Data Dictionary

Most tables are derived from the MEDLINE XML files, parsed according to the MEDLINE®PubMed® XML Element Descriptions and their Attributes. The source column indicates the corresponding element in the MEDLINE XML. All elements other than those for the pmid_status table and the citation table are nested within the PubmedArticle element. “attr” indicates a named attribute in the XML, and “int position” indicates an integer to index each item in a list. The citation table is derived from the NIH Open Citation Collection.

table_name field_name source
abstract pmid PMID
abstract text Abstract / AbstractText
abstract label Abstract / AbstractText / attr Label
abstract nlm_category Abstract / AbstractText / attr NlmCategory
abstract abstract_pos Abstract / AbstractText / int position
abstract_copyright pmid PMID
abstract_copyright copyright Abstract / CopyrightInformation
article pmid PMID
article title Article / ArticleTitle
article language Article / Language
article vernacular_title Article / VernacularTitle
article pub_model Article / attr PubModel
article pub_date Article / ArticleDate / Year-Month-Day
article_id pmid PMID
article_id id_type ArticleIdList / ArticleId / attr IdType
article_id id_value ArticleIdList / ArticleId
author pmid PMID
author author_pos AuthorList / Author / int position
author last_name AuthorList / Author / LastName
author fore_name AuthorList / Author / ForeName
author initials AuthorList / Author / Initials
author suffix AuthorList / Author / Suffix
author valid AuthorList / Author / attr ValidYN
author equal_contrib AuthorList / Author / attr EqualContrib
author collective_name AuthorList / Author / CollectiveName
author_affiliation pmid PMID
author_affiliation author_pos AuthorList / Author / int position
author_affiliation affiliation_pos AuthorList / Author / AffiliationInfo / Affiliation / int position
author_affiliation affiliation AuthorList / Author / AffiliationInfo / Affiliation
author_affiliation_identifier pmid PMID
author_affiliation_identifier author_pos AuthorList / Author / int position
author_affiliation_identifier affiliation_pos AuthorList / Author / Affiliation / int position
author_affiliation_identifier source AuthorList / Author / AffiliationInfo / Identifier / attr Source
author_affiliation_identifier identifier AuthorList / Author / AffiliationInfo / Identifier
author_identifier pmid PMID
author_identifier author_pos AuthorList / Author / int position
author_identifier source AuthorList / Author / Identifier / attr Source
author_identifier identifier AuthorList / Author / Identifier
author_list pmid PMID
author_list complete AuthorList / attr CompleteYN
chemical pmid PMID
chemical registry_number ChemicalList / Chemical / RegistryNumber
chemical substance_name ChemicalList / Chemical / NameOfSubstance
chemical substance_ui ChemicalList / Chemical / NameOfSubstance / attr UI
citation citing_pmid NIH OCC / citing
citation cited_pmid NIH OCC / referenced
citation_version md5_computed -
citation_version pmparser_version -
citation_version datetime_processed -
comment pmid PMID
comment ref_type CommentsCorrectionsList / CommentsCorrections / attr RefType
comment ref_pmid CommentsCorrectionsList / CommentsCorrections / PMID
data_bank pmid PMID
data_bank data_bank_name DataBankList / DataBank / DataBankName
data_bank accession_number DataBankList / DataBank / AccessionNumber
grant_item pmid PMID
grant_item grant_id GrantList / Grant / GrantID
grant_item acronym GrantList / Grant / Acronym
grant_item agency GrantList / Grant / Agency
grant_item country GrantList / Grant / Country
grant_list pmid PMID
grant_list complete GrantList / CompleteYN
investigator pmid PMID
investigator investigator_pos InvestigatorList / Investigator / int position
investigator last_name InvestigatorList / Investigator / LastName
investigator fore_name InvestigatorList / Investigator / ForeName
investigator initials InvestigatorList / Investigator / Initials
investigator suffix InvestigatorList / Investigator / Suffix
investigator valid InvestigatorList / Investigator / attr ValidYN
investigator_affiliation pmid PMID
investigator_affiliation investigator_pos InvestigatorList / Investigator / int position
investigator_affiliation affiliation_pos InvestigatorList / Investigator / AffiliationInfo / Affiliation / int position
investigator_affiliation affiliation InvestigatorList / Investigator / AffiliationInfo / Affiliation
investigator_affiliation_identifier pmid PMID
investigator_affiliation_identifier investigator_pos InvestigatorList / Investigator / int position
investigator_affiliation_identifier affiliation_pos InvestigatorList / Investigator / Affiliation / int position
investigator_affiliation_identifier source InvestigatorList / Investigator / AffiliationInfo / Identifier / attr Source
investigator_affiliation_identifier identifier InvestigatorList / Investigator / AffiliationInfo / Identifier
investigator_identifier pmid PMID
investigator_identifier investigator_pos InvestigatorList / Investigator / int position
investigator_identifier source InvestigatorList / Investigator / Identifier / attr Source
investigator_identifier identifier InvestigatorList / Investigator / Identifier
journal pmid PMID
journal journal_name Journal / Title
journal journal_iso Journal / ISOAbbreviation
journal pub_date Journal / Year-Month-Day
journal pub_year Journal / Year
journal pub_month Journal / Month
journal pub_day Journal / Day
journal medline_date Journal / MedlineDate
journal volume Journal / Volume
journal issue Journal / Issue
journal cited_medium Journal / JournalIssue / attr CitedMedium
keyword_item pmid PMID
keyword_item keyword_name KeywordList / Keyword
keyword_item major_topic KeywordList / Keyword / attr MajorTopicYN
keyword_list pmid PMID
keyword_list list_owner KeywordList / attr Owner
mesh_descriptor pmid PMID
mesh_descriptor descriptor_pos MeshHeadingList / MeshHeading / int position
mesh_descriptor descriptor_name MeshHeadingList / MeshHeading / DescriptorName
mesh_descriptor descriptor_ui MeshHeadingList / MeshHeading / DescriptorName / attr UI
mesh_descriptor descriptor_major_topic MeshHeadingList / MeshHeading / DescriptorName / attr MajorTopicYN
mesh_list pmid PMID
mesh_list indexing_method MedlineCitation / IndexingMethod
mesh_qualifier pmid PMID
mesh_qualifier descriptor_pos MeshHeadingList / MeshHeading / int position
mesh_qualifier qualifier_name MeshHeadingList / MeshHeading / QualifiierName
mesh_qualifier qualifier_ui MeshHeadingList / MeshHeading / QualifiierName / attr UI
mesh_qualifier qualifier_major_topic MeshHeadingList / MeshHeading / QualifiierName / attr MajorTopicYN
other_abstract pmid PMID
other_abstract text OtherAbstract / AbstractText
other_abstract type OtherAbstract / attr Type
other_abstract language OtherAbstract / attr Language
other_id pmid PMID
other_id source OtherId / attr Source
other_id id_value OtherId
pmid_status pmid PMID
pmid_status version PMID / attr Version
pmid_status xml_filename -
pmid_status status DeleteCitation | (MedlineCitation / attr Status)
pub_history pmid PMID
pub_history pub_status History / PubMedPubDate / attr PubStatus
pub_history pub_date History / PubMedPubDate / Year-Month-Day
pub_type pmid PMID
pub_type type_name PublicationTypeList / PublicationType
pub_type type_id PublicationTypeList / PublicationType / attr UI
readme text
xml_processed xml_filename -
xml_processed pmparser_version -
xml_processed datetime_processed -

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