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Symbolic Computation for Structural Equation Models

The symSEM package uses the caracas package, which depends on the SymPy library, for the symbolic computations.

The stable version can be installed from CRAN by:


The developmental version can be installed from GitHub by:

## Install remotes package if it has not been installed yet
# install.packages("remotes")



Compute a symbolic model-implied covariance and correlation matrices


## A regression model
model <- "y ~ b1*x1 + b2*x2
          ## Covariance between x1 and x2
          x1 ~~ x2
          ## Means
          y ~ b0*1
          x1 ~ m1*1
          x2 ~ m2*1"

## Convert it into a RAM speculation
RAM <- metaSEM::lavaan2RAM(model)

## Implied covariance matrix and mean structure
impliedS(RAM, corr=FALSE)

## Implied correlation matrix
impliedS(RAM, corr=TRUE)

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