
      email = "courriel",
      phone = "téléphone"
#> # A tibble: 4 × 11
#>      id prénom  nom   nom_complet initiales courriel téléphone orcid role  note 
#>   <int> <chr>   <chr> <chr>       <chr>     <chr>    <chr>     <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1     1 Denis   Dide… Denis Dide… DD        diderot… +1234     0000… Supe… né e…
#> 2     2 Jean-J… Rous… Jean-Jacqu… J-JR      roussea… <NA>      0000… <NA>  <NA> 
#> 3     3 Franço… Arou… François-M… F-MA      arouet@… <NA>      <NA>  <NA>  dit …
#> 4     4 Jean    Le R… Jean Le Ro… JLRd'A    alember… <NA>      0000… Supe… né e…
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: affiliation <list>

You can also overwrite the default arguments of some methods to match your language. I recommend doing it in the public argument of the class definition. For the purpose of this example, I’ll use the set() method instead. For example, to change divider and sep_last to : and et in get_contributions():

PlumeFr$set("public", "get_contributions", function(
  roles_first = TRUE,
  by_author = FALSE,
  alphabetical_order = FALSE,
  dotted_initials = TRUE,
  literal_names = FALSE,
  divider = " : ",
  sep = ", ",
  sep_last = " et "
) {
    roles_first, by_author, alphabetical_order, dotted_initials,
    literal_names, divider, sep, sep_last
aut <- PlumeFr$new(
  roles = c(supervision = "Supervision", rédaction = "Rédaction")
#> Supervision : D.D. et J.L.R.d'A.
#> Rédaction : D.D., J.-J.R., F.-M.A. et J.L.R.d'A.

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