survivoR 2.3.5

survivoR 2.3.4

survivoR 2.3.3

survivoR 2.3.2

survivoR 2.3.1

survivoR 2.3.0

survivoR 2.1.0

survivoR 2.0.8

survivoR 2.0.7

survivoR 2.0.4

survivoR 2.0.1

New helper functions:


survivoR 2.0

Big update!

survivoR now includes: * Non-US versions * Survivor Australia seasons 1-7 * Survivor South Africa seasons 1-9 * Survivor NZ season 1

New datasets: * Completely refactored challenge_results dataset * Old dataset available with challenge_results_dep however it is encourage to use the new data set * survivor_auction dataset * screen_time dataset * Contains the estimate total seconds of screen time * Estimate from ML image detection model

Other updates: * short_name on castaway_details is now castaway as per the other datasets * tribe now exists on vote_history * boot_mapping includes game_status to identify if they are in the game, on Redemption, etc * Season 43 cast

Removed fields: * personality_type from castaways

Notes: * advantage_movement and advantage_details not complete for all Non-US versions

survivoR 1.0.1

survivoR 1.0

survivoR 0.9.12

survivoR 0.9.9

survivoR 0.9.6

survivoR 0.9.5

survivoR 0.9.4

survivoR 0.9.3

mirror server hosted at Truenetwork, Russian Federation.