3. Create a R Markdown File from a rUM Template


The rUM package installs several R Markdown document templates into the RStudio menus. These include a YAML header (where you can specify your name and the project name) and code chunks to enable the tidyverse package (to help with data processing), the tidymodels package (to help with modeling) and the conflicted package1.

There is also a setup code chunk that sets options to:

Using Code Templates in RStudio

There are four templates:

  1. html2 with rUM : A basic web page
  2. html2 Details with rUM: A web page with more details
  3. pdf2 showing LaTeX with rUM: A pdf (with options to control tables’ and figures’ locations and appearances)
  4. bookdown_site with rUM: The structure of a book

You access the templates from the File menu by choosing

  1. New File > R Markdown… Picture showing File menu with New File > Rmarkdown Selected
  2. Choosing From Template from the windowpane on the left
  3. Scrolling down until you see the rUM templates Picture of dialog box with “From Template” selected and “html2 with rUM” highlighted
  4. Click OK

  1. The conflicted package watches to make sure that you are not using a function that is defined twice. For example, the stats package, which ships with R has a function called lag() and if you load the dplyr package, which also contains a function called lag() it is not immediately obvious which version of the lag() function you will be using. conflicted will keep R from running the lag() function until you say which version you want to use.↩︎

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