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The goal of sendgridr is to mail using r with sendgrid service that provides free 100 mail per day forever.


# CRAN version

# Dev version
install.packages("sendgridr", repos = "")

Set API key for authentication

You can set api key using auth_set() function. Also auth_check() function check api key works.


Send mail

Example code

Please replace your conditions.

mail() |>
  from("", "example name for display") |>
  to("", "example name for display 2") |>
  subject("test mail title") |>
  body("hello world!")  |>
  ## attachments is optional
  attachments("report.html") |>

sg_mail class

mail() function create sg_mail class object and also list. sg_mail class only has print method.

sendproject1 <- mail()
#> [1] "sg_mail" "list"
#> SendGrid Mail - 
#> ✖   from   : (required)
#> ✖   to     : (required)
#> ✖   subject: (required)
#> ✖   content: (required)
#> ✔   attach : (optional)

to, from, subject, body are required. cc, bcc, attachments are optional.

multi- setting using inline

to, cc, bcc, attachments functions are able to set multi values.

mail() |>
  from("", "") |>
  to("", "1 exam") |>
  to("", "2 exam") |>
  to("", "3 exam") |>
  subject("test mail title") |>
  body("hello world!")
#> SendGrid Mail -
#> ✔   from   : <>
#> ✔   to     : cnt[3] 1 exam <>, 2 exam <toexam2 ...
#> ✔   subject: nchr[15] test mail title
#> ✔   content: nchr[12] hello world!
#> ✔   attach : (optional)

Code of Conduct

Please note that the sendgridr project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Keon-Woong Moon


Jinseob Kim


Carl Ganz




Curtis Petersen

🤔 👀

Amanda Dobbyn


Emanuele Guidotti

📖 ⚠️ 🐛 💻

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

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