stevedata 1.5.0

Additions include:

Updates include:

stevedata 1.4.0

Additions include:

Updates include:

stevedata 1.3.0

Additions include:

Updates include:

stevedata 1.2.0

Additions include:

Updates include:

stevedata 1.1.0

Additions include:

stevedata 1.0.0

Additions include:

Updates include:

stevedata 0.9.0

The newest release will have some new and updated data sets. Additions include:

Updates include:

stevedata 0.8.0

The newest release will have some new and updated data sets. Additions include:

Updates include:

stevedata 0.7.0

The newest release will have some new and updated data sets. Additions include:

Updates include:

stevedata 0.6.0

The newest release will have some new and updated data sets. Additions include:

Updates include:

stevedata 0.5.0

The newest release will have some new and updated data sets. Additions include:

Updates include:

stevedata 0.4.0

The newest release will have some new and updated data sets. These include:

Examples may have been updated for greater clarity, especially as this release comes with an accompanying site generated by {pkgdown}. The vignette has been updated as well to account for this.

The release of this package was accelerated by a note from Brian Ripley that R users should anticipate decreased support for direct links by FTP in their preferred web browsers. Accordingly, these links should be changed or scrubbed. This concerned the co2emissions data and documentation. I removed those FTP links. There were no http:// or https:// corollaries. However, the bibliography is still sufficiently informative.

stevedata 0.3.1

The newest release adds a few variables to election_turnout (with the idea of ultimately phasing out this data set). More importantly, CRAN flagged this as a package with unnecessarily large “LazyData” data sets. It makes the change implored by Brian Ripley in the DESCRIPTION file.

stevedata 0.3.0

The newest release will have some new and updated data sets. These include:

Updates include:

stevedata 0.2.0

The newest release will have some new and updated data sets. These include:

stevedata 0.1.0

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