setariaviridis setariaviridis website

Lifecycle: stable CRAN status R-CMD-check


Setaria viridis (green foxtail, ネコジャラシ) is a common weed. This package contains measurements from individual branches of a wild Setaria viridis plant collected near the author’s home.

The dataset is intended for practicing basic data analysis techniques. It’s ideal for learning how to calculate basic descriptive statics, create visualizations such as histograms and scatter plots, and gain experience with data manipulation and exploration using R. Its relatively small size and straightforward structure make this dataset easy to work with for beginners in data analysis.


You can install the setariaviridis using the following methods:

Using install.packages() (R-universe)

# Enable the R-universe
options(repos = c(
  nononoexe = "",
  cran = ""

# Install the package

Using pak

# install.packages("pak")

About the data

The data in this package comprises measurements of Setaria viridis collected by the author around their home in Aichi Prefecture, Japan.

This data was obtained in August 2021 by hand-harvesting Setaria viridis plants, root and all, from a dense population. Measurements of each plant part were taken manually using a tape measure and a ruler.

The data can be accessed as follows:

data(package = "setariaviridis")
#>   root_number culm_length panicle_width panicle_length leaf_number
#> 1           1        69.3           2.0            6.9           1
#> 2           1        49.5           1.3            4.2           3
#> 3           1        49.1           1.8            6.5           4
#> 4           1        47.0           1.7            5.1           4
#> 5           1        51.3           2.0            5.9           5
#> 6           2        51.6           1.9            5.8           3

If you want to see for more info: ?setaria_viridis

The data contains of 54 branches across 10 Setaria viridis plants. Setaria viridis consists of 4 parts: panicle, leaf, culm, and root, as illustrated in the figure below:

Data sharing the same roots can be identified by the root_number. For all other measurement items, please refer to the following figure to understand which parts were measured:


Using setariaviridis, you can visualize like followings:

Code of conduct

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.

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