Custom Density Functions

To sample from a custom density function, create said function, then use it as the custom_density parameter with one of the samplers, instead of giving distr_name, distr_params (see Supported Distributions and How to Sample) and weights, if applicable.

In this example we create a 2D uniform distribution, which is not supported by Rcpp and RcppDist at the time of writing.

# Create function
customDensity_r <- function(x){
  if (x[1] > 0 && x[1] < 3 && x[2] < 0 && x[2] > -3){
    return (1)
  } else {
    return (0)                    }
# Sample
Y <- samplr::sampler_mh(start = c(0,0), custom_density = customDensity_r)
#> Warning in .checkSigmaProp(sigma_prop, start_dim): The variance of the proposal
#> distribution was not given and defaulted to the identity matrix

# Plot results
x <- Y[[1]][,1]
y <- Y[[1]][,2]
plot(x,y, xlim = c(-5,5), ylim = c(-5,5))

On Timing

Using a custom function, rather than sampling from a supported distribution, will considerably increase the running time (as the C++ code under the hood has to constantly switch between C++ and R). Creating a density function with Rcpp::cppFunction doesn’t change this much (it’s actually probably worse).

Rcpp::cppFunction("double customDensity_cpp(NumericVector x){
                    if (x(0) > 0 && x(0) < 3 && x(1) < 0 && x(1) > -3){
                      return 1;
                    } else {
                      return 0;
X <- bench::mark(
  "CPP Density" = {
      start = c(0,0), 
      custom_density = customDensity_cpp, 
      sigma_prop = diag(2))
  "R Density" = {
      start = c(0,0), 
      custom_density = customDensity_r, 
      sigma_prop = diag(2))
  "Supported Density" = {
      start = c(0,0), 
      distr_name = "mvnorm", 
      distr_params = list(c(0,1), diag(2)), 
      sigma_prop = diag(2))
  check = FALSE,
knitr::kable([,c("expression", "min", "median")]))
expression min median
CPP Density 2.4ms 3.4ms
R Density 1.83ms 1.93ms
Supported Density 935.5µs 1.09ms

Note, however, than this is still much faster than doing everything in R.

bespoke_mh <- function(pdf, start, iterations=1024, sigma_prop){
  # Initialize variables ---------------------------------
  acceptances <- 0
  n_dim <- length(start)
  chain <- matrix(0, nrow=iterations, ncol = n_dim)
  chain[1,] <- start
  probabilities <- c(pdf(start))

  # Run the sampler ------------------------------------------------

  for (i in 2:iterations){
    current_x <- chain[i-1,]
    # generate proposal
    proposal <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(1, mean = current_x, sigma = sigma_prop)
    # calculate current and proposal probabilities
    prob_curr <- probabilities[i-1]
    prob_prop <- pdf(proposal)
    accept <- FALSE

    # proposal is accepted with probability prob_prop / prob_curr
    if (prob_curr != 0){
      ratio <- prob_prop / prob_curr
      if (ratio >= 1){
        accept <- TRUE
      # The beta parameter (temperature), beta <= 1, 
      # increases the value of the ratio making hotter 
      # chains more likely to accept proposals
      } else if (stats::runif(1) < ratio){
        accept <- TRUE
    } else {
    # in case the current probability is 0 
    # (in which case the ratio cannot be calculated), 
    # the step is accepted if the probability of the proposal is not 0
        if (prob_prop > 0) {
          accept <- TRUE
    if (accept){
      chain[i,] <- proposal
      acceptances <- acceptances +  1
      probabilities[i] <- prob_prop
    } else {
      chain[i,] <- current_x
      probabilities[i] <- prob_curr

    chain = chain,
    acceptance_ratio = acceptances/(iterations - 1)))

X <- bench::mark(
  "Bespoke MH" = {
      iterations = 1024, 
      sigma_prop = diag(2)
#> Warning: Some expressions had a GC in every iteration; so filtering is
#> disabled.
knitr::kable([,c("expression", "min", "median")]))
expression min median
Bespoke MH 113ms 115ms

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