The speech package

Nicolás Schmidt, Diego Luján, Juan Andrés Moraes

CRAN_Status_Badge R build status Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. CRAN RStudio mirror downloads


Converts the floor speeches of Uruguayan legislators, extracted from the parliamentary minutes, to tidy data.frame where each observation is the intervention of a single legislator.


# Install speech from CRAN

# The development version from GitHub:
if (!require("remotes")) install.packages("remotes")

Data generation process

1 - Floor speeches

2 - Data extraction

3 - First construction of the data set: speech::speech_build()

4 - Final data set: speech::speech_build(., compiler = TRUE)


You can see more complex examples in the following link.

url <- ""
text <- speech::speech_build(file = url)
#> # A tibble: 24 x 7
#>    legislator speech                  chamber date       legislature id      sex
#>    <chr>      <chr>                   <chr>   <date>           <int> <chr> <dbl>
#>  1 BORDABERRY SEÑOR BORDABERRY. Pido~ COMISI~ 2019-09-17          48 0?wi~     1
#>  2 BORDABERRY SEÑOR BORDABERRY. Prop~ COMISI~ 2019-09-17          48 0?wi~     1
#>  3 AVIAGA     SEÑORA AVIAGA. Pido la~ COMISI~ 2019-09-17          48 0?wi~     0
#>  4 AVIAGA     SEÑORA AVIAGA. En el m~ COMISI~ 2019-09-17          48 0?wi~     0
#>  5 GOÑI       SEÑOR GOÑI. Pido la pa~ COMISI~ 2019-09-17          48 0?wi~     1
#>  6 GOÑI       SEÑOR GOÑI. El Frente ~ COMISI~ 2019-09-17          48 0?wi~     1
#>  7 MAHIA      SEÑOR MAHIA. Pido la p~ COMISI~ 2019-09-17          48 0?wi~     1
#>  8 MAHIA      SEÑOR MAHIA. Gracias, ~ COMISI~ 2019-09-17          48 0?wi~     1
#>  9 ABDALA     SEÑOR ABDALA. Voto por~ COMISI~ 2019-09-17          48 0?wi~     1
#> 10 ASTI       SEÑOR ASTI. Obviamente~ COMISI~ 2019-09-17          48 0?wi~     1
#> # ... with 14 more rows

speech_check(text, initial = c("A", "M"))
#> $A
#>   legislator
#> 1     ABDALA
#> 2       ASTI
#> 3     AVIAGA
#> $M
#>   legislator
#> 1      MAHIA
#> 2     MERONI

text <- speech::speech_build(file = url, compiler = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 11 x 7
#>    legislator legislature chamber             date       id         speech   sex
#>    <chr>            <int> <chr>               <date>     <chr>      <chr>  <dbl>
#>  1 ABDALA              48 COMISION PERMANENTE 2019-09-17 0?width=8~ SEÑOR~     1
#>  2 ASTI                48 COMISION PERMANENTE 2019-09-17 0?width=8~ SEÑOR~     1
#>  3 AVIAGA              48 COMISION PERMANENTE 2019-09-17 0?width=8~ SEÑOR~     0
#>  4 BORDABERRY          48 COMISION PERMANENTE 2019-09-17 0?width=8~ SEÑOR~     1
#>  5 GOÑI                48 COMISION PERMANENTE 2019-09-17 0?width=8~ SEÑOR~     1
#>  6 LAZO                48 COMISION PERMANENTE 2019-09-17 0?width=8~ SEÑOR~     0
#>  7 MAHIA               48 COMISION PERMANENTE 2019-09-17 0?width=8~ SEÑOR~     1
#>  8 MERONI              48 COMISION PERMANENTE 2019-09-17 0?width=8~ SEÑOR~     1
#>  9 PEREYRA             48 COMISION PERMANENTE 2019-09-17 0?width=8~ SEÑOR~     0
#> 10 TOURNE              48 COMISION PERMANENTE 2019-09-17 0?width=8~ SEÑOR~     0
#> 11 VIERA               48 COMISION PERMANENTE 2019-09-17 0?width=8~ SEÑOR~     1

text$word <- speech_word_count(text$speech)

#> Rows: 11
#> Columns: 8
#> $ legislator  <chr> "ABDALA", "ASTI", "AVIAGA", "BORDABERRY", "GOÑI", "LAZO", ~
#> $ legislature <int> 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48
#> $ date        <date> 2019-09-17, 2019-09-17, 2019-09-17, 2019-09-17, 2019-09-17~
#> $ id          <chr> "0?width=800&height=600&hl=en_US1&iframe=true&rel=nofollo~
#> $ speech      <chr> "SEÑOR ABDALA. Voto por la señora legisladora Daisy Tourné~
#> $ sex         <dbl> 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1
#> $ word        <int> 398, 46, 105, 951, 98, 103, 126, 12, 12, 111, 8

Possible application


minchar <- function(string, min = 3){
    string <- stringr::str_remove_all(string, "[[:punct:]]")
    string <- unlist(strsplit(string, " "))
    string[nchar(string) > min]

text$speech %>% 
    minchar(., min = 4) %>%  
    quanteda::corpus() %>% 
    quanteda::dfm(remove = c("señor", "señora")) %>% 
    quanteda.textplots::textplot_wordcloud(color = rev(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(10, "RdBu")))


text$speech %>% 
    minchar(., min = 4) %>%  
    tibble::enframe() %>% 
    tidytext::unnest_tokens(word, value) %>%
    dplyr::count(word, sort = TRUE) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(word = stats::reorder(word, n)) %>%
    dplyr::filter(!stringr::str_detect(word, "^señor")) %>% 
    .[1:40,] %>% 
    ggplot(aes(word, n)) +
        geom_col(col = "black", fill = "#00A08A", width = .7) +
        labs(x = "", y = "") +
        coord_flip() +

Detecting roll-call votes in parliamentary speeches

urls <- speech_url(chamber = "D", days = c("12-06-2002", "14-04-2004"))
rollcall <- speech_rollcall(file =  urls)

#> # A tibble: 165 x 10
#>    legislator       vote argument speech chamber date       legislature rollcall
#>    <chr>           <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>  <chr>   <date>           <int>    <int>
#>  1 ABDALA              0        0 SEÑOR~ CAMARA~ 2002-06-12          45        1
#>  2 AGAZZI              1        1 SEÑOR~ CAMARA~ 2002-06-12          45        1
#>  3 AMEN VAGHETTI       0        0 SEÑOR~ CAMARA~ 2002-06-12          45        1
#>  4 AMORIN BATLLE       0        0 SEÑOR~ CAMARA~ 2002-06-12          45        1
#>  5 ARAUJO              0        1 SEÑOR~ CAMARA~ 2002-06-12          45        1
#>  6 ARGENZIO            0        1 SEÑOR~ CAMARA~ 2002-06-12          45        1
#>  7 ARGIMON             0        0 SEÑOR~ CAMARA~ 2002-06-12          45        1
#>  8 ARRARTE FERNAN~     1        0 SEÑOR~ CAMARA~ 2002-06-12          45        1
#>  9 ARREGUI             1        1 SEÑOR~ CAMARA~ 2002-06-12          45        1
#> 10 BARAIBAR            1        0 SEÑOR~ CAMARA~ 2002-06-12          45        1
#> # ... with 155 more rows, and 2 more variables: id <chr>, sex <dbl>

#> # A tibble: 2 x 10
#>   Chamber Date       Legislators Affirmative Negative prop_AF prop_NG prop_women
#>   <chr>   <date>           <int>       <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>      <dbl>
#> 1 CRR     2002-06-12          92          45       47    48.9    51.1       13.0
#> 2 CRR     2004-04-14          73          32       41    43.8    56.2       15.1
#> # ... with 2 more variables: prop_arg <dbl>, rc <int>


To cite packagespeech in publications, please use:

citation(package = 'speech')
#> To cite package 'speech' in publications use:
#>   Nicolas Schmidt, Diego Lujan and Juan Andres Moraes (NA). speech:
#>   Legislative Speeches. R package version 0.1.5.
#> A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
#>   @Manual{,
#>     title = {speech: Legislative Speeches},
#>     author = {Nicolas Schmidt and Diego Lujan and Juan Andres Moraes},
#>     note = {R package version 0.1.5},
#>     url = {},
#>   }


Nicolas Schmidt (

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