R interface to TensorFlow IO


This is the R interface to datasets and filesystem extensions maintained by SIG-IO. Some example data sources that TensorFlow I/O supports are:

We provide a reference Dockerfile here for you so that you can use the R package directly for testing. You can build it via:

docker build -t tfio-r-dev -f R-package/scripts/Dockerfile .

Inside the container, you can start your R session, instantiate a SequenceFileDataset from an example Hadoop SequenceFile string.seq, and then use any transformation functions provided by tfdatasets package on the dataset like the following:

dataset <- sequence_file_dataset("R-package/tests/testthat/testdata/string.seq") %>%

sess <- tf$Session()
iterator <- make_iterator_one_shot(dataset)
next_batch <- iterator_get_next(iterator)

  batch <- sess$run(next_batch)

You’ll see the key-value pairs from string.seq file are printed as follows:

[1] "001"      "VALUE001"
[1] "002"      "VALUE002"
[1] "003"      "VALUE003"
[1] "004"      "VALUE004"
[1] "005"      "VALUE005"
[1] "006"      "VALUE006"
[1] "007"      "VALUE007"
[1] "008"      "VALUE008"
[1] "020"      "VALUE020"
[1] "021"      "VALUE021"
[1] "022"      "VALUE022"
[1] "023"      "VALUE023"
[1] "024"      "VALUE024"
[1] "025"      "VALUE025"

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