This vignette provides an introductory example on how to work with
the sgdGMF
package, which implements several utilities for
the estimation and analysis of generalized matrix factorization (GMF)
First, let us load the sgdGMF
package in the
Most of the plotting functions in sgdGMF
builds upon
, therefore we also need to load it together with
other useful packages.
To showcase the basic functionalities of the sgdGMF
package, we use an ecological dataset which is freely available as part
of the mvabund
package. This dataset consists of a count
matrix recording how many times a certain specie of ant have been
observed on a particular environment. In total, the considered dataset
contain 30 ant species and 41 spots. Then, we load the ant traits data
in the workspace and we define the response matrix Y
covariate matrices X
and Z
is an R
package designed to
efficiently estimate high-dimensional GMF models using either
deterministic or stochastic optimization algorithms. In general, GMF
models extend generalized linear models to matrix-variate data. As such,
we assume that the response variable yij∈Y has a conditional distribution of the form
yij∼EF(θij,ϕ),E(yij)=μij,Var(yij)=ϕν(μij), where EF(θ,ϕ) is
an exponential dispersion family with natural parameter θ, dispersion ϕ, mean μ and variance function ν(⋅). Therefore, the probability
density function of yij is given
by p(yij∣ψ)=exp[{yijθij−b(θij)}/ϕ−c(yij,ϕ)] for appropriate family-specific functions b(⋅) and c(⋅,⋅). Then, by the fundamental
properties of the exponential dispersion families, we have μ=b′(θ) and ν(μ)=b″.
To complete the model specification, we parametrize the conditional mean \mu_{ij} using a linear predictor \eta_{ij} eventually transformed with a bijective link function g(\cdot), say g(\mu_{ij}) = \eta_{ij} = x_i^\top \beta_j + \alpha_i^\top z_j + u_i^\top v_j = (X B^\top + A Z^\top + UV^\top)_{ij} where x_i \in \mathbb{R}^p and z_j \in \mathbb{R}^q are known covariate vectors, \beta_j \in \mathbb{R}^p and \alpha_i \in \mathbb{R}^q are unknown regression coefficients, while u_i \in \mathbb{R}^d and v_i \in \mathbb{R}^d are, respectively, latent factor and loading vectors. Similarly, X, Z, B, A, U and V represent the matrices stacking the corresponding vectors by row or columns according to the indices i and j.
To model the ant aboundance matrix, we specify a GMF model with Poisson likelihood and logarithmic link, say y_{ij} \sim \mathrm{Pois}(\theta_{ij}), \theta_{ij} = \mu_{ij} and \log(\mu_{ij}) = \eta_{ij}. Then, for the linear predictor, we consider the additive decomposition \eta_{ij} = \alpha_{0i} + \beta_{0j} + x_i^\top \beta_{j} + u_i^\top v_j, which include row- and column-specific intercepts, a column-specific covariate effect and a latent matrix decomposition.
The first step to specify such a model using the sgfGMF
package is to set the likelihood family. To this aim, we can use the
standard family builders used by the glm
Then, we need to set the dimentions of the latent space, i.e., the
rank of the matrix decomposition. If such an information is known a
priori, we can just set it to a pre-specified value, otherwise,
provides some algorithmic alternative to select it
from the data. Here, we consider the Onatski method, which search for
the optimal rank using an adjusted eigenvalue thresholding approach to
identify the optimal elbow point of a residual screeplot.
ncomp = sgdgmf.rank(Y = Y, X = X, Z = Z, family = family, method = "onatski")$ncomp
cat("Selected rank: ", ncomp)
#> Selected rank: 2
The sgdGMF.rank
function first estimates a vector
generalized linear model, corresponding to the case u_i^\top v_j = 0, then extracts the
covariance matrix of the deviance residuals of the model and, finally,
finds the elbow of the covariance screeplot using the specified
thresholding method.
Alternatively, we can use cross-validation to estimate the optimal
rank with
. This returns the AIC, BIC,
out-of-sample deviance, out-of-sample mean absolute errors and
out-of-sample mean squared errors for every matrix rank and fold of the
cross-validation. Based on this information, which can be found in the
slot, one can choose the rank.
Now, we are ready to estimate the Poisson GMF model using the
The default optimizer in
method = "airwls"
, which uses alternated iterative
re-weighted least squares (AIRWLS). Instead, we here set
method = "sgd"
and sampling = "block"
, which
employs the stochastic gradient descent method with block-subsampling
strategy proposed in Castiglione, et al. (2024, arXiv).
Now, let us check the model performance. First, we compute the correlation between the observed data and the predicted values.
yhat_glm = fitted(gmf, type = "response", partial = TRUE) # VGLM model without matrix factorization
yhat_gmf = fitted(gmf, type = "response", partial = FALSE) # complete GMF model
cat(" VGLM: ", 100 * round(cor(c(Y), c(yhat_glm)), 4), "\n",
" GMF: ", 100 * round(cor(c(Y), c(yhat_gmf)), 4), "\n", sep = "")
#> VGLM: 46.24
#> GMF: 89.98
Recall that VGLM is a particular case of GMF, which only include the regression effects and does not include a residual matrix factorization in the linear predictor. As we can observe, the correlation of the GMF predictions is much higher than the correlation calculated under the VGLM model. This suggests that the matrix factorization is actually able to explain a significant portion of the information contained in the data, that was not possible to explain using the regression effect alone.
To better understand the contribution of the matrix factorization, we now compare the residuals of the VGLM and GMF models. = plot(gmf, type = "res-fit", partial = TRUE)
plt.res.hist.glm = plot(gmf, type = "hist", partial = TRUE) = plot(gmf, type = "res-fit", partial = FALSE)
plt.res.hist.gmf = plot(gmf, type = "hist", partial = FALSE)
ggpubr::ggarrange( + ggtitle("Residuals vs Fitted values (VGLM)"),
plt.res.hist.glm + ggtitle("Histogram of the residuals (VGLM)"), + ggtitle("Residuals vs Fitted values (GMF)"),
plt.res.hist.gmf + ggtitle("Histogram of the residuals (GMF)"),
nrow = 2, ncol = 2, align = "hv")
The GMF residuals exhibit a more regular behaviour, being almost symmetrically distributed around 0 and not exhibiting any extreme value.
Another useful indicator of the quality of the matrix factorization is given by the residual screeplot. If we observe an elbow in the plot, this suggests that probably, we are not using the correct number of latent factors.
plt.eig.glm = screeplot(gmf, partial = TRUE) + ggtitle("Residual screeplot (VGLM)")
plt.eig.gmf = screeplot(gmf, partial = FALSE) + ggtitle("Residual screeplot (GMF)")
ggpubr::ggarrange(plt.eig.glm, plt.eig.gmf, nrow = 1, ncol = 2, align = "hv")
Indeed, under the VGLM model, we observe two extremely high eigenvalues, which is an indication that introducing 2 latent factors in the model is a sensible choice. On the other hand, the residual screeplot of the complete GMF model presents a smooth decay of the eigenvalues without an evident elbow, meaning that additional factors are not required.
Another useful check is to plot the prediction map and to compare it
with the observed data. This control can be performed using the function
and permits to identify systematical biases in the
reconstruction map.
plt.ant = image(gmf, limits = range(c(Y)), type = "data") = image(gmf, limits = range(c(Y)), type = "response")
plt.ant + labs(x = "Species", y = "Environments", title = "Observed abundance"), + labs(x = "Species", y = "Environments", title = "Predicted abundance"),
nrow = 1, ncol = 2, common.legend = TRUE, legend = "bottom", align = "hv")
Similarly, we can use the function image
to plot the
residuals. Here, for the sake of exposition, we consider the deviance
and Poisson residuals, which are two standard definitions of residuals
in the GML literature. = image(gmf, type = "deviance", resid = TRUE, symmetric = TRUE)
plt.prs = image(gmf, type = "pearson", resid = TRUE, symmetric = TRUE)
ggpubr::ggarrange( + labs(x = "Species", y = "Environments", title = "Deviance residuals"),
plt.prs + labs(x = "Species", y = "Environments", title = "Pearson residuals"),
nrow = 1, ncol = 2, common.legend = FALSE, legend = "bottom", align = "hv")
Both the prediction and the residual maps do not highlight any systematic bias in the matrix reconstruction, confirming the goodness of the proposed GMF model for the ant abundance data under consideration.
Finally, we are interested to interpret the results. To this aim, the
package provides some graphical and analytical
solutions. For instance, we might be interested in visualizing the
estimated latent factors and loadings. This can be done using the
As an alternative, we can extract and inspect the pointwise estimates of the latent score and loading matrices.
# Scores
head(coef(gmf, type = "scores"))
#> [,1] [,2]
#> [1,] -0.1679131 0.1393415
#> [2,] 0.6385926 -1.2254261
#> [3,] 1.1674982 -2.8630140
#> [4,] 1.8855316 -0.7648393
#> [5,] 0.9120796 -1.3563656
#> [6,] 0.7635728 1.1709999
# Loadings
head(coef(gmf, type = "loadings"))
#> [,1] [,2]
#> [1,] 1.24503784 0.0000000
#> [2,] 1.41015912 3.1524981
#> [3,] 1.69028349 1.5036277
#> [4,] 0.40521917 0.5861418
#> [5,] 0.08958242 -0.7792993
#> [6,] -0.46426716 1.7150266
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