Hugging Face Models

If you are looking for a model to use, you should probably search for it on the Ollama website. However, the models listed there are not all models that can be used in (r)ollama. Models in the GGUF format from Hugging Face Hub, a very popular platform for sharing machine learning models. To look for a specific model, all you need to do is visit (this is already filtered to GGUF models, other model formats are not compatible with Ollama).

Once you have identified a model, you can simply pass the URL to the pull_model function:

#> ✔ model pulled succesfully

Note that the :Q2_K at the end is the quantization scheme. Q2_K is the smallest available version of the model, which gives up some performance, but is faster to run. You can find the different quantization versions when clicking the Use this model on a model site. When downloading, Ollama converts the URL automatically into a name, we need to query our model list first to see how the model is named now:

grep("oxy-1-small", list_models()$name, value = TRUE)
#> [1] ""

But except for the awkward name, we can now use this model as any other one:

chat("Why is the sky blue?", model = "")
#> ── Answer from ───────────
#> The sky appears blue to our eyes due to a process called Rayleigh
#> scattering. Sunlight entering the Earth’s atmosphere collides with
#> the air molecules, causing them to scatter in all directions.
#> Nitrogen and oxygen make up about 95% of the earth's atmosphere.
#> When sunlight encounters these gases, it gets scattered widely
#> throughout the sky. Shorter wavelengths of visible light fall within
#> blue’s wavelength range; thus, when sunlight scatters into our eyes
#> as blue light, we perceive a blue sky.
#> However, at sunrise and sunset hours, the sun is lower on the horizon
#> compared to noon time. As such the path of sunlight passes through
#> more atmosphere than usual, which causes the longer wavelengths (red)
#> to dominate over shorter ones, giving us the shades of red hues like
#> pink or crimson skies.

Note that this also works with text embedding models. Hugging Face Hub has some nice filters with which you can pre-select appropriate models and then use full text search to find more. This search looks for embedding models with the correct model type, for example:

The trending models are often quite good for general tasks, but more information is available in leaderboards and blog posts. For no particular reason, let’s use Snowflake’s Arctic-embed-m-v1.5 embed for demonstration purposes here:

#> ✔ model pulled succesfully
embed_text(c("Why is the sky blue?", "I am pretty happy we can work with GGUF models in R"),
           model = "")
#> # A tibble: 2 × 768
#>   dim_1  dim_2 dim_3   dim_4 dim_5  dim_6   dim_7 dim_8  dim_9 dim_10
#>   <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
#> 1 0.221  0.128 0.698  0.0980 0.891 -0.145  0.168  0.722 -0.308 -0.674
#> 2 0.239 -0.332 0.699 -0.125  0.856  0.345 -0.0625 0.361 -0.309 -0.657
#> # ℹ 758 more variables: dim_11 <dbl>, dim_12 <dbl>, dim_13 <dbl>,
#> #   dim_14 <dbl>, dim_15 <dbl>, dim_16 <dbl>, dim_17 <dbl>,
#> #   dim_18 <dbl>, dim_19 <dbl>, dim_20 <dbl>, dim_21 <dbl>,
#> #   dim_22 <dbl>, dim_23 <dbl>, dim_24 <dbl>, dim_25 <dbl>,
#> #   dim_26 <dbl>, dim_27 <dbl>, dim_28 <dbl>, dim_29 <dbl>,
#> #   dim_30 <dbl>, dim_31 <dbl>, dim_32 <dbl>, dim_33 <dbl>,
#> #   dim_34 <dbl>, dim_35 <dbl>, dim_36 <dbl>, dim_37 <dbl>, …

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