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[!IMPORTANT] surveydown is an early stage project under active development and may not yet be a good fit for you. If you are interested in experimenting with it, we welcome your feedback!

[!NOTE] Visit the main documentation site at for more information!

What is surveydown?

surveydown is an open-source, markdown-based platform for interactive and reproducible Surveys using R, Quarto, Shiny, and PostgreSQL databases like Supabase.

image showing the three technologies used in the surveydown platform along with their logos: quarto (for designing surveys), shiny (for rendering the survey), and supabase (for storing data)

Here’s how it works:

  1. Design your survey as a Quarto document using markdown and R code.
  2. Render your survey into a shiny app that can be hosted online and sent to respondents.
  3. Store survey responses in a PostgreSQL database - we recommend Supabase as a free, secure, and easy to use option.

The {surveydown} R package provides functions to bring this all together.

See the complete documentation to get started making your own surveydown survey!

Why surveydown?

Most survey platforms (e.g., Google forms, Qualtrics, etc.) use graphic interfaces or spreadsheets to define survey content, making version control, collaboration, and reproducibility difficult or impossible. The surveydown package was designed to address these problems. As an open-source, markdown-based platform, all survey content is defined using plain text (markdown and R code) in two files:

This approach makes your survey easy to reproduce, share, and version control with common tools like Git. And since all survey data is stored in a PostgreSQL database, you have total control over where your survey data lives. We provide direct support for Supabase as a free, secure, and easy to use option.

In case you’re interested in the background behind the project, this blog post provides something of an origin story. Note that the design discussed in the post is now quite outdated with what ultimately became surveydown.


Install R & Quarto

You need both:

We also recommend working with an IDE that has good support for R, Quarto, and Shiny.

RStudio is great, and we also like VSCode and Positron.

Install the {surveydown} R package

You can install {surveydown} from CRAN in your R console:


or you can install the development version from GitHub:

# install.packages("pak")

Load the package with:


You can also check which version you have installed:



See our todo repo for a running list of things we’re working on / have already added to the project.


See the License.


If you use this package for in a publication, please cite it! You can get the citation by running citation("surveydown") in your R console:


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