fetchNASIS(from=‘pedons’) Columns

This guide identifies source tables and columns for each column in the fetchNASIS(from='pedons') result. Many data elements have a 1:1 relationship with a table and column in NASIS, these are described in order of alphabetical order of their parent NASIS table.

The parent table physical name, column physical name and column description are reported from the NASIS 7 metadata. Any columns that deviate from the NASIS naming, but are 1:1 with a NASIS column, are flagged Alias="Yes" and have a different fetchNASIS() column name from the physical column name. In the future these will be changed to match the NASIS metadata.

The final set of columns reported in this guide are “calculated”: these are derived from data in NASIS and queries of child tables of site/pedon/horizon, but do not have an analog or corresponding metadata description in NASIS. These column entries have custom descriptions and mention the soilDB functions responsible for generating them.


The Ecological Site table records the official list of range and forest ecological sites maintained by NRCS and described in the Ecosystem Dynamics Interpretive Tool (EDIT). This table records only the identifier and name of an ecological site. The complete ecological site characterization resides in the EDIT database. The official list of ecological sites is maintained in EDIT.

fetchNASIS() Column Alias Physical Name Column Description
ecositenm No ecologicalsite.ecositenm The name of an ecological site expressed as the concatenation of a number of underlying individual name components. Due to the size and number of name components, the concatenated name field may not be wide enough to contain the full ecological site name. The Ecological Site Name from ESIS.
ecositeid No ecologicalsite.ecositeid The legacy 11 character long unique identifier for a particular ecological site. It is the concatenated form of the five ecological site ID key fields, ecological site type, ecological site MLRA, ecological site LRU, ecological site number and ecological site state FIPS alpha code.


The Pedon table contains information collected at the time a soil profile description is made. It has data that relates to the profile as a whole.

fetchNASIS() Column Alias Physical Name Column Description
peiid No pedon.peiid An internal ID (integer) that is part (or all) of a key that uniquely identifies a record. Also known as part (or all) of the “primary key”. This value is managed by NASIS and cannot be edited.
describer Yes pedon.descname Name of person(s) that described the soil.
taxonkind No pedon.taxonkind Identifies the kind of taxonomic unit described. Examples are series and miscellaneous areas.
pedontype No pedon.pedontype Identification of what the description represents in relation to a series, component, etc.
pedonpurpose No pedon.pedonpurpose The identification of the intended purpose of the profile description.
erocl No pedon.erocl Class of accelerated erosion. (SSM)
pedlabsampnum No pedon.pedlabsampnum An identifier for the pedon sample that is assigned by the Kellogg Soil Survey Laboratory. This identifier is used to link the morphological pedon description with the associated measured property values from the laboratory.
pedon_id Yes pedon.upedonid A short label to help a user identify a particular pedon.
tsectstopnum No pedon.tsectstopnum The stop number along the specified transect.
tsectinterval No pedon.tsectinterval The distance between the previous point and the current point in a transect.
labdatadescflag No pedon.labdatadescflag An indicator of whether or not this pedon record is the one certified for distribution with analytical lab results from the Soil Survey Laboratory and other National Cooperative Soil Survey Laboratories.
taxonname No pedon.taxonname The name of the taxonomic unit.
taxclname No pedon.taxclname A concatenation of the Soil Taxonomy subgroup and family for a soil (long name).
localphase No pedon.localphase Phase criterion to be used to help uniquely identify soil components or pedons. These are terms such as “drained”, “eroded”, etc.


The Pedon Taxonomic History Moisture Class table provides clear identification of the intended taxonomic moisture class, even though moisture class is implied at a higher taxonomic level. The class or classes listed in this table describe the representative situation for the pedon.

fetchNASIS() Column Alias Physical Name Column Description
taxmoistcl No petaxhistmoistcl.taxmoistcl Soil moisture classes are unique to the family classification, though not included specifically in the name, this is a mechanism to provide clear identification of the actual moisture regime.


This table records the taxonomic classification history of a pedon record from the time it is first described and classified in the field and throughout the life of the data record.

fetchNASIS() Column Alias Physical Name Column Description
soiltaxedition No petaxhistory.soiltaxedition The edition of Keys to Soil Taxonomy used to classify the soil.
taxclname No petaxhistory.taxclname A concatenation of the Soil Taxonomy subgroup and family for a soil (long name).
taxreaction No petaxhistory.taxreaction Indicates the presence or absence of carbonates and the reaction. They are treated together because of their intimate relationship, and are used to indicate family differentiae. (Soil Taxonomy)
taxorder No petaxhistory.taxorder The highest level in Soil Taxonomy.
taxsubgrp No petaxhistory.taxsubgrp The fourth level of Soil Taxonomy. The subgroup is below great group and above family.
taxtempregime No petaxhistory.taxtempregime Soil temperature regime as defined in Soil Taxonomy.
classdate No petaxhistory.classdate The date this particular classification and/or taxon name was assigned.
seriesstatus No petaxhistory.seriesstatus The status assigned to the named series in the Soil Classification database.
classtype No petaxhistory.classtype The location or type of classification and/or taxon name applied.
taxonkind No petaxhistory.taxonkind Identifies the kind of taxonomic unit described. Examples are series and miscellaneous areas.
classifier No petaxhistory.classifier The name of the person who assigned this particular classification.
taxonname No petaxhistory.taxonname The name of the taxonomic unit.
taxpartsize No petaxhistory.taxpartsize Particle-size classes are used as family differentiae. Particle-size refers to grain-size distribution of the whole soil and is not the same as texture. (Soil Taxonomy).
taxgrtgroup No petaxhistory.taxgrtgroup The third level of Soil Taxonomy. The category is below the suborder and above the subgroup.
taxsuborder No petaxhistory.taxsuborder The second level of Soil Taxonomy. The suborder is below the order and above the great group.
osdtypelocflag No petaxhistory.osdtypelocflag An indicator of whether or not this pedon record is/was used as the typical pedon for the named series.
pscbotdepth No petaxhistory.pscbotdepth Depth to the bottom of the taxonomic particle size control section. (Soil Taxonomy)
psctopdepth No petaxhistory.psctopdepth Depth to the top of the taxonomic particle size control section. (Soil Taxonomy)
taxfamhahatmatcl No petaxhistory.taxfamhahatmatcl Human-altered and human-transported material classes are used as family differentiae. They are intended to provide useful information on the behavior and interpretations for use of soils formed in human-altered or human-transported material (Keys to Soil Taxonomy).
localphase No petaxhistory.localphase Phase criterion to be used to help uniquely identify soil components or pedons. These are terms such as “drained”, “eroded”, etc.


The Pedon Taxonomic History Family Other Criteria table lists the other taxonomic characteristics, such as classes of coatings or permanent cracks, that apply to the pedon. The characteristics listed in this table, as a group, describe the representative situation for this pedon.

fetchNASIS() Column Alias Physical Name Column Description
taxfamother No petxhistfmother.taxfamother Soil characteristics other than the defined family characteristics of particle-size classes, mineralogy classes, cation-exchange activity classes, calcareous and reaction classes, and soil temperature classes.


The Pedon Horizon table lists the horizons for each pedon. If the horizon thickness is greater than zero (low=5, RV=8, high=12), the horizon exists throughout the exposure of the profile. If the horizon thickness includes zero (low=0, RV=1, high=3), the horizon may exist in some places, but may not exist in other places.

Horizons that have two distinct parts, such as E/B or E&Bt, are recorded twice. Once for the characteristics of the first part; and again on another row, using the same depths and thicknesses, for the characteristics of the other part.

fetchNASIS() Column Alias Physical Name Column Description
phiid No phorizon.phiid An internal ID (integer) that is part (or all) of a key that uniquely identifies a record. Also known as part (or all) of the “primary key”. This value is managed by NASIS and cannot be edited.
hzname No phorizon.hzname The concatenation of three kinds of symbols (four data elements) used in various combinations to designate layers within the soil. (SSM)
hzdept No phorizon.hzdept The distance from the top of the soil to the upper boundary of the soil horizon.
hzdepb No phorizon.hzdepb The distance from the top of the soil to the base of the soil horizon.
texture No phorizon.texture Name for the concatenation of TEXTURE_MODIFIER and TEXTURE_CLASS.
clay Yes phorizon.claytotest Mineral particles less than 0.002mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2.0mm fraction, estimated at the time of sampling or description.
silt Yes phorizon.silttotest Mineral particles 0.002 to 0.05mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2.0mm fraction, estimated at the time of sampling or description.
sand Yes phorizon.sandtotest Mineral particles 0.05mm to 2.0mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction, estimated at the time of sampling or description.
rupresblkmst No phorizon.rupresblkmst The rupture resistance of a block-shaped specimen of 25 to 30 mm size and moist water state. (SSM)
rupresblkdry No phorizon.rupresblkdry The rupture resistance of a block-shaped specimen of 25 to 30 mm size and dry water state. (SSM)
rupresblkcem No phorizon.rupresblkcem The rupture resistance of a block-like specimen of 25 to 30 mm size that has been air dried and then submerged in water. (SSM)
plasticity No phorizon.plasticity The degree to which a puddled, wet soil mass is permanently deformed without rupturing by a slow continuous application of force in any direction. (SSM)
stickiness No phorizon.stickiness The maximum capacity of thoroughly puddled soil to adhere to other objects.
effclass No phorizon.effclass General terms used to describe the degree of effervescence of soil material when tested for carbonates in the field.
bounddistinct No phorizon.bounddistinct Thickness of the interface between adjacent soil horizons. (SSM)
boundtopo No phorizon.boundtopo Horizontal shape of the interface between adjacent soil horizons. (SSM)
phfield No phorizon.phfield The negative common logarithm, of the hydrogen ion activity in the soil at field moisture conditions using field test methods. A numerical expression of the relative acidity or alkalinity of a soil sample. (SSM) This is also the initial pH that should be used when performing SSIR51V1-7.1.3 the Hydrogen Peroxide Test, Delta pH for Acid Sulfate Soils.
ksatpedon No phorizon.ksatpedon The calculated average of field measured saturated hydraulic conductivity. Describes the ability of soil (porous media) to transmit water when the soil is saturated.
genhz Yes phorizon.dspcomplayerid An arbitrary alpha and/or numeric label assigned to this horizon to indicate which horizons should be combined for analysis and data aggregation purposes.
fragvoltot No phorizon.fragvoltot The total volume percentage of the horizon occupied by the 2 mm or larger fraction (20 mm or larger for wood fragments), on a whole soil base.


The Pedon Horizon Sample table describes the relationship between a soil horizon description and other types of data that may be in the database that relate to that specific horizon, i.e. laboratory analysis results.

fetchNASIS() Column Alias Physical Name Column Description
labsampnum No phsample.labsampnum A unique identifier number for the pedon assigned by the laboratory. This number is used to link the morphological pedon description with the associated measured property values from the laboratory.


The Horizon Texture table lists the texture, or terms in lieu of texture, for the texture modifier and class shown above in the Pedon Horizon table. Only the unmodified texture term is listed in the Pedon Horizon Texture table; modifiers are listed in the Pedon Horizon Texture Modifier table. For example, a gravelly loamy sand is shown as “GR-LS” in the Pedon Horizon table, “ls” in this table, and “gr” in the Pedon Horizon Texture Modifier table.

fetchNASIS() Column Alias Physical Name Column Description
texcl No phtexture.texcl An expression, based on the USDA system of particle sizes, for the relative portions of the various size groups of individual mineral grains less than 2mm equivalent diameter in a mass of soil.
lieutex No phtexture.lieutex Substitute terms applied to materials that do not fit into a textural class because of organic matter content, size, rupture resistance, solubility, or another reason.


The Site table describes the locational information and characteristics of a particular geographic location. A site may be a specific location such as a point where a soil profile description is taken, or it may have some spatial area that is chosen to be treated as a single point. Various kinds of data such as soil profile descriptions, lab data, vegetative data, etc. may be linked to a site in this database.

fetchNASIS() Column Alias Physical Name Column Description
siteiid No site.siteiid An internal ID (integer) that is part (or all) of a key that uniquely identifies a record. Also known as part (or all) of the “primary key”. This value is managed by NASIS and cannot be edited.
climstaid No site.climstaid The station identifier. This is assigned by the responsible agency. This identifier uniquely identifies a climate station.
climstanm No site.climstanm The full descriptive name of the station as recognized by the agency responsible for the station.
climstatype No site.climstatype The type of the weather station, U.S. Official or Other.
ffd No site.ffd The expected number of days between the last freezing temperature (0 degrees Celsius) in spring (Jan-Jul) and the first freezing temperature (0 degrees Celsius) in the fall (Aug-Dec). The number of days is based on the probability that the values for the standard “normal” period of 1961 to 1990 will be exceeded in 5 years out of 10.
map No site.map The arithmetic average of the total annual (liquid) precipitation taken over the standard “normal” period, 1961-1990.
airtempa No site.airtempa The arithmetic average of the daily maximum and minimum temperatures for a calendar year taken over the standard “normal” period, 1961 to 1990.
soiltempa No site.soiltempa The mean annual soil temperature (MAST) at a depth of 50 cm below the soil surface, or at the upper boundary of a root-limiting layer as defined in Soil Taxonomy, whichever is shallower.
airtemps No site.airtemps The mean of the mean June, July and August mean air temperatures in the northern hemisphere. (USDA, 1941, Climate & Man, pg. 690)
soiltemps No site.soiltemps The mean of June, July and August monthly mean soil temperatures (in the northern hemisphere) at a depth of 50 cm below the soil surface, or at the upper boundary of a root-limiting layer as defined in Soil Taxonomy, whichever is shallower.
airtempw No site.airtempw The mean of the mean December, January and February mean air temperatures in the northern hemisphere. (USDA, 1941, Climate & Man, pg. 690)
soiltempw No site.soiltempw The mean of December, January, and February monthly mean soil temperatures (in the northern hemisphere) at a depth of 50 cm below the soil surface, or at the upper boundary of a root-limiting layer as defined in Soil Taxonomy, whichever is shallower.
geomposhill No site.geomposhill A mappable part of the earth’s surface (three dimensional) that represents an episode of landscape development of hills.
geomposmntn No site.geomposmntn A mappable part of the earth’s surface (three dimensional) that represents an episode of landscape development of mountains.
geompostrce No site.geompostrce A mappable part of the earth’s surface (three dimensional) that represents an episode of landscape development of terraces.
geomposflats No site.geomposflats Description of the geomorphic component for flats.
elev_field Yes site.elev The vertical distance from mean sea level to a point on the earth’s surface.
slope_field Yes site.slope The difference in elevation between two points, expressed as a percentage of the distance between those points. (SSM)
aspect_field Yes site.aspect The direction toward which the surface of the soil faces, expressed as an angle between 0 and 360 degrees, inclusive, measured clockwise from true north.
shapeacross No site.shapeacross The geometric, two dimensional profile (shape) of the slope parallel to elevation contours.
shapedown No site.shapedown The geometric, two dimensional profile (shape) of the slope perpendicular to elevation contours.
slopecomplex No site.slopecomplex The identification of whether the landscape surface is simple or complex.
geomslopeseg No site.geomslopeseg Position of the pedon site within the segment of the slope.
hillslopeprof No site.hillslopeprof Two dimensional slope segments of a hillslope that have similar geometric, erosional, or depositional characteristics.
drainagecl No site.drainagecl Identifies the natural drainage conditions of the soil and refers to the frequency and duration of wet periods. An example of a drainage class is well drained.
horizdatnm No site.horizdatnm The identification given to the reference system used for defining the coordinates of points. (Content Standards for Spatial Metadata, FGDC, 3/31/94 draft). This entry applies to both lat/long and UTM coordinates. NO LONGER USED BECAUSE CAN’T DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN UTM AND DMS.
pmgroupname No site.pmgroupname Name for the concatenation of PARENT_MATERIAL_MODIFIER, PARENT_MATERIAL_KIND, and PARENT_MATERIAL_ORIGIN for each of the parent materials that may occur in a vertical cross section of a soil.
utmeasting No site.utmeasting The distance, in meters, proceeding east for the UTM zone. The UTM zone central meridian is the origin and is designated a value of 500,000 meters creating a “false” easting.
utmnorthing No site.utmnorthing The distance, in meters, north from the UTM zone origin. For “north”, origin is the equator equal zero. For the southern hemisphere it is a false northing with origin, i.e. the equator, equal to 10,000,000 meters.
utmzone No site.utmzone Zones of the Universal Transverse Mercator projection system bounded by meridians, the longitudes are multiples of 6 degrees. Zones are numbered from 1 to 60 proceeding east from the 180th meridian from Greenwich, England.
site_id Yes site.usiteid A short label to help a user identify a particular site.
floddurcl No site.floddurcl Average duration of inundation per flood occurrence and expressed as a class. (NSSH)
flodfreqcl No site.flodfreqcl The annual probability of a flood event (inundation by flowing water), expressed as a class. (SSM).
flodmonthbeg No site.flodmonthbeg The month of the year in which the predicted flooding period of a soil is likely to begin.
ponddurcl No site.ponddurcl The average duration, or length of time, of the ponding occurrence. (NSSH)
pondfreqcl No site.pondfreqcl The annual probability of a ponding event (inundation by standing water), expressed as a class.
pondmonthbeg No site.pondmonthbeg The month of the year in which the predicted flooding period of a soil is likely to begin.
reannualprecip No site.reannualprecip An estimate of the amount of moisture available for plant use and/or soil forming processes at a given site. It may vary, plus or minus, from “actual” precipitation amounts as a function of runon, runoff, temperature, aspect, etc.
y_std Yes site.latstddecimaldegrees Standardized latitude value in decimal degrees, in geographic coordinate system, WGS84 datum. Values are either auto-populated from GPS, or computed from original latitude coordinates using standard conversion algorithms.
x_std Yes site.longstddecimaldegrees Standardized longitude value in decimal degrees, in geographic coordinate system, WGS84 datum. Values are either auto-populated from GPS, or computed from original longitude coordinates using standard conversion algorithms.
gpspositionalerror No site.gpspositionalerror The potential distance in meters between the GPS coordinate location and the “true” location of a point observation. The “true” location of the point observation usually lies within the area covered by a circle centered on the GPS coordinate location with a radius equal to the positional error.


This table records the kind(s) of bedrock layers observed at the site. Multiple layers of bedrock can be described.

fetchNASIS() Column Alias Physical Name Column Description
bedrckdepth No sitebedrock.bedrckdepth The observed depth to the top of the bedrock layer.
bedrckhardness No sitebedrock.bedrckhardness The degree of hardness of the underlying rock.
bedrckkind No sitebedrock.bedrckkind Lithology (composition) of bedrock. (AGI)


This table records the history of ecological site correlation with this Site table record.

fetchNASIS() Column Alias Physical Name Column Description
ecositecorrdate No siteecositehistory.ecositecorrdate The date this particular correlation between a Site and Ecological Site was made.
es_classifier Yes siteecositehistory.classifier The name of the person who assigned this particular classification.


The Site Observation table records the date that the various observation or analytical data is collected for the specific site or location. Soil or site properties that may change with time are also recorded here. If a site is revisited at a later date for additional data collection, a new row with the appropriate date is entered in this table. Separate tables exist for properties that may have multiple entries.

fetchNASIS() Column Alias Physical Name Column Description
obs_date Yes siteobs.obsdate The date on which this particular soil was described or sampled, expressed as month, day, year – MM/DD/YYYY.
siteobsiid No siteobs.siteobsiid An internal ID (integer) that is part (or all) of a key that uniquely identifies a record. Also known as part (or all) of the “primary key”. This value is managed by NASIS and cannot be edited.
swaterdepth No siteobs.swaterdepth The observed depth of water on the soil surface.
earthcovkind1 No siteobs.earthcovkind1 The natural or artificial material that is observed to cover a portion of the earth’s surface. It is determined (at least conceptually) as a vertical projection downward. Level one of a hierarchical system. (1992 NRI Instructions)
ecostatename No siteobs.ecostatename The assigned name of the state within the ecological site on which a site or plot is located.
commphaseid No siteobs.commphaseid The assigned identifier code of the community phase of the ecological site on which a site or plot is located.
commphasename No siteobs.commphasename The assigned name of the community phase of the ecological site on which a site or plot is located.
ecostateid No siteobs.ecostateid The assigned identifier code of the state within the ecological site on which a site or plot is located.
earthcovkind2 No siteobs.earthcovkind2 The description of ground cover based on a set of vegetal and non-vegetal classes. It is determined (at least conceptually) as a vertical projection downward. Level two of a hierarchical system.
plantassocnm No siteobs.plantassocnm The name assigned to a particular plant community found at a particular location. A plant association is a kind of plant community represented by a high degree of floristic uniformity in all layers. Plant Associations are identified and named for the dominant plant species in a layer. (Nat. Soil-Range Team, 1988, Instr. for Completing the Stand. Site Descrip.)


The Site Parent Material table lists the individual parent materials, and their vertical sequence, from which the soil at this site developed. The Parent Material Group Name is shown above in the Site table.

fetchNASIS() Column Alias Physical Name Column Description
pmkind No sitepm.pmkind A term describing the general physical, chemical and mineralogical composition of the material, mineral or organic, from which the soil develops. Mode of deposition and/or weathering may be implied or implicit.
pmorigin No sitepm.pmorigin The type of bedrock from which the parent material was derived.


The Transect table is used to record groupings of pedons that are the stops along transects.

fetchNASIS() Column Alias Physical Name Column Description
utransectid No transect.utransectid An identifier assigned by the user to a particular transect that is intended to aid in the identification of the transect for the user.
tsectkind No transect.tsectkind The kind of transect (geometrically described). Described as one of the following: Straight, zigzag, or random point. If straight or zigzag then the actual interval since the last observation point is a required entry. This is a required entry for a transect.
tsectselmeth No transect.tsectselmeth Describes how the transect location was selected. Described as being one of the following. Randomly selected or selected based on some bias. This is a required entry field for transect data.


fetchNASIS_Column ColumnDescription RelatedFunction Deprecated
albic.horizon Presence/absence. Calculated from Pedon Diagnostic Horizon Table with soilDB:::.diagHzLongtoWide() get_extended_data_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
albic.materials Presence/absence. Calculated from Pedon Diagnostic Horizon Table with soilDB:::.diagHzLongtoWide() get_extended_data_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
andic.soil.properties Presence/absence. Calculated from Pedon Diagnostic Horizon Table with soilDB:::.diagHzLongtoWide() get_extended_data_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
aquic.conditions Presence/absence. Calculated from Pedon Diagnostic Horizon Table with soilDB:::.diagHzLongtoWide() get_extended_data_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
argillic.horizon Presence/absence. Calculated from Pedon Diagnostic Horizon Table with soilDB:::.diagHzLongtoWide() get_extended_data_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
art_by Artifact volume (%) in the >600mm size range get_hz_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyArtifactData() FALSE
art_cb Artifact volume (%) in the 75 - 250 mm size range get_hz_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyArtifactData() FALSE
art_ch Flat artifact volume (%) in the 2 - 150 mm size range get_hz_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyArtifactData() FALSE
art_fgr Artifact volume (%) in 2 - 5 mm size range get_hz_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyArtifactData() FALSE
art_fl Flat artifact volume (%) in the >150 mm size range get_hz_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyArtifactData() FALSE
art_gr Artifact volume (%) in 2 - 75 mm size range (includes fine_gravel) get_hz_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyArtifactData() FALSE
art_st Artifact volume (%) in the 250 - 600 mm size range get_hz_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyArtifactData() FALSE
art_unspecified Artifact volume (%) with unspecified/incomplete size specification get_hz_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyArtifactData() FALSE
boulders Rock fragment volume (%) in the >600mm size range get_hz_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyFragmentData() FALSE
cambic.horizon Presence/absence. Calculated from Pedon Diagnostic Horizon Table with soilDB:::.diagHzLongtoWide() get_extended_data_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
channers Flat rock fragment volume (%) in the 2 - 150 mm size range get_hz_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyFragmentData() FALSE
cobbles Rock fragment volume (%) in the 75 - 250 mm size range get_hz_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyFragmentData() FALSE
d_b Dry Color B get_colors_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
d_chroma Dry Color Chroma get_colors_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
d_g Dry Color G get_colors_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
d_hue Dry Color Hue get_colors_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
d_r Dry Color R get_colors_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
d_sigma Dry Color Sigma get_colors_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
d_value Dry Color Value get_colors_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
densic.materials Presence/absence. Calculated from Pedon Diagnostic Horizon Table with soilDB:::.diagHzLongtoWide() get_extended_data_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
dry_soil_color Dry Munsell Soil Color get_colors_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
es_selection_method Ecological Site History record selection method from soilDB:::.pickBestEcosite() get_extended_data_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
fine_gravel Rock fragment volume (%) in 2 - 5 mm size range get_hz_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyFragmentData() FALSE
flagstones Flat rock fragment volume (%) in the >150 mm size range get_hz_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyFragmentData() FALSE
geomicrorelief_string Concatenated microrelief string via soilDB:::.formatLandformString() get_extended_data_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
glossic.horizon Presence/absence. Calculated from Pedon Diagnostic Horizon Table with soilDB:::.diagHzLongtoWide() get_extended_data_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
gravel Rock fragment volume (%) in 2 - 75 mm size range (includes fine_gravel) get_hz_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyFragmentData() FALSE
huartvol_cohesive Cohesive artifact volume (%) get_hz_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyArtifactData() FALSE
huartvol_innocuous Innocuous artifact volume (%) get_hz_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyArtifactData() FALSE
huartvol_penetrable Penetrable artifact volume (%) get_hz_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyArtifactData() FALSE
huartvol_persistent Persistent artifact volume (%) get_hz_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyArtifactData() FALSE
hzID Internal horizon row ID (unique) calculated in aqp SoilProfileCollection objects get_hz_data_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
landform_string Concatenated landform string via soilDB:::.formatLandformString() get_extended_data_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
landscape_string Concatenated landscape string via soilDB:::.formatLandformString() get_extended_data_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
lithic.contact Presence/absence. Calculated from Pedon Diagnostic Horizon Table with soilDB:::.diagHzLongtoWide() get_extended_data_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
lithologic.discontinuity Presence/absence. Calculated from Pedon Diagnostic Horizon Table with soilDB:::.diagHzLongtoWide() get_extended_data_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
m_b Moist Color B get_colors_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
m_chroma Moist Color Chroma get_colors_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
m_g Moist Color G get_colors_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
m_hue Moist Color Hue get_colors_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
m_r Moist Color R get_colors_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
m_sigma Moist Color Sigma get_colors_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
m_value Moist Color Value get_colors_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
microfeature_string Concatenated microfeature string via soilDB:::.formatLandformString() get_extended_data_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
moist_soil_color Moist Munsell Soil Color get_colors_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
mollic.epipedon Presence/absence. Calculated from Pedon Diagnostic Horizon Table with soilDB:::.diagHzLongtoWide() get_extended_data_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
ochric.epipedon Presence/absence. Calculated from Pedon Diagnostic Horizon Table with soilDB:::.diagHzLongtoWide() get_extended_data_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
paraboulders Pararock fragment volume (%) in the >600mm size range get_hz_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyFragmentData() FALSE
parachanners Flat pararock fragment volume (%) in the 2 - 150 mm size range get_hz_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyFragmentData() FALSE
paracobbles Pararock fragment volume (%) in the 75 - 250 mm size range get_hz_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyFragmentData() FALSE
parafine_gravel Pararock fragment volume (%) in 2 - 5 mm size range get_hz_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyFragmentData() FALSE
paraflagstones Flat pararock fragment volume (%) in the >150 mm size range get_hz_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyFragmentData() FALSE
paragravel Pararock fragment volume (%) in 2 - 75 mm size range (includes parafine_gravel) get_hz_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyFragmentData() FALSE
parastones Pararock fragment volume (%) in the 250 - 600 mm size range get_hz_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyFragmentData() FALSE
redox.concentrations Presence/absence. Calculated from Pedon Diagnostic Horizon Table with soilDB:::.diagHzLongtoWide() get_extended_data_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
reduced.matrix Presence/absence. Calculated from Pedon Diagnostic Horizon Table with soilDB:::.diagHzLongtoWide() get_extended_data_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
sapric.soil.materials Presence/absence. Calculated from Pedon Diagnostic Horizon Table with soilDB:::.diagHzLongtoWide() get_extended_data_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
secondary.carbonates Presence/absence. Calculated from Pedon Diagnostic Horizon Table with soilDB:::.diagHzLongtoWide() get_extended_data_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
selection_method Pedon Taxonomic History record selection method from soilDB:::.pickBestTaxHistory() get_extended_data_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
slope_shape Calculated factor where levels are concatenation of site.shapeacross + ” / ” + site.shapedown get_site_data_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
soil_color Default Munsell Soil Color; Moist by default, based on fetchNASIS(soilColorState="moist") get_colors_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
spodic.horizon Presence/absence. Calculated from Pedon Diagnostic Horizon Table with soilDB:::.diagHzLongtoWide() get_extended_data_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
spodic.materials Presence/absence. Calculated from Pedon Diagnostic Horizon Table with soilDB:::.diagHzLongtoWide() get_extended_data_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
stones Rock fragment volume (%) in the 250 - 600 mm size range get_hz_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyFragmentData() FALSE
surface_boulders Surface rock fragment volume (%) in the >600mm size range get_site_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyFragmentData() FALSE
surface_channers Surface flat rock fragment volume (%) in the 2 - 150 mm size range get_site_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyFragmentData() FALSE
surface_cobbles Surface rock fragment volume (%) in the 75 - 250 mm size range get_site_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyFragmentData() FALSE
surface_fgravel Deprecated alias of surface_fine_gravel get_site_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyFragmentData() TRUE
surface_fine_gravel Surface rock fragment volume (%) in 2 - 5 mm size range get_site_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyFragmentData() FALSE
surface_flagstones Surface flat rock fragment volume (%) in the >150 mm size range get_site_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyFragmentData() FALSE
surface_gravel Surface rock fragment volume (%) in 2 - 75 mm size range (includes fine_gravel) get_site_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyFragmentData() FALSE
surface_paraboulders Surface pararock fragment volume (%) in the >600mm size range get_site_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyFragmentData() FALSE
surface_parachanners Surface flat pararock fragment volume (%) in the 2 - 150 mm size range get_site_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyFragmentData() FALSE
surface_paracobbles Surface pararock fragment volume (%) in the 75 - 250 mm size range get_site_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyFragmentData() FALSE
surface_parafine_gravel Surface pararock fragment volume (%) in 2 - 5 mm size range get_site_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyFragmentData() FALSE
surface_paraflagstones Surface flat pararock fragment volume (%) in the >150 mm size range get_site_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyFragmentData() FALSE
surface_paragravel Surface pararock fragment volume (%) in 2 - 75 mm size range (includes parafine_gravel) get_site_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyFragmentData() FALSE
surface_parastones Surface pararock fragment volume (%) in the 250 - 600 mm size range get_site_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyFragmentData() FALSE
surface_stones Surface rock fragment volume (%) in the 250 - 600 mm size range get_site_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyFragmentData() FALSE
surface_total_frags_pct Total surface fragment volume (%), including parafragments get_site_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyFragmentData() FALSE
surface_total_frags_pct_nopf Total surface fragment volume (%), excluding parafragments get_site_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyFragmentData() FALSE
surface_unspecified Surface fragment volume (%) with unspecified/incomplete size specification get_site_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyFragmentData() FALSE
texture_class Texture class of fine-earth fraction (phtexture.texcl). If missing, then the in lieu class is used (phtexture.lieutex). get_hz_data_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
total_art_pct Total artifact volume (%) get_hz_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyArtifactData() FALSE
total_frags_pct Total rock fragment volume (%), including parafragments get_hz_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyFragmentData() FALSE
total_frags_pct_nopf Total rock fragment volume (%), excluding parafragments get_hz_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyFragmentData() FALSE
umbric.epipedon Presence/absence. Calculated from Pedon Diagnostic Horizon Table with soilDB:::.diagHzLongtoWide() get_extended_data_from_NASIS_db() FALSE
unspecified Rock fragment volume (%) with unspecified/incomplete fragsize get_hz_data_from_NASIS_db(), simplifyFragmentData() FALSE

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