qicharts2 0.7.5
- Build for R 4.4.0
- Minor fixes to docs
- Change target line to dotted
qicharts2 0.7.4
- Fix error
- Screen mr during prime adjustment for pp and up charts (thans to andrjohns).
- Prevent conversion of missing value to 0 in C chart (thanks to NathanProudlove).
- Replace the old travis build check with a Github Actions R-CMD-CHECK (thanks to andrjohns).
- Add option to show 2 sigma limits (thanks to andrjohns).
- Increased default point size.
- Change signal colour.
qicharts2 0.7.2
- Fixed bug in plotting categorical (character) subgroups.
- Prime charts (pp and up) now handle categorical subgroups (funnel plots).
- qic() gained y.percent.accuracy argument.
- Add return data param to qic() (thanks to rjake).
- Fix DOI URLs.
qicharts2 0.7.1
- qic() gained EXPERIMENTAL method argument.
- Fixed broken link in vignette.
- Fixed limits in S charts using freeze argument (thanks to dirkse).
- Fixed part argument with subgrouped data (thanks to Nathan Proudlove),
qicharts2 0.6.1
- Fixing a warning caused by a recent update to geom_ribbon()
- Fixed missing options when package not loaded.
- New EXPERIMENTAL function, bchart() for Bernoulli CUSUM charts for rare events.
- The part argument now accepts a character vector identifying and labelling chart parts.
qicharts2 0.6.0
- Allow NULL as title argument in paretochart (thanks to Andrew Hill).
- Fix c4() for large n (thanks to pwildenhain for the bug report and Tore Wenzel-Larsen for the fix).
- Hide line labels for Inf values.
- Fix baseline centre line in G charts (when using freeze argument).
- Fix error when x.period argument is NULL (thanks to lenakba).
qicharts2 0.5.1
- Fix missing target line.
- Use exact values for control chart constants A3, B3, and B4 (thanks to Tore Wenzel-Larsen).
- Add x.period argument specifying interval cut points for aggregating y values by week, month, etc. (thanks to pwildenhain).
- P charts default to percentage on Y axis (thanks to pwildehain).
- Add qic.linecol, qic.signalcol, and qic.targetcol to options to allow for custom colours.
- Add qic.clshade to options to allow for choosing between lines and shaded area for control limits.
- Fix typos in vignette (thanks to rmadillo).
- Add source to cabg and gtt datasets.
qicharts2 0.4.0
- Fix quoted variables.
- Darker CL background.
- Add point.size argument.
- Improved notes and parts labels.
qicharts2 0.3.0
- Skip more tests that generate noLD issues on CRAN.
- Allow NULL as title argument to suppress chart title.
- Add strip.horizontal argument to qic().
qicharts2 0.2.3
- Skip tests that generate noLD issues on CRAN.
qicharts2 0.2.2
- Fix time zone warnings on Windows environment.
qicharts2 0.2.1
- Fix x axis error when dates crosses summer/winter time.
qicharts2 0.2.0
- Import dplyr >= 0.7.0
- Fix calculation of control limits for xbar chart in qic() with freeze or exclude argument.
- C chart ignores agg.fun argument.
qicharts2 0.1.1
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