
rplanes website

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The rplanes package (plausibility analysis of epidemiological signals) provides functionality to prepare data and analyze plausibility of both forecasted and reported epidemiological signals. The functions implement a set of plausibility algorithms that are agnostic to geographic and time resolutions and are calculated independently and then presented as a combined score.


The package is available to install from CRAN:


Alternatively you can install the package from GitHub:

remotes::install_github("signaturescience/rplanes", build_vignettes=TRUE)

Getting Started

The rplanes package includes vignettes describing package features in detail. To get started, refer to the “Basic Usage” vignette on the package website or in the R console:

vignette("basic-usage", package="rplanes")


Please use GitHub issues to report bugs or request features. Contributions will be reviewed via pull requests.

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