shinytest2 0.3.2

Bug / Improvements

shinytest2 0.3.1

Breaking changes

Bug / Improvements

shinytest2 0.3.0

Breaking changes

New features

Bug / Improvements

shinytest2 0.2.1

shinytest2 0.2.0

Breaking changes

Shiny log levels

Download snapshot files

Timeout values

The default timeout values for many AppDriver methods have been altered and are shown in the table below. (#263)

Method Previous value (ms) New value (ms)
AppDriver$new(load_timeout=) 10 * 1000 15 * 1000
AppDriver$set_inputs(timeout_=) 3 * 1000 4 * 1000
AppDriver$upload_file(timeout_=) 3 * 1000 4 * 1000
AppDriver$expect_js(timeout=) 15 * 1000 4 * 1000
AppDriver$get_js(timeout=) 15 * 1000 4 * 1000
AppDriver$run_js(timeout=) 15 * 1000 4 * 1000
AppDriver$wait_for_idle(timeout=) 30 * 1000 4 * 1000
AppDriver$wait_for_value(timeout=) 15 * 1000 4 * 1000
AppDriver$wait_for_js(timeout=) 30 * 1000 4 * 1000
AppDriver$stop(signal_timeout=) 250 500

AppDriver$new(load_timeout=) is initialized using the first numeric value found: 1. Supplied directly: AppDriver$new(load_timeout=) 2. Locally defined option: options(shinytest2.load_timeout=) 3. System environment variable: SHINYTEST2_LOAD_TIMEOUT 4. 15 * 1000 (15s)

AppDriver$new(timeout=) is initialized using the first numeric value found: 1. Supplied directly: AppDriver$new(timeout=) 2. Locally defined option: options(shinytest2.timeout=) 3. System environment variable: SHINYTEST2_TIMEOUT 4. 4 * 1000 (4s)

AppDriver$stop(signal_timeout=) is initialized using the first numeric value found: 1. Supplied directly: AppDriver$stop(signal_timeout=) 2. Locally defined option: options(shinytest2.signal_timeout=) 3. System environment variable: SHINYTEST2_SIGNAL_TIMEOUT 4. If the system environment variable R_COVR=true: 20 * 1000 (20s) 5. 500 (0.5s)

All remaining AppDriver methods will default their timeout and timeout_ parameters to the initialized AppDriver$new(timeout=) value. For example, if app <- AppDriver$new(timeout = 500) then app$get_js(timeout=) will default to 500 milliseconds.

New Features

Bug / Improvements

shinytest2 0.1.1

shinytest2 0.1.0

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