
Easily Create and Deploy Surveys in Shiny

R-CMD-check CRAN status

{shinysurveys} provides easy-to-use, minimalistic code for creating and deploying surveys in Shiny. Originally inspired by Dean Attali’s shinyforms, our package provides a framework for robust surveys, similar to Google Forms, in R with Shiny.

Table of contents


You can install {shinysurveys} via CRAN or GitHub and load it as follows:

# Install released version from CRAN

# Or, install the development version from GitHub

# Load package


A survey made with our package might look like this:

You can run a demo survey with the function shinysurveys::demo_survey().

Getting Started

Aside from demo_survey(), {shinysurveys} exports two functions: surveyOutput() and renderSurvey(). The former goes in the UI portion of a Shiny app, and the latter goes in the server portion. To create a survey, you can build a data frame with your questions. The following columns are required.

Our demo survey can be created as follows:


df <- data.frame(question = "What is your favorite food?",
                 option = "Your Answer",
                 input_type = "text",
                 input_id = "favorite_food",
                 dependence = NA,
                 dependence_value = NA,
                 required = F)

ui <- fluidPage(
  surveyOutput(df = df,
               survey_title = "Hello, World!",
               survey_description = "Welcome! This is a demo survey showing off the {shinysurveys} package.")

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  observeEvent(input$submit, {
      title = "Congrats, you completed your first shinysurvey!",
      "You can customize what actions happen when a user finishes a survey using input$submit."

shinyApp(ui, server)

Advanced Surveys

Further Reading

For a more in-depth explanation of {shinysurveys}, please see the vignette A survey of {shinysurveys}.


If you want to see a feature, or report a bug, please file an issue or open a pull-request! As this package is just getting off the ground, we welcome all feedback and contributions. See our contribution guidelines for more details on getting involved!

Code of Conduct

Please note that the shinysurveys project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.

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