shapr 1.0.3
Fix documentation issues detected during shapr 1.0.2 release (#442)
- Remove examples from unexported functions
- Replace by for long running examples
- Replace usage of
by warning()
two occasions
Fix issue with
Expected <nn_module> but got object of type <NULL>
for approach='vaeac'
after recent torch
broke it (#444)
Changes default seed in explain()
from 1 to NULL to avoid set.seed() to
conflict with later called code (#445)
Other minor fixes
- Add digits as arguments to the internal snapshot testing
to reduce false positive
roundoff-errors between platforms (#444)
- Adjust dependencies in Suggests and their usage in tests (#446)
- Used skip_on_cran() to reduce check time on CRAN for snapshot tests
which where not tested anyway
shapr 1.0.2
- Fix CRAN NOTE which turned out to be bug related to returning NULL
rather than integer(0) to identify (unconditional) asymmetric causal
sampling (#435)
- [Py] Get ‘shaprpy’ up to speed with the latest ‘shapr’ version and
return the internal list properly (#436)
- Allow manual groups in
- Minor updates to readme and pkgdown site after CRAN release of shapr
1.0.1 (#437, #438)
- Require data.table >= 1.15.0 to allow uniform usage of
- Minor doc edits (#439)
shapr 1.0.1
- Spelling checking and other minor clean up (#431)
- Add extra_computation_args and output_args to explain_forecast() (#428)
- Rename vaeac plotting functions (#428)
- Move explain() arguments
- Improved and unified the documentation (#427)
- Remove seed argument from the boostrap function as its better
handled by the mother function (#427)
- Renamed various internal functions to be consistent with names in
the rest of the package (#427)
- Remove MSEv from explain_forecast (as it was only supported for
horizon=1). Should return in a more general manner in the future (#427)
- Improve efficiency of coalition sampling code and move to string
sampling (#426)
- Bugfix
iterative = TRUE
which was not using coalitions from
previous iterations (#426)
- Bugfix the handling and output with the
argument for explain_forecast()
- Improved flexibility of the beeswarm plot functionality (#424)
- Bugfix edge case where the
package returns a
object (#423)
- Bugfix error due to extra comma in rarely used warning (#422)
- Shined up the vignettes a bit (#421)
- Bugfix
with iterative approach (#417)
- [Python] Brought the python code base up to speed with essentially
all functionality in
in R (#416)
- Please CRAN with dontrun on long running examples + skip_on_cran for
the parallelized tests.
shapr 1.0.0 (GitHub only)
Breaking changes
- Moved from explaining predictions using two functions
for initial setup + explain()
explanation for specific observations), to a single function
call (also named explain()
). The data used for training and
to be explained have gotten explicit names (x_train
). The order of the input arguments has also been
slightly changed (model
is now the first argument).
- Prediction and checking functions for custom models are now passed
directly as arguments to
instead of being defined
as functions of a specific class in the global env.
- The previously exported function
used to
explain xgboost
models with categorical data, is removed to
simplify the code base. This is rather handled with a custom prediction
- The function
, which allowed
combining models with approch=ctree
with different
parameters, has been removed to simplify the code
base. It may return in a completely general manner in later version of
- New argument names: prediction_zero -> phi0, n_combinations ->
max_n_coalitions, n_samples -> n_MC_samples,
New features
- Iterative Shapley value estimation with convergence detection
- New approaches: vaeac, regression_separate, regression_surrogate,
timeseries, categorical
- verbose argument for explain() to control the amount of output
- Parallelized computation of v(S) with future, including progress
- Paired_sampling of coalitions
- prev_shapr_object argument to explain() to continue explanation from
a previous object
- asymmetric and causal Shapley values
- Improved KernelSHAP estimation with adjusted weights for reduced
- Release a Python wrapper (
, #325) for
explaining predictions from Python models (from Python) utilizing almost
all functionality of shapr
. The wrapper moves back and
forth back and forth between Python and R, doing the prediction in
Python, and almost everything else in R. This simplifies maintenance of
significantly. The wrapper is available here.
- Introduce batch computation of conditional expectations (#244).
This essentially compute \(v(S)\) for a
portion of the \(S\)-subsets at a time,
to reduce the amount of data needed to be held in memory. The user can
control the number of batches herself, but we set a reasonable value by
default (#327).
This allows models with large number of features to be explained with a
significantly lower RAM consumption (at the cost of a slight increase in
the computation time)
- Parallelization over batches (#38)
using the future
- Progress bar (#293)
using the
package. Must be activated by the user with
progressr::handlers(global = TRUE)
or wrapping the call to
- Added
approach = 'categorical'
used to explain models with solely categorical features by directly
using/estimating the joint distribution of all feature
- Added
(#314) for
explaining classifications based on time series data/models with the
method described in Sec 4.3 of the groupShapley
- Implemented unique sampling of Shapley value subsets (#227)
- Added new function
to explain
forecasts from time series models, at various prediction horizons (#328).
Uses a different set of input argument which is more appropriate for
these models.
- Re-implementation of
approach = 'independence'
providing significantly faster computation (no longer as a special case
of the empirical
method). Also allow the method to be used
on models with categorical data (#315).
- Added ‘beeswarm’ and ‘waterfall’ plots + new coloring scheme for all
plots. See the vignette
for examples.
- Added timing of the various parts of the explanation process.
Under the hood
- The test base have been completely rewritten (#249).
Now heavily utilizing snapshots
on a large set of benchmark calls to
, also using vdiffr for plot tests. Test
functions are only written for exported core functions. Internal
functions are only tested through the exported ones.
- Update GitHub actions (#335).
- Avoid unnecessary computation of inverse for weight matrix (#280)
Minor improvements and bug
- The vignette/readme/tests now uses the
dataset. This avoids including a new
package just for the dataset (#248).
- Allows lm/glm/gam models with interactions (#303).
Previously, this was not possible with the prediction functions defined
internally due to a bug.
- Sampling of group subsets implemented also for grouping, not only
Documentation improvements
- The vignette
has been updated to reflect the new framework for explaining
predictions, and all the new package features/functionality.
- New vignettes also for the regression paradigm, vaeac and the
asymmetric/causal Shapley values
shapr 0.2.3 (GitHub only)
- Development version
- Added support for groupSHAP, including check of appropriate groups,
examples and tests
- Various modifications to input of internal functions to reflect that
Shapley values may be computed both feature-wise and group-wise
- Fixed bug when passing non-named data to shapr() or explain()
shapr 0.2.2
- Patch to fix failing CRAN-tests on R-devel due to changed behavior
: Fixed by changing how we simulate adding a
function to .GlobalEnv in the failing test. Actual package not
shapr 0.2.1
- Patch to fix warning from development version of data.table due to
the use of nomatch argument in merge(), as requested from data.table
shapr 0.2.0
- Minor CRAN release
- Added the new dependence modeling approach “ctree” which handles
categorical features in addition to numerical ones. For more information
see our paper
- Added support to explain models which take as input categorical
features for model classes like xgboost which originally takes only
numeric input. On the user side, an additional call to the new
make_dummies function is required. See the vignette for
- Slight change in the user procedure for explaining predictions from
custom models. This now requires only a single function
- Introduced a thorough system for extracting and checking the feature
information in the model and the data passed to shapr and
explain. The features in the data are checked for consistency
with what can be extracted from the model object. If the model object is
missing some of the necessary information, the info from the data is
used instead. The system checks feature labels, classes, and any factor
- Due to the previous point, the feature_names option
previously used for custom models is removed.
- Added a manual testing script for custom model (currently cannot be
handled by testthat due to environment issues).
- A few under-the-hood changes for checking in the shapr
shapr 0.1.4
- Patch to fulfill CRAN policy of using packages under Suggests
conditionally (in tests and examples)
shapr 0.1.3
- Fix installation error on Solaris
- Updated README with CRAN installation instructions and badges
shapr 0.1.2
- CRAN release
- Removed unused clustering code
- Removed several package dependencies
- Moved automatic check and pkgdown site build from Circle CI to
GitHub actions
- Some minor efficiency fixes
- Changed stopping threshold from 12 to 13 features for none-sampling
version of KernelSHAP for consistency with our recommendation
- Changed package title (shortened)
- Minor fixes to fulfill CRAN policy
- Improved documentation
- Revised internal/external and exported/non-exported functions,
leading to far fewer external functions and a cleaner manual.
shapr 0.1.1
- Journal of Open Source Software release
- Improved installation instructions and community guidelines in
- Improved documentation
- Some minor bugfixes
shapr 0.1.0
- Support for custom models
- Improved documentation
- Automated testing using testthat
- Added vignette that gives an introduction to the package
- Added webpage for package using pkgdown
- Improved API for end user
- Various bugfixes
- First version of the package. Currently under development.
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