Create plots and LaTeX
tables that look like
output for use in teaching materials. Rather than
copying-and-pasting SPSS
output into documents,
code that mocks up SPSS
output can be
integrated directly into dynamic LaTeX
documents with tools
such as knitr
Functionality includes statistical techniques that are typically covered
in introductory statistics classes: descriptive statistics, common
hypothesis tests, ANOVA, and linear regression, as well as box plots,
histograms, scatter plots, and line plots (including profile plots).
Package r2spss
is on CRAN (The Comprehensive R Archive
Network), hence the latest release can be easily installed from the
command line via
To install the latest (possibly unstable) development version from
GitHub, you can pull this repository and install it from the
command line via
If you already have package devtools
installed, you can
skip the first line.
tables created with package r2spss
build upon several LaTeX
packages. A LaTeX
style file that includes all requirements can be produced with function
. By default, it prints the content of the
style file on the R
console, but its only argument
can be used to specify the path to a folder in which
to put the file r2spss.sty. For instance, the following command
can be used to put the style file in the current working directory.
r2spss.sty(path = ".")
After putting the style file in the folder that contains your
document, the following command should be included in
the preamble of your LaTeX
document, i.e., somewhere in
between \documentclass{}
Package r2spss
is the most useful when writing dynamic
documents with tools such as the R
package knitr
. When
creating LaTeX
tables in R
code chunks with
, the output of the chunk should be written directly
into the output document by setting the chunk option
. For more information on knitr
chunk options, in particular various options for figures, please consult
the knitr
Package r2spss
can create output that mimics the look of
current SPSS
versions, as well as the look of older
versions. The relevant functions contain the argument
for specifying which type of output to create.
Possible values are "modern"
to mimic recent versions and
to mimic older versions. LaTeX
that mimic the look of recent SPSS version thereby build upon the
package nicematrix
its NiceTabular
environment, which is preferred for its
seamless display of background colors in the table.
However, r2spss
requires nicematrix
6.5 (2022-01-23) or later. It is also important to note that tables
using the NiceTabular
environment may require several
compilations to be displayed correctly.
Within a dynamic LaTeX
document or any other
session, it can be useful to set a global preference for
which SPSS
version to mimic. This can be done with the
accessor function r2spss_options$set()
. For instance, a
default to mimic older SPSS
versions can be set with:
r2spss_options$set(version = "legacy")
Various examples for using r2spss
are given in the
package vignette, which can be accessed from the R
If you experience any bugs or issues or if you have any suggestions for additional features, please submit an issue via the Issues tab of this repository. Please have a look at existing issues first to see if your problem or feature request has already been discussed.
If you want to contribute to the package, you can fork this repository and create a pull request after implementing the desired functionality.
If you need help using the package, or if you are interested in collaborations related to this project, please get in touch with the package maintainer.
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