
CRAN R-CMD-check


sundialr is a wrapper around a few of the solvers in the SUNDIALS ODE solving C library produced by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Southern Methodist University. More information about SUNDIALS can be found here. SUNDIALS is one of the most popular and well-respected ODE solving libraries available and sundialr provides a way to interface some of the SUNDIALS solvers in R.

Currently sundialr provides an interface to the serial versions of cvode (for solving ODES), cvodes (for solving ODE with sensitivity equations) and ida (for solving differential-algebraic equations) using the Linear Solver (dense version).

A convenience function cvsolve is provided which allows solving a system of equations with multiple discontinuities in solution. An application of such a system of equations would be to simulate the effect of multiple bolus doses of a drug in clinical pharmacokinetics. See the vignette for more details.

What’s new?

Comments for version 0.1.6

Comments for version 0.1.5

Comments for version


Release 0.1.4

Release 0.1.3

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