Using bootstrapping with regemedint

Kazuki Yoshida


Bootstrapping support

The regmedint function itself does not contain a bootstrap standard error option, which may be perferred in some settings. However, it is relatively easy to implmement in R using the regmedint() function and the corresponding coef() point estimate extraction method.

## Prepare dataset
## Main fit
regmedint_obj <- regmedint(data = vv2015,
                           ## Variables
                           yvar = "y",
                           avar = "x",
                           mvar = "m",
                           cvar = c("c"),
                           eventvar = "event",
                           ## Values at which effects are evaluated
                           a0 = 0,
                           a1 = 1,
                           m_cde = 1,
                           c_cond = 0.5,
                           ## Model types
                           mreg = "logistic",
                           yreg = "survAFT_weibull",
                           ## Additional specification
                           interaction = TRUE,
                           casecontrol = FALSE)
##              est         se         Z          p       lower      upper
## cde  0.541070807 0.29422958 1.8389409 0.06592388 -0.03560858 1.11775019
## pnde 0.488930417 0.21049248 2.3227928 0.02019028  0.07637274 0.90148809
## tnie 0.018240025 0.03706111 0.4921608 0.62260566 -0.05439841 0.09087846
## tnde 0.498503455 0.21209540 2.3503737 0.01875457  0.08280410 0.91420281
## pnie 0.008666987 0.02730994 0.3173565 0.75097309 -0.04485951 0.06219348
## te   0.507170442 0.21090051 2.4047853 0.01618197  0.09381303 0.92052785
## pm   0.045436278 0.09119614 0.4982259 0.61832484 -0.13330488 0.22417743

boot package

The boot package is the classical way to perform bootstrapping in R. It requires defining a wrapper function.

## Define a wrapper function
regmedint_boot <- function(data, ind)  {
    ## Note the change in the data argument.
    regmedint_obj <- regmedint(data = data[ind,],
                               ## Variables
                               yvar = "y",
                               avar = "x",
                               mvar = "m",
                               cvar = c("c"),
                               eventvar = "event",
                               ## Values at which effects are evaluated
                               a0 = 0,
                               a1 = 1,
                               m_cde = 1,
                               c_cond = 0.5,
                               ## Model types
                               mreg = "logistic",
                               yreg = "survAFT_weibull",
                               ## Additional specification
                               interaction = TRUE,
                               casecontrol = FALSE)
## Run bootstrapping
ncpus <- 1
## For parallization, use the following instead.
## ncpus <- parallel::detectCores()
boot_obj <- boot(data = vv2015, statistic = regmedint_boot, R = 1000,
                 ## For palatalization
                 ## See
                 parallel = "multicore",
                 ncpus = ncpus)
## Confidence interval for the pm, type = "basic", index = 7)
## Based on 1000 bootstrap replicates
## CALL : 
## = boot_obj, type = "basic", index = 7)
## Intervals : 
## Level      Basic         
## 95%   (-0.4322,  0.4106 )  
## Calculations and Intervals on Original Scale

modelr package

In the tidyverse ecosystem, the modelr package can be used to provide a potentially more flexible workflow in some settings.


## For parallization, use the following instead.
## future::plan(multiprocess)
## Error in library(furrr): there is no package called 'furrr'
## Bootstrapping
tib_obj <- vv2015 %>%
    modelr::bootstrap(n = 1000) %>%
    ## Resampled data objects are in the list column named strap.
    mutate(boot_fit = future_map(strap, function(strap) {
        ## Note the change in the data argument.
        regmedint_obj <- regmedint(data = as_tibble(strap),
                                   ## Variables
                                   yvar = "y",
                                   avar = "x",
                                   mvar = "m",
                                   cvar = c("c"),
                                   eventvar = "event",
                                   ## Values at which effects are evaluated
                                   a0 = 0,
                                   a1 = 1,
                                   m_cde = 1,
                                   c_cond = 0.5,
                                   ## Model types
                                   mreg = "logistic",
                                   yreg = "survAFT_weibull",
                                   ## Additional specification
                                   interaction = TRUE,
                                   casecontrol = FALSE)
        ## Trick to return a row tibble
        mat <- t(matrix(coef(regmedint_obj)))
        colnames(mat) <- names(coef(regmedint_obj))
    })) %>%
    select(-strap) %>%
    unnest(cols = c(boot_fit))
## Error in `mutate()`:
## ℹ In argument: `boot_fit = future_map(...)`.
## Caused by error in `future_map()`:
## ! could not find function "future_map"
tib_obj2 <- tib_obj %>%
    pivot_longer( %>%
    mutate(name = factor(name, levels = names(coef(regmedint_obj)))) %>%
    group_by(name) %>%
    summarize(lower_boot = quantile(value, probs = 0.025),
              upper_boot = quantile(value, probs = 0.975))
## Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'tib_obj' not found
## Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'tib_obj2' not found

Comparison to the delta method confidence intervals

tib_obj2 %>%
    mutate(lower_delta = confint(regmedint_obj)[,"lower"],
           upper_delta = confint(regmedint_obj)[,"upper"])
## Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'tib_obj2' not found

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