

Quick start

This is a basic example which shows you how to create the structure of directories and files for your project:


You can find out which templates are available in the package using:

#> [1] "basic_template" "py_template"    "py_r_template"

Currently there are 3 templates (basic_template, py_template, py_r_template). These templates have .json format. You can view them using:

#> {
#>     "R": {
#>         "type": "dir",
#>         "name": "R",
#>         "global_R": {
#>             "type": "file",
#>             "name": "global.R",
#>             "content": "DIR_DATA <- here::here('data')\n\nDIR_RAW_DATA <- file.path(DIR_DATA, 'raw')\nDIR_CLEAN_DATA <- file.path(DIR_DATA, 'clean')\n\nDIR_OUTPUTS <- here::here('outputs')\n\nDIR_OUTPUTS_REPORTS <- file.path(DIR_OUTPUTS, 'reports')\nDIR_OUTPUTS_FILES <- file.path(DIR_OUTPUTS, 'files')"
#>         },
#>         "src": {
#>             "type": "dir",
#>             "name": "src"
#>         },
#>         "scripts": {
#>             "type": "dir",
#>             "name": "scripts"
#>         }
#>     },
#>     "docs": {
#>         "type": "dir",
#>         "name": "docs"
#>     },
#>     "data": {
#>         "type": "dir",
#>         "name": "data",
#>         "raw": {
#>             "type": "dir",
#>             "name": "raw"
#>         },
#>         "clean": {
#>             "type": "dir",
#>             "name": "clean"
#>         }
#>     },
#>     "outputs": {
#>         "type": "dir",
#>         "name": "outputs",
#>         "reports": {
#>             "type": "dir",
#>             "name": "reports"
#>         },
#>         "files": {
#>             "type": "dir",
#>             "name": "files"
#>         }
#>     }
#> }

The “basic_template” template creates this basic structure:


It is possible to indicate the text with which a file should be created. In the case of “basic template” the file <root_path>/R/global.Rglobal.R will contain:

DIR_DATA <- here::here('data')

DIR_RAW_DATA <- file.path(DIR_DATA, 'raw')
DIR_CLEAN_DATA <- file.path(DIR_DATA, 'clean')

DIR_OUTPUTS <- here::here('outputs')

DIR_OUTPUTS_REPORTS <- file.path(DIR_OUTPUTS, 'reports')
DIR_OUTPUTS_FILES <- file.path(DIR_OUTPUTS, 'files')

To finally create the project structure you can choose any of the built in templates:

root_path = "..." # Indicate the root directory of the structure

# Use a builtin template
make_prj_tree(json_str = "basic_template", path = root_path)

Or provide your own in a .json file:

# Use your own .json file
my_template <- ".../sample_template.json" 
make_prj_tree(file = my_template, path = root_path)

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