


Health economic models should ideally be both “living” (kept up to date) and “transferable” (easy to selectively modify for use in a new context) and applied in research that is reproducible. These goals can be hard to achieve in practice.


The ready4 R library provides bare bones foundational elements of a prototype software framework to: (i) develop living and transferable health economic models; and (ii) apply those models to implement reproducible health economic analyses. The framework is extended by multiple other R packages - see the framework’s project website for details.


For most users, the main applications of the ready4 library will be to:

For the above purposes, the ready4 library will be typically used in conjunction with the ready4use and ready4show libraries.

For users with software development expertise, the ready4 library also provides:

Developers that wish to author health economic models as R libraries with ready4 may wish to consider using the ready4pack library. However, that library (along with its two primary dependencies ready4fun and ready4class) is not yet well documented and the ready4 framework remains a prototype. It is therefore recommended to first contact the package authors before undertaking R library development with ready4.

Further reading

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