
To make the most of testex, there are a few configuration steps you might consider. These are made simple by using:


which will :

Though if you prefer you can configure all of this yourself:


Running tests using testthat is simple. Just use


This will add a simple, one-line file to your tests/testthat directory containing


By adding this single line to a testthat test file (such as tests/testthat/test-testex.R), your example tests will be included as part of your test suite.

When run this way, testex tests are embedded with additional metadata including the original file location of the examples so that testthat is able to provide more informative error messages.

R CMD check

By default, your tests will run when your run examples using R CMD check. However, R CMD check will stop on the first error and truncates error output, which can be inconvenient for debugging. If you’d prefer not to run tests during checking, you can add the following line to your DESCRIPTION.

Config/testex/options: list(check = FALSE)

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