This document details the calculations made in the R script
GV measures.R
. That script is based upon the Easy GV
spreadsheet constructed by Dr. Nathan R. Hill of Oxford University. In
many cases, Easy GV does not give results consistent with the formulas
presented in the original manuscripts. In these cases,
GV measures.R
gives an option to calculate either the Easy
GV version or the original manuscript option.
Throughout this document, let Xt be a glucose reading at time t. Let n be the total number of glucose readings. Time is assumed to be measured in minutes since the first recording in the data set. Glucose readings can be measured in either mg/dL or mmol/L. Note that 1 mmol of glucose is equal to 18 mg of glucose.
All functions require a vector x
of glucose readings.
This vector should be numeric and should not include any blank entries.
Some functions additionally require a vector times
times. This vector should also be numeric and should not include any
blank entries. Currently, the function read.CGM
can take a
Dexcom output file as input and return a data.frame which includes
properly formatted x
and times
The wrapper function GV
returns all of the following
metrics simultaneously.
Parameters include
, a vector of glucose readingstimes
, a vector of corresponding timesn
, the number of hours between “partner” observations.
Null value is 1.s
, the number of minutes of slack used when searching
for partners. Null value is 1.method
, either “manuscript” or “easy”. Null value is
“manuscript”.For a glucose measurement Xt at time t, let Dt be the difference between Xt and the mean of all glucose measurements made n hours prior to Xt, plus or minus s minutes. Let T be the set of times with a Dt value and let k be the number of such observations. Finally, let D̄ = ∑Dt/k. Then, the original manuscript version is
\[ CONGA\_M(n) = \\sqrt{\\frac{\\sum\_T (D\_t - \\bar{D})^2}{k - 1}} \]
Furthermore, let D̄* = ∑|Dt|/k. Then the Easy GV version is
\[ CONGA\_{GV}(n) = \\sqrt{\\frac{\\sum\_T (X\_t - \\bar{D}^\*)^2}{k - 1}} \]
Parameters include
, a vector of glucose readingstimes
, a vector of corresponding timesk
, length of time (in minutes) used to find partners.
Null value is 60.s
, the number of minutes of slack used when searching
for partners. Null value is 1.For a glucose measurement Xt at time t, let Dt be the difference between Xt and the mean of all glucose measurements made k minutes prior to Xt, plus or minus s minutes. Let T be the set of times with a Dt value and let k be the number of such observations. Then
\[ LI = \\frac{1}{k} \\sum\_{t\\in T} (D\_t)^2 \]
Parameters include
, a vector of glucose readingsunit
, either “mg” if the units are mg/dL or “mmol” if
the units are mmol/L. Null value is “mg”.Let X̄ be the mean of all glucose values, and let *S**D(X*) be the standard deviation of all glucose values. If the units are mg/dL,
\[ J = \\frac{1}{1000}(\\bar{X} + SD(X))^2 \] and if the units are mmol/L,
\[ J = \\frac{18^2}{1000}(\\bar{X} + SD(X))^2 \]
Parameters include
, a vector of glucose readingsunit
, either “mg” if the units are mg/dL or “mmol” if
the units are mmol/L. Null value is “mg”.method
, one of “manuscript”, “easy”, or “corrected”.
Null value is “manuscript”. “Corrected” refers to the Gaynanova paper’s
recommendation.If the units are mg/dL, let
f(x) = 1.509(ln(x)1.084 − 5.381).
If the units are mmol/L, let
f(x) = 1.509(ln(18x)1.084 − 5.381).
rl(x) = cf(x)2
when f(x) < 0 and
rl(x) = 0 otherwise. Let
rh(x) = cf(x)2
when f(x) > 0 and
rh(x) = 0 otherwise. In the original
manuscript, Kovatchev et al use c = 10. Gaynanova et al
recommend c = 22.77. Both measures can be obtained from this
code, by setting method
to corrected
, respectively. Then, the original manuscript
version is
\[ LBGI\_M = \\frac{\\sum rl(x\_t)}{n} \]
\[ HBGI\_M = \\frac{\\sum rh(x\_t)}{n} \]
where n is the total number of glucose readings.
The Easy GV version is
\[ LBGI\_{GV} = \\frac{\\sum rl(x\_t)}{\\sum I(rl(x\_t) > 0)} \]
\[ HBGI\_{GV} = \\frac{\\sum rh(x\_t)}{\\sum I(rh(x\_t) > 0)} \]
Parameters include
, a vector of glucose readingsunit
, either “mg” if the units are mg/dL or “mmol” if
the units are mmol/L. Null value is “mg”.method
, either “manuscript” or “easy”. Null value is
, the glucose value below which readings are
considered hypoglycemicc2
, the glucose value above which readings are
considered hyperglycemicIf the units are mg/dL, let
g(x) = min(425[log(log(x/18)) + C]2, 50) If the units are mmol/L, let
g(x) = min(425[log(log(x)) + C]2, 50)
Where the logarithm is base ten in both cases. Let C = 1.6 for the manuscript calculation and let C = 1.5554147 for the Easy GV calculation.
For the manuscript calculation, GRADEM is the mean of the g(xt). For the Easy GV calculation, GRADE*G**V is the median of the g(xt*).
We also calculate the contributions of hypoglycemia, euglycemia, and hyperglycemia to the GRADE score.
\[ \\text{Hypo percentage} = \\frac{\\sum\\limits\_{x\_t < C\_1} g(x\_t)}{\\sum\\limits\_{\\text{all }x\_t} g(x\_t)} \]
\[ \\text{Eu percentage} = \\frac{\\sum\\limits\_{C\_1 < x\_t < C\_2} g(x\_t)}{\\sum\\limits\_{\\text{all }x\_t} g(x\_t)} \]
\[ \\text{Hyper percentage} = \\frac{\\sum\\limits\_{x\_t > C\_2} g(x\_t)}{\\sum\\limits\_{\\text{all }x\_t} g(x\_t)} \]
If the units are mg/dL, the default values for C1 and C2 are 70.2 and 140.4$ If the units are mmol/L, the defaults are 3.9 and 7.8.
Parameters include
, a vector of glucose readingstimes
, a vector of corresponding timess
, the number of minutes of slack used when searching
for partners. Null value is 1.method
, either “manuscript” or “easy”. Null value is
“manuscript”.For a glucose measurement Xt at time t, let Dt be the difference between Xt and the mean of all glucose measurements made 24 hours prior to Xt, plus or minus s minutes. Let T be the set of times with a Dt value and let k be the number of such observations.
Then, the original manuscript version is
\[ MODD\_M = \\frac{1}{k} \\sum\_T | D\_t | \]
Let T− = T \ max(t ∈ T). Then, the Easy GV version is
\[ MODD\_{GV} = \\frac{1}{K-1} \\sum\_{T^-} | D\_t | \]
Parameters include
, a vector of glucose readingstimes
, a vector of corresponding timesNote that the original manuscript for MAGE is not very precise and does not lead to an obvious calculation of MAGE. While Easy GV does not appear to calculate MAGE in the same way as the original manuscript, the Easy GV version of MAGE is the only one we present here.
Let Dt = Xt − Xt − 1. Then let E be the set of all Dt whose absolute value exceeds the standard deviation of all glucose readings from the day that Dt occurred. Then let E+ be the set that contains the positive Dt values in E, with size #E+. Let E− be the set that contains the negative Dt values in E, with size #E+. We then report separate positive and negative MAGE values and the averaged MAGE value:
\[ MAGE\_+ = \\frac{1}{\\\#E^+} \\sum\_{E^+} D\_t \]
\[ MAGE\_- = \\frac{1}{\\\#E^-} \\sum\_{E^-} D\_t \]
MAGE = (MAGE+ + *MAG**E*−)/2
Parameters include
, a vector of glucose readingstimes
, a vector of corresponding timesunit
, either “mg” if the units are mg/dL or “mmol” if
the units are mmol/L. Null value is “mg”.method
, either “manuscript” or “easy”. Null value is
“manuscript”.If the units are mg/dL, let
f(x) = [1.509(ln(x)1.084 − 5.381)]
If the units are mmol/L, let
f(x) = [1.509(ln(18x)1.084 − 5.381)] Let rl(x) = 10f(x)2 when f(x) < 0 and rl(x) = 0 otherwise. Let rh(x) = 10f(x)2 when f(x) > 0 and rh(x) = 0 otherwise. Denote (x1d, …, xndd) as the nd glucose values on day d. Then let
LRd = max(rl(x1d), …, *r**l(xndd*))
HRd = max(rh(x1d), …, *r**h(xndd*))
for day d. Let D be the total number of days where glucose levels were measured. Then, the original manuscript version is
\[ ADRR\_M = \\frac{1}{D} \\sum\\limits\_{d=1}^D (LR^d + HR^d) \]
The Easy GV version gives high and low measures separately.
\[ ADRR\_{L} = \\frac{1}{D} \\sum\\limits\_{d=1}^D (LR^d) \]
\[ ADRR\_{H} = \\frac{1}{D} \\sum\\limits\_{d=1}^D (HR^d) \]
Parameters include
, a vector of glucose readingsunit
, either “mg” if the units are mg/dL or “mmol” if
the units are mmol/L. Null value is “mg”.index
, a value to be considered a ‘standard’ blood
glucose value, in mg/dL. Null value is 120.method
, either “manuscript” or “easy”. Null value is
“manuscript”.After conversion of all glucose values to mg/dL, let \(M^\* = (10\\text{log}\\frac{x}{\\text{index}})^3\) and let W = (max(xi) − min(xi))/20. The log used in that equation is base 10.
Then, the original manuscript version is
\[ M\_M = \\frac{1}{N} \\sum\\limits\_{i=1}^N |M^\*| + W \]
The Easy GV version is
\[ M\_{GV} = \\frac{1}{N} \\sum\\limits\_{i=1}^N |M^\*|\]
Parameters include
, a vector of glucose readingstimes
, a vector of corresponding times\[ MAG = \\frac{\\sum\\limits\_{i=1}^{N-1} | x\_{i+1} - x\_i |}{(\\text{max}(t) - \\text{min}(t))/60} \]
where N is the total number of glucose values.
Parameters include
, a vector of glucose readingstimes
, a vector of corresponding timesoverall
, a logical, equal to TRUE
you want
the CV for the entire dataset, or equal to FALSE
if you
would prefer many CV values over a moving windowinterval
, size (in hours) of the moving window to be
used if overall
is false. Null value is 1.CV = SD(X)/X̄,
where X is a vector of glucose readings, potentially restricted to a particular time window.
Parameters include
, a vector of glucose readingstimes
, a vector of corresponding timesoverall
, a logical, equal to TRUE
you want
the SD for the entire dataset, or equal to FALSE
if you
would prefer many SD values over a moving windowinterval
, size (in hours) of the moving window to be
used if overall
is false. Null value is 1.\[ SD = \\sqrt{\\frac{1}{N-1}\\sum\_{t \\in T} (x\_t - \\bar{x})^2}, \]
where T is a set of times (potentially restricted to a particular window) and N is the size of T.
Parameters include
, a vector of glucose readingstimes
, a vector of corresponding timesthresh
, a threshold above (or below) which you wish to
calculate the AUC. Default is 100.above
, a logical indicating whether you wish to
calculate area above the threshold value (TRUE
) or below it
). Default is TRUE
.If above == T
\[ AUC\_+ = \\sum\_{i=1}^{N-1} I(x\_i \\geq \\nu) I(x\_{i+1} \\geq \\nu)\\Big(min(x\_i - \\nu,x\_{i+1}-\\nu)(t\_{i+1}-t\_i) + |x\_{i+1}-x\_i|(t\_{i+1}-t\_i)/2\\Big)\]
If above == F
\[ AUC\_- = -\\sum\_{i=1}^{N-1} I(x\_i \\leq \\nu) I(x\_{i+1} \\leq \\nu)\\Big(min(x\_i - \\nu,x\_{i+1}-\\nu)(t\_{i+1}-t\_i) + |x\_{i+1}-x\_i|(t\_{i+1}-t\_i)/2\\Big)\]
where ν is the threshold value and N is the length of the glucose vector.
For each excursion beyond this threshold value, this calculation does not include the triangular area from the threshold to the first glucose value beyond the threshold, nor from the last glucose beyond the threshold back to the threshold. Hence a single glucose value beyond the threshold is not captured by the calculation.
Parameters include
, a vector of glucose readingslow
, the lower bound of the rangehigh
, the upper bound of the rangeThis function gives the percentage of glucose readings that fall in a given range (l, u).
\[ TIR = \\sum\_{i=1}^N I(l \\leq x\_i \\leq u) / N \] Battelino et al suggest five ranges: below 54 mg/dL, 55-70, 71-180, 181-250, above 250.
Parameters include
, a vector of glucose readingsunit
, either “mg” if the units are mg/dL or “mmol” if
the units are mmol/L. Null value is “mg”.Let x̄ be the mean of all glucose readings taken. If the units are mg/dL, then
GMI = 3.31 + 0.02392x̄
If the units are mmol/L,
12.71 + 4.70587x̄
Parameters include
, a vector of glucose readingstimes
, a vector of corresponding timesthresh
, a threshold, where glucoses below the threshold
are considered as part of an episodelen
, the minimum length of an episodegap
, the typical gap between CGM measurements, in
minutesThis function counts the number of “episodes” where glucose values
remain below a certain threshold thresh
for a period of at
least len
minutes. Then the number of episodes is divided
by the amount of days that the sensor was active. This amount is
calculated by taking the total time (the time between the first and last
measurements), subtracting any gaps in time that are longer than
+2 minutes and then adding back gap
for each of the gaps subtracted away.
Parameters include
, a vector of glucose readingstimes
, a vector of corresponding timesLet Δxi = xi − xi − 1 and Δti = ti − ti − 1 for i = 2, …, n. Then let \(L = \\sum\_{i=2}^n \\sqrt{\\Delta x\_i^2 + \\Delta t\_i^2}\) and \(L\_0 = \\sum\_{i=2}^n \\Delta t\_i\). Then GVP = (L/L0 − 1) × 100.
Parameters include
, a vector of glucose readingsLet *Δ**xi = xi − xi − 1 for i = 2, …, n*. Then the distance travelled is equal to \(\\sum\_{i=2}^n |\\Delta x\_i |\).
Parameters include
, the name of the file (in CSV format) to be
, set to "first"
if the first
glucose reading should be considered time zero and set to
if midnight of the day of the first reading
should be considered time zero. Default is "first"
, a logical that is TRUE
if you wish
to exclude all readings that are missing glucose values or time stamps
if not. Default is TRUE
, the number of lines in the data file to skip
before beginning to read in datacalib.col
, the number or name of the column containing
information regarding calibration status of each glucose entrycalib.tag
, the character value used to denote
calibration rows in calib.col
, a logical that is TRUE
you wish to split the data set into parts corresponding to different CGM
sensors and FALSE
if not. Default is
, a vector of times (in the same format as
the time data) that correspond to the beginning of a new CGM sensor.
These times are used to split the data between multiple sensors if
. If
is NA
, the data is split
automatically at every gap of
or more
, a number specifying the minimum gap (in
minutes) for which we should split the data into two pieces. Default is
, the number or name of the column containing
time datagluc.col
, the number or name of the column containing
glucose datatime.sep
, character that separates date from time in
your time datatime.format
, specify date and time formats according to
the specification used in the chron
package. Default is
c(dates = "m/d/y", times = "h:m:s")
, character value that identifies high glucose
values in the data. Default is “High”.high.value
, numeric value by which to replace glucose
values equal to high.ind
. Default is 400.low.ind
, character value that identifies low glucose
values in the data. Default is “Low”.low.value
, numeric value by which to replace glucose
values equal to low.ind
. Default is 40.This function takes in data from a CGM and converts it into a data frame with one column of glucose readings and one column of times (in minutes). These two columns can then be used with any of the glucose variability functions.
Parameters include
, a vector of glucose readingstimes
, a vector of corresponding timesunit
, either “mg” if the units are mg/dL or “mmol” if
the units are mmol/L. Null value is “mg”.This function returns a plot of blood glucose over time.
Parameters include
, a vector of glucose readingstimes
, a vector of corresponding timesn
, the number of hours between “partner” observations.
Null value is 1.s
, the number of minutes of slack used when searching
for partners. Null value is 1.unit
, either “mg” if the units are mg/dL or “mmol” if
the units are mmol/L. Null value is “mg”.This function returns a plot of the n
-hour changes in
glucose values over time.
Parameters include
, a vector of glucose readingstimes
, a vector of corresponding timesunit
, either “mg” if the units are mg/dL or “mmol” if
the units are mmol/L. Null value is “mg”.This function returns a plot of the “symmetrized” glucose values used in calculating BGI and ADRR.
Parameters include
, a vector of glucose readingstimes
, a vector of corresponding timesunit
, either “mg” if the units are mg/dL or “mmol” if
the units are mmol/L. Null value is “mg”.m.index
, a value to be considered a ‘standard’ blood
glucose value, in mg/dL. Null value is 120.k
, length of time (in minutes) used to find partners.
Null value is 60.s
, the number of minutes of slack used when searching
for partners. Null value is 1.conga.n
, the number of hours between “partner”
observations. Null value is 1.interval
, size (in hours) of the moving window to be
used if overall
is false. Null value is 1.thresh
, a threshold above (or below) which you wish to
calculate percentages. Default is 100This is a wrapper function that outputs a table with all 14 metrics, calculated for both manuscript and Easy GV methods, if applicable.
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