NEWS | R Documentation |
Use RoxygenNote for man page and Rcpp wrapper #21.
GA Rcpp issue on apply M1; replace skip_on_os with GA::gaControl("useRcpp" = FALSE)
url fix in man page urls
skip recmapGA test case on mac os #52
Moving towards defining STRICT_R_HEADERS in Rcpp.h
url fix in man page urls
remove shiny colorspace and xtable package in suggest
R (>=3.6) and hard coded colormaps or use 'grDevices::hcl.colors()' #19
added construction animated gif to
fix recmapGRASP testcase #14.
text cosmetics #14.
fixed #15.
fixed #16.
fixed #17.
added DOI in Description.
incorporate CITATION file to refer back to the JSS manuscript doi:10.18637/jss.v086.c01.
replaced items in data/jss2711.RData.
mv src/recmap.h inst/include/recmap
man page cosmetics
added test-jss2711(renamed test-recmapGA.R) checking Figure 7, 11, 12 ,13.
added jss2711 submission as vignette file.
added jss2711 data.
replace gaMonitor2 by gaMonitor (GA3.1).
added test-recmapGA.R for reproducibility.
spell check cosmetics.
added a progress window in the shiny apps.
added is.recmap
replaced recmap2sp
and sp2recmap
functions by S3methods as.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
and as.recmap
added argument for the definition of the pseudo dual graph in recmap
fixed register native routine issue by using tools::package_native_routine_registration_skeleton(".")
added shiny example including
using state.x77
data executable through
recmap_state.x77 <- system.file("shiny-examples", "state.x77", package = "recmap")
recmap_US.county <- system.file("shiny-examples", "US.county", package = "recmap")
improvements concerning JSS reviewer comments:
added a sp2recmap
method including a testthat method.
added 'meta' plot methods plot.recmapGA
added a border
attribute to the plot.recmap
labels are now scaled by using S$dx / strwidth(S$name)
added a screen-filling parameter in summary.recmap
man page cosmetics.
bugfix in summary.recmap
function for MBB computation.
improvements concerning JSS editorial comments prescreening stage:
added S3 methods plot.recmap()
and recmap.summary
added recmapGA
to glue ga
and recmap
added recmapGRASP
exported checkerboard()
added method recmap2sp
to export a
sp object.
add docker Public | Automated Build
manual and vignette cosmetics.
added zzz.R
bugfix - valgrind
'Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialized value(s)'.
added test case for topology error
added startup message for package version
bugfix - topology error; if a region cannot be placed return topology error 100. this has a major impact on the return value of the fitness function.
# accept only feasible solutions!
if (sum(cartogram$topology.error == 100) > 0){return (0)}
make recmap.h
pass google/styleguides using
manual and vignette cosmetics.
refactor linear MBB intersection test by introducing using
added local relative position and topology objective function.
added GA metaheuristic example in man page.
improved documentation (man page and vignette).
added unit test case for recmap.
added NEWS.Rd file.
cosmetics in the DESCRIPTION; on CRAN.
1st submit to CRAN.
mirror server hosted at Truenetwork, Russian Federation.