shinyhelper 0.3.2

shinyhelper 0.3.1

Welcome to shinyhelper 0.3.1. This patch version introduces three new elements to the package, to fix bugs in 0.3.0.

New features:

Fixed bugs:

Thanks to GitHub user kornl for spotting and fixing the MathJax and z-index bugs.


New features:


New features:

Thanks to GitHub user kornl for both of the following: * fix to z-index CSS parameter of help icons * add withMathJax parameter to allow formulae to render * support inline raw html

shinyhelper 0.3.0

Welcome to shinyhelper 0.3.0 - this version of the package is a complete re-write of the previous version and is NOT BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE. This change has been to make the package less of a hack and more of a proper extension of shiny. It also brings in a smoother interface for app developers, with fewer function calls necessary for the package to work, and less intrusion into the workings of your apps.

New features:

Non-backwards compatible changes:


Thanks go to Dean Attali for his feedback on v0.2.0


This will become v0.3.0 - it is a complete re-write internally, changing how the information to be displayed in the help box is conveyed from the browser to the server, and giving the user the option of specifying inline content.

The ui is also no longer cluttered with additional inputs.

New features:

shinyhelper 0.2.0

Welcome to shinyhelper v0.2.0 - this is an improved version on the original package, with greater freedom and ease for you to customise your app UI.

New Features:

Deprecated Features:

I’ve also improved the documentation in the man pages.


New features:

Deprecated features:


New features:


New features:

shinyhelper 0.1.1

This is the first version of the package.

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