The stdReg2
package provides functionality for
implementing regression standardization for an arbitrary model. As long
as the user can provide a function to estimate the model, and another
function to produce predictions of the desired summary statistic for a
given set of confounders from the model, regression standardization can
be applied to produce estimates of a causal effect.
Here we demonstrate this by implementing a polytomous logistic
regression model for the outcome of activity in the nhefs data, which
takes three levels: (0) very active, (1) moderately active, and (2)
inactive. Inference can be done using the nonparametric bootstrap with
percentile confidence intervals (Tibshirani and
Efron 1993) by setting the argument B
for the number
of replicates, which we omit here for brevity. Note that this method
only applies for point exposures; other methods are needed to produce
valid effect estimates for time-varying exposures, see Robins (1986) or the gfoRmula
package (McGrath et al. 2020).
nhefs_dat <- causaldata::nhefs_complete
# the target outcome model
# mfit <- multinom(active ~ qsmk + sex + race + age + I(age^2) +
# as.factor(education) + smokeintensity, data = nhefs_dat)
## here we predict the probability of being inactive (level 3)
predict_multinom <- function(...) {
predict(..., type = "probs")[, 3]
std_custom <- standardize(fitter = "multinom",
arguments = list(formula = active ~ qsmk + sex +
race + age + I(age^2) +
as.factor(education) + smokeintensity, trace = FALSE),
predict_fun = predict_multinom,
data = nhefs_dat,
values = list(qsmk = 0:1))
#> Exposure: qsmk
#> Tables:
#> qsmk Estimate
#> 1 0 0.09
#> 2 1 0.11
To instruct standardize
how to fit the target outcome
model, we tell it the name of the function to use in the
parameter ("multinom"
in this case) and
provide the arguments to the fitter function as a named list of
. The other required arguments are the data, the
values at which the causal effects are desired, and the
. The predict function takes as input the
object returned by fitter, and outputs a vector of predicted summary
statistics for each row of data. In this case we predict the probability
of being inactive, which is the third column of the result of predict on
a multinomial regression fit.
The output of the result is given above. We find the estimated probability of being inactive is 9% in those who did not quit smoking, while it is 11% in those who did quit smoking.
It is also possible to fit different models for each level of the
exposure, using the standardize_level
function, as in the
following example:
std_custom2 <- standardize_level(fitter_list = list("multinom", "glm"),
arguments = list(list(formula = active ~ qsmk + sex +
race + age + I(age^2) +
as.factor(education) + smokeintensity, trace = FALSE),
list(formula = I(active == 2) ~ qsmk + sex +
race + age +
as.factor(education) + smokeintensity, family = binomial)),
predict_fun_list = list(predict_multinom,
\(...) predict.glm(..., type = "response")),
data = nhefs_dat,
values = list(qsmk = 0:1))
#> Exposure: qsmk
#> Tables:
#> qsmk Estimate
#> 1 0 0.0894
#> 2 1 0.1117
Here we provide a list of fitters, arguments, and predict functions, one for each of the desired levels of the exposure.
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